[情報] 6.2 新職業飾品

看板 WOW
作者 rainveil (史黛窘道)
時間 2015-04-14 13:56:18
留言 32則留言 (20推 0噓 12→)

還很多效果根本還沒設計出來 參考一下就好 Tier 18 Class Trinkets Archimonde drops class-specific trinkets with spec-specific procs. (阿奇萌得會掉職業專屬飾品,會根據天賦切換效果) Death Knight Trinket: 血:Death Coil deals 40% increased damage, and heals you for 40% of   damage dealt   (死纏增加40% 傷害值40%回復自身血量) 缺 缺 Druid Trinket: 缺 野性:Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury and Berserk by 125%.   (猛虎之怒與狂暴的持續時間延長125%) 缺 恢復:Your Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Genesis ticks have a 5% chance    to also heal other allies within 8 yds.   (你的回春術、生命之花和生生不息每跳有5%也治療8碼內的另一盟友。) Hunter Trinket 獸:Bestial Wrath now lasts an additional 50 sec on your pet, and it   increases your pet's damage by an additional (25 +- 15)% 缺 缺 Mage Trinket: 奧:Arcane Power also increases the damage and reduces the cast time   and global cooldown of Arcane Blast by 40%. 缺 缺 Monk Trinket: 酒:When you drop below 55% health, you gain a charge of Elusive Brew.   Elusive Brew also increases damage dealt by 7%. 霧:Soothing Mist also heals allies around the target for 15% of the   primary target. 缺: Paladin Trinket: 神:Healing with Holy Shock grants you Magnifying Light, increasing   the healing of your next Holy Light or Flash of Light within 6 sec   by 40%. 缺 懲:Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous increase your damage   by 499.94% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times. This effect is reset   if you Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous a different target.   (十字軍打擊或聖槌可以增傷X%10秒 可以疊三次轉目標會重置特效。) Priest Trinket: 戒:Your Penance, Flash Heal, Heal, and Prayer of Healing also grant   Naaru's Discipline to allies, reducing damage taken by 6% for 10 sec. 神:While in Chakra: Sanctuary, Heal's cast time and mana cost are   increased by 45% and its healing is increased by 40%. 暗:Mind Flay damage applies Mental Fatigue to the target, increasing   damage taken from Mind spells by (300 / 100)% for 10 sec, stacking   up to 10 times. Rogue Trinket: 刺:Envenom also increases the critical strike chance of Mutilate and   Dispatch by 30%. 戰:Your Eviscerate now hurls a blade at the target, with a 20 yard range,   and deals 60% additional damage. 敏:Increases the damage of Ambush and Garrote by 75%. Shaman Trinket: 元:Increases the damage and duration of Flame Shock by 100%. 增:Your Windfury Attacks deal 400% increased damage, and have a 22%   chance to generate a Maelstrom Weapon stack. 恢:Casting Healing Surge, Chain Heal, or Healing Wave on a target with   your Riptide on it has a 50% chance to spread that Riptide to another   nearby ally. Warlock Trinket: 痛:Reduces the duration and period of Agony, Unstable Affliction, and   Corruption by 15%. 惡:Hand of Gul'dan has a 30% chance to also summon 3 Wild Imps. 毀:Incinerate increases the critical strike chance of your spells against   that target by 3% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Warrior Trinket: 缺 缺 防:Shield Block now also reduces magic damage taken by 20%.   Shield Barrier now also increases your Armor by 20%.   Shield Charge now increases Shield Slam, Revenge, and Heroic Strike   damage by an additional 20%. *補上熱心版友的翻譯 -- If nobody hates you,           you're doing something wrong. -- http://www.wowhead.com/item=113663 像這個東西一樣雖然有做出來但是根本不會掉嗎? xDD 就是像t裝特效那樣切換
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1428990986.A.F41.html

phoenixzero: 結果到最後都是假情報xdddd 04/14 13:57

ofnfline: 恢復D:你的回春術、生命之花和生生不息每跳有5%機率 04/14 13:57

ofnfline: 也治療8碼內的另一盟友。 04/14 13:57

devilshadow: 應該說是初步構想啦,設計就是這樣 04/14 13:59

ofnfline: 野性D:猛虎之怒與狂暴的持續時間延長125% 04/14 14:00

DEVIN929: 有一種黑廟崇拜飾品的味道 04/14 14:00

bigchoir: 懲戒:十字軍打擊或聖槌可以增傷X%10秒 可以疊三次 04/14 14:01

bigchoir: 轉目標會重置特效。 04/14 14:01

usoko: 好懷念黑廟崇拜飾品 雖然太陽井一開就丟了 04/14 14:02

wrb: 增薩風怒回來惹?!?! 04/14 14:08

dioxin125: 是這一版本太短套裝測試的特效不夠放才這樣搞飾品嗎.. 04/14 14:09

phoenixzero: 我覺得搞不好都沒有出 沒別的意思xd 04/14 14:10

devilshadow: 奇怪天槌的飾品被罵單調沒創意,現在多設計幾種特效 04/14 14:13

devilshadow: 又被批 04/14 14:13

jack0204: G團賺翻用的飾品,土豪快準備銀子吧 04/14 14:13

laokuei: 隔壁不是有ptr測爽 改版移除因為太imba的前例 04/14 14:14

phoenixzero: 但每一職每一天賦就一個飾品 3天賦就要3個@@ 04/14 14:15

dioxin125: lol 奇怪,又沒說不好,某樓特別敏感 04/14 14:15

tokoso2012: 血DK:死纏增加40% 傷害值40%回復自身血量 04/14 14:15

devilshadow: 我也只說批,又沒說批怎樣 lol 04/14 14:23

garfunkel: D3團隊現在沒幾隻貓做蠢事不意外,但這是WOW耶 04/14 14:26

DEVIN929: ptr的數值根本沒有意思阿 只是給你看方向的 04/14 14:28

DEVIN929: 幹嘛執著在數字上 04/14 14:29

icearea: 神牧那特效是懲罰嗎? 04/14 14:49

yang910228: 可能跟t裝一樣特效隨天賦走吧 04/14 14:51

jerry61284: 神牧表示:亂灑恢復 04/14 15:08

Sarvmill: 增薩的風怒就算多400%傷害還是垃圾傷害,風怒已死。 04/14 15:20

aabbabcd: 勿忘隔壁棚的超賽護腕~BZ:哈哈哈 那群白痴花血岩換空氣 04/14 16:14

rei0129: 不就當初bwl職業飾品,雖然出了不知道幾十顆的賊飾品通通 04/14 17:13

rei0129: 都是直接變水晶,連底標dkp都沒人想浪費在這垃圾上 04/14 17:13

rainveil: t5戰士那個增加命令吼HP量的飾品也不惶多讓 04/14 17:39

orz65535: 那時候特效還不成熟 很多只是便利性跟DPS無關 04/14 17:40
