[情報] 6.1.4 Patch Notes

看板 WOW
作者 deathson (小米)
時間 2015-04-01 19:01:04
留言 32則留言 (17推 0噓 15→)

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/16858965991 Hunters Seem fine. Mages Mage Armor has an even newer, more unique icon. Monks Storm, Earth, and Fire has had its powers magnified, and can now be used on a total of 5 targets. Because of this change, it's been renamed to "Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Heart." Priests Leap of Faith can no longer be used on players channeling Hearthstone. Leap of Faith can no longer be used when the Priest is standing next to a cliff. Leap of Faith can no longer be used on players on or near elevators. Priests are now 80% less annoying. Rogues After earning enough Combo Points, the Rogue's next finisher will include fries and a drink. Distract can now be used on people who write patch no... ooh, shiny! Due to Ravenholdt's increased need for secrecy, all further Rogue updates will be presented using invisible ink. 下列文章回文後方可觀看 什麼真的有人看到了喔 聽說有神賊打SoO帕拉岡的時候開劍刃亂舞是真的嗎? Shaman Capacitor Totem is what makes time travel possible. Lightning Bolt can now only be cast while moving. Stopping or standing still will interrupt the cast. Using the /kiss emote on Hexed targets will now cause the effect to end immediately, and you're just going to have to live with that. New ability: Water Shock. Used by chefs to keep noodles from overcooking. Unleash Life, uh... finds a way. Warlocks Cataclysm has finally upgraded to Warlords of Draenor. Due to the events in the Warlords of Draenor opening cinematic, Mannoroth's Fury is significantly less furious. Warlocks can now find and complete an epic, 47-step quest to earn Chromatic Fire. Finally, you can experience the true essence of the Warlock class: rainbows! Chaos Bolt can no longer be targeted. Chaos Bolt does what it wants.You're not Chaos Bolt's dad! Dark Soul has been completely redesigned and made way more difficult to use, but we're not going to tell you how. You're going to have to figure out Dark Soul for yourself. In addition to no longer generating Burning Embers, Rain of Fire no longer deals damage. The Destruction passive Backdraft continues to remind you of that weird Kurt Russell movie about firefighters. 讓我們一起招換翻譯機! (開門) -- 不過我還是比較喜歡台版那個杉木 紅檜等的那個XD --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1427886070.A.E1A.html

devilshadow: 薩滿閃電箭"只能"在移動中施法XDDDD 04/01 19:03

SuM0m0: 人人為己蠻好笑的 哈哈哈 04/01 19:04

devilshadow: 嗜血重新命名為英勇氣概,英勇氣概重新命名為嗜血 04/01 19:04

pig8409: 裙子那個超婊XD 04/01 19:05

sniper2824: 幹XD第一個就覺得有夠白吃了XD 04/01 19:05

devilshadow: 讓我們招喚地球超人 04/01 19:06

kungen: 狗獵: 04/01 19:06

eric1999ty: 今天的情報都不能信! 04/01 19:07

LayerZ: 鳥D現在重新設計了,造成的傷害是按照討輪板上要強化的多 04/01 19:12

LayerZ: 還是弱化的多動態調整。 04/01 19:12

LayerZ: 當盜賊收集了夠多的連集點後,下一次終結技會送炸機跟飲料 04/01 19:17

roxette111: 武僧那是地球超人嗎..土火風水心 04/01 19:17

wzmildf: 術士也只有在愚人節會受到這麼仔細的關愛 04/01 19:28

LayerZ: 擾亂現在可以對寫Patch的人使...好亮! 04/01 19:29

deathson: 我只是挑了一些我覺得有趣的列出來啦 04/01 19:29

deathson: 其他職業的多半都很多...除了某個看起來還不錯的XD 04/01 19:29

LayerZ: 根據拉文霍德莊園的安全性建議,我們接下來的patch將會以 04/01 19:29

LayerZ: 隱形墨水寫成. (以下很多空白) 04/01 19:30

henry1234562: 人人為己改變效果 現在給予第三個飾品格XDDDDD 04/01 19:44

siriya: 術士簡單翻譯 :透過47步的任務可以學會彩虹烈焰 04/01 19:45

siriya: 然後混沌箭將不能指定目標 他會做他想做的 因為你不是他爹 04/01 19:45

siriya: (隔壁棚蒙多表示:) 04/01 19:46

enchyi: 渾沌箭想打誰就打誰 ! 04/01 19:47

deathson: 貓科戰寵現在會在你想走動的時候經常性的在你腳邊絆住你 04/01 19:48

henry1234562: 吉爾尼斯之戰 現在改名叫做供水之戰XD 04/01 19:51

tot9221: 武僧可以召喚地球超人了 !! 04/01 20:01

flutepj: 地球超人耶! 04/01 21:31

tw0517tw: 原來原文還有很多XD 04/01 22:04

goenitzx: 戰寵貓會在你下令攻擊的時候悠閒的趴下來打哈欠瞇眼睡覺 04/02 09:52

rei0129: 你開場只用預謀兩星切割起手,那下一次切割補在哪時候?補 04/02 14:34

rei0129: 幾星的切割? 04/02 14:34

jill: Hunters:...... 04/03 09:46
