[無用] 5.4武僧相關整理

看板 WOW
作者 genesys75 (不宅的某色)
時間 2013-09-09 00:30:41
留言 25則留言 (15推 0噓 10→)

這應該是唯一一篇沒有上色跟排板的,就當作改板消息看看就好了XD 資料來源: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10158897/#monk Monk 奕塔之光 General 一般 Spinning Crane Kick now functions like a smart heal, healing the 6 most injured friendly targets within range, and minor guardians are no longer targeted (Wild Imps, Bloodworms, Snakes from Snake Traps, etc.). There has been no change to the total amount of healing granted by the ability. 鶴旋踢:現在以類似智能治療的方式運作,治療範圍內至多六個受傷的友方目標, 一些小型的守護者不會再成為受治療的目標。 Brewmaster 釀酒 Keg Smash now deals 18% less damage. 酒罈破現在降低18%傷害 Fixed a bug that caused the damage of some abilities for Brewmasters with Vengeance to scale incorrectly. 修正一個因為釀酒天賦而獲得復仇的錯誤。(這句我翻得怪怪的) Mistweaver 織霧 Mana Tea is now consumed at an increased rate of 1 stack per 0.5 seconds (up from 1 stack per 1 second). 法力茶現在每0.5秒回覆一次法力。(原為1秒1次) Revival's healing has been reduced by 30%. 五氣歸元的治療量減少了30%。 Windwalker 新職業 Mastery: Bottled Fury has been redesigned. Bottled Fury now gives a chance to generate an additional charge of Tigereye Brew when the Monk gains one normally. 精通又改啦,現在每次獲得虎眼酒的時候都有機會多疊虎眼酒。 Storm, Earth and Fire now deals 70% damage (up from 60%) with one Spirit summoned and 55% (up from 45%) with two Spirits summoned. 分身:現在招換一隻攻擊力降為70%(共140%),兩隻降為55%(共165%)。 Tigereye Brew received an adjustment. 虎眼酒又被改了。 It now increases damage by 6% per stack, (up from 1% per stack) but is no longer increased by Mastery. 每層可以獲得6%增傷(原為1%),但是不再從精通獲得增益。 A charge of Tigereye Brew is gained for each 4 Chi consumed through use of abilities and attacks (up from a charge for each 3 Chi consumed). 每花4氣獲得一層虎眼酒。(原為3氣) Talents 天賦 Chi Brew now restores 2 Chi, has a 45-second cooldown (down from 1.5 minutes), and generate stacks of Brew/Teas based on the Monk's specialization. 真氣酒現在獲得兩氣,45秒冷卻,並且根據專精獲得酒或茶 Brewmaster: 5 stacks of Elusive Brew 釀酒獲得五層飄渺酒。 Mistweaver: 2 stacks of Mana Tea 織霧獲得兩層法力茶。 Windwalker: 2 stacks of Tigereye Brew 御風獲得兩層虎眼酒。 Chi Burst no longer requires a target. It now travels as a 40-yard line in front of the Monk. 仙氣發勁(x)真氣爆發(o)不再需要目標,現在將往武僧面前40碼前進。 Healing Elixirs will no longer activate if the Monk is already at full health, and activate automatically when the Monk has less than 35% of their maximum health. 飲中作樂當武僧滿血時不再被消耗,並且低於35%最大血量時將自動觸發。 Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger now has a pet control bar for Xuen, and the talent is no longer on global cooldown for all Monk specializations. 召喚白虎雪怒將擁有寵物控制列,並且不再觸發武僧的GCD Brewmaster Monks now gain Vengeance when Xuen takes damage. 釀酒武僧將從雪怒承受的傷害中獲得復仇。 Power Strikes will now activate from the following Chi generating abilities; Jab, Expel Harm, Spinning Crane Kick (when it hits at least 3 targets), Crackling Jade Lightning, and Soothing Mist. 聚氣打擊現在能在下列集氣技能中作用:刺擊、斗轉星移、鶴旋踢(需擊中至少三個目標) 、碎玉轟雷掌跟舒和之霧。 Ring of Peace has a new visual effect that properly depicts its area-of-effect, and now disarms both enemies and those attacking allies within the Ring of Peace's area-of-effect for 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds); the silence effect for casting spells remains unchanged at 3 seconds. 和平之環擁有新的視覺效果,將正確的顯示其作用範圍。繳械效果提高為四秒,沉默則維 持三秒。 Rushing Jade Wind has been redesigned and replaces Spinning Crane Kick. 飛玉疾風被重新設計並取代鶴旋踢。 Rushing Jade Wind: The Monk summons a whirling tornado around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies (heals nearby allies for Mistweavers). Rushing Jade Wind has the same costs, Chi generation, and periodic rate as Spinning Crane kick, but, deals 80% of the periodic damage or healing, lasts 6 seconds, is instant, and not channeled. 飛玉疾風將與鶴旋踢擁有相同的消耗、真氣獲得量和傷害頻率,但是只造成鶴旋踢80%的 傷害和治療,持續六秒,瞬發,不需要引導。 Zen Sphere now deals 15% more healing and damage. 禪心玉提高15%的治療和傷害。 Glyphs 雕紋 Major Glyphs 極效雕紋 Glyph of Afterlife now increases the chance to summon a Healing Sphere by 100% (up from 25% chance). 轉生靈魄雕紋:現在提高掉落治療玉的機率100%(原為25%) Glyph of Crackling Jade Lightning has been replaced with Glyph of Nimble Brew. 鶴旋踢雕紋現在被靈動絕釀雕紋取代。 Glyph of Nimble Brew causes Nimble Brew to heal the Monk when it clears a root, stun, fear, or horror effect. 靈動絕釀雕紋:當移除身上的定身、昏迷、恐懼和恐慌效果時,將治療武僧。 Glyph of Expel Harm has been replaced with Glyph of Rapid Rolling. 斗轉星移雕紋現在被快速翻滾雕紋(暫譯)取代。 Glyph of Rapid Rolling makes the next Roll or Chi Torpedo go farther after using a Roll or Chi Torpedo. 快速翻滾雕紋:當使用過翻滾獲者真氣飛龍穿後,下個翻滾將移動得更遠。 Glyph of Retreat has been replaced with Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres. 金蟬脫殼雕紋現在被偶然玉雕紋(這個絕對不會是定案,但是我想不到)取代。 Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres causes a healing sphere to be summoned near the Monk at no cost when their health falls below 25%. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. 偶然玉雕紋:當武僧血量低於25%時將召喚一顆無消耗的治療玉在身旁, 此效果不會在30秒內再次觸發。 Glyph of Stoneskin has been replaced with Glyph of Detox. 石膚雕紋現在被化毒祛病雕紋取代。 Glyph of Detox causes Detox to heal the target when it successfully removes a harmful effect. 化毒祛病雕紋:成功驅散一個有害效果時將治療目標。 Glyph of Transcendence now reduces the cooldown of Transcendence: Transfer by 5 seconds (used to increase the range by 10 yards). 超凡入聖雕紋現在降低冷卻時間5秒。(原為提高10碼距離) Glyph of Uplift has been replaced by Glyph of Targeted Expulsion. 振氣訣雕紋現在被指定排除雕紋取代。 Glyph of Targeted Expulsion now causes Expel Harm to heal for 50% as much when used on other targets. 指定排除雕紋:斗轉星移將可以作用於友方目標,造成50%的效果。 -- -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1378657850.A.D08.html

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nextpage:差很多,就出團而言,好像也沒風僧的固定位子可以卡? 09/09 08:38

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jileen:本篇已收 09/10 01:46
