[情報] Ben Foster 飾演電影版麥迪文

看板 WOW
作者 anjohn (安囧)
時間 2014-06-03 22:21:48
留言 29則留言 (16推 0噓 13→)

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/05/30/ben-foster-reveals-his-character-in-the- warcraft-movie 縮 http://tinyurl.com/o4pxuwv 好像沒人貼,貼一下... Ben Foster接受IGN專訪時透露他在電影版的角色是麥迪文 "The character in Warcraft that I play is named Medivh. He's a mage, which is essentially a sorcerer," Foster revealed. "He came up in a time protecting an area, and the way he protected this area was through magic. As peace returned to this land he took a break. He hung up his staff, so to speak, or let his guns get dusty. We meet him as his friends are returning asking for his help in a battle." Foster continued, "What's exciting about Duncan Jones' take on this video game is that it shows both sides of the war. It shows both sides of a conflict, which is exciting to me. It's not just a video game turned into a movie. It's asking, hopefully, an important question of, where do we limit our compassion for what we consider to be the bad guys?" 另外也提到電影裡蠻多角色都有用到動態捕捉的技術,但是他的角色沒有 (可能就是獸人吧 XD) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1401805311.A.F58.html

jokester:哈力 你是個巫師 06/03 22:25

Wolfen:我以為目前好萊塢化妝技術可以成功塑造orc了@@ 06/03 22:35

aggressorX:所以這部裡面麥迪文不會變烏鴉嗎XD 06/03 23:08

devilshadow:變烏鴉可以用CG吧 06/03 23:27

Oville:我對吳彥祖到底演什麼角色這件事比較好奇 06/04 00:04

Wolfen:不是說好狗頭人了嗎?(誤) 你不能搶走我的蠟燭!! 06/04 00:43

poppyrose: 你不能搶走我的蠟燭!! 06/04 01:49

Allen0315:吳彥祖:塔斯丁狗膩? 06/04 06:10

sarshia:看到吳彥祖我就直覺想到食人妖 06/04 08:58

gungriffon:我猜大概跟TDK的冠希哥一樣 暴風城守衛(?) 06/04 09:51

gungriffon:然後可能也跟冠希哥一樣 晃半秒分鏡+遞個東西 沒了 06/04 09:52

Nangol:演血精靈? 06/04 10:37

strray:特地找個華人應該不會是演一般人類 跟背景太不合了 06/04 10:39

strray:搞不好真的是高等精靈 06/04 10:39

Nangol:高等精靈的臉還蠻東方的 結果是熊貓人XDD 06/04 10:50

yukinoba:找吳彥祖來是為了武打底子吧...外型用後製扮什麼都可以 06/04 11:10

Allen0315: 當初中古魔幻世界的背景中土大陸東方本來就是精靈 06/04 11:11

Allen0315:的居住地 包括高等精靈 木精靈 夜精靈 設定 都算亞洲人 06/04 11:11

Allen0315:所以WOW一開始夜精靈出來的時候 很多相關文化背景設定 06/04 11:12

Allen0315:直接使用韓國的文化 新年 長老 年糕什麼的 06/04 11:12

Allen0315:而實際上仔細看WOW裡的高等精靈設定 並不是"最"高的種族 06/04 11:13

Allen0315:反而更符合這樣的論點 06/04 11:14

mushroomface:結果飾演閃金鎮步卒 06/04 14:43

rock0747:演守衛:我以前也是位冒險者,直到我的膝蓋 06/04 15:22

garfunkel:結果NE的英文是最標準的 06/04 15:36

darknesstime:風暴老陳冠希......(喂~~~~~ 06/04 17:38

chen5293:熊貓人=洪金寶 06/04 18:19

gungriffon:老陳洪金寶:為了生活我可以忍 但動我的莉莉就不行! 06/04 20:13

Fanchiang:吳彥祖:我的假髮會撕裂你 06/04 21:27
