Re: [情報] Patch 5.3 - PTR Build 16825

看板 WOW
作者 enchyi (En)
時間 2013-04-10 04:05:15
留言 32則留言 (15推 0噓 17→) 簡單貼個技能變更,詳細數據請自己點進去看~ Death Knight (Forums) 乾兒子 Blood 小強 Heart Strike now does 50% less damage to each additional enemy, up from 25%. 碎心打擊對額外目標造成50%傷害,從25%上調。 BUFF Frost 凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝凜衝 Howling Blast base damage increased by 16% and AP scaling increased by 26%. 凜風衝擊的基礎傷害提高16%,吃攻擊強度的係數提高26%。 BUFF Unholy 亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域亡域 Sudden Doom now requires Unholy Presence to proc free Death Coils. 厄運奏降只能在穢邪領域觸發。 血臉邪DK PVP過太爽被發現了 Arcane Shot no longer applies Hunter's Mark. 秘法射擊不再觸發獵人印記。 Focused Aim now reduces pushback by 70%, down from 10%. 專注瞄準現在防打退70%,從10%調降。 (我看半天看不懂這個是改啥) Serpent Sting now costs 15 Focus, down from 25. 毒蛇釘刺現在消耗15點集中值,從25點調降。 BUFF Talents Powershot now will hit moving targets between you and the primary target. 強力射擊現在將會擊中路徑上移動的目標。 BUFF 移動世界又更歡樂了 Mage (Forums) 親兒子 Living Bomb had damage rebalanced to have more of the damage in the DoT component of the spell and less in the final explosion. Talents Living Bomb had damage rebalanced to have more of the damage in the DoT component of the spell and less in the final explosion. 活體爆彈DOT變痛,最後爆炸的一跳傷害降低。 平衡 因為很重要所以要說兩遍 Priest (Forums) 哭哭 Power Word: Shield SP and base absorb reduced by 20% for Discipline. Holy also saw a reduction, showing the same tooltip values as Shadow priests now. 真言術:盾 戒律專精砍20%基礎吸收跟法能加成,神聖專精砍成跟暗影專精一樣 ~ NERF 詳細的係數可以點進網頁把游標移上面看...我都不忍心看下去了 Rogue (Forums) 老兒子 Talents Shuriken Toss now costs 40 Energy, up from 20. Base damage and AP scaling doubled. 手裡劍消耗集中值提升為40,基礎傷害跟強度加成也同時提高2倍。 微妙 Shaman (Forums) 1秒死14次 雷亞斯有翻了 Healing Stream Totem (Restoration) now heals for 83.3% of Spell Power, up from 31 + 42.6% of Spell Power. 治療之泉圖騰治療量上升(恢復專精)。 BUFF Lightning Bolt can now be cast while moving. 閃電箭可以移動中施法。 BUFF 但是應該只是改Tooltips Major Glyphs Glyph of Lightning Shield - When your Lightning Shield is triggered, you take 10% less damage for 6 sec. 閃電盾雕紋 當閃電盾反傷之後獲得減傷10%6秒鐘。 做了個好夢嗎? Warlock (Forums) 低調兒子 Demonic Gateway is now a 4 sec cast, down from 5. 惡魔之門施放時間改為4秒,從5秒調降。 BUFF Health Funnel (Affliction) now restores 30% health from Soulburn, down from 36%. 生命通道現在將會從靈魂炙燃(痛苦專精限定)獲得30%的血量,從36%調降。 Affliction DOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOTDOT Soulburn: Health Funnel - Your Health Funnel will restore 140% more health and will reduce damage taken by your pet by 30% for 10 sec. 靈魂炙燃:生命通道 生命通道將會多回140%血量而且寵物獲得減傷30%10秒鐘。 BUFF Destruction 渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭渾蛋箭 Fire and Brimstone had a tooltip error corrected. 硫磺與火焰 修正一個顯示訊息的錯誤。 Major Glyphs Glyph of Drain Life now also increases the healing from Harvest Life generated by your primary target by 20%. 吸取生命雕紋 同時增加收割生命對主要目標的治療量20% BUFF Minor Glyphs Glyph of Gateway Attunement now works with any Demonic Gateway. 惡魔之門雕紋 現在將作用於任何惡魔之門。 微妙 難道之前每個門還會認主人嗎 XD? BUFF跟NERF的依據是按照我所理解的狀況,有些PTR沒跟到所以假如有錯請指正 還有不要再抗議我帶太多主觀看法了,我是不會停止的 ! -- Wrathbringer-GodLike Horde Blood Elf Priest Enchyi Armory WoWProgress -- ◆ From:
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kkmin:獵人那個可能是拉弓時被攻擊造成的施法倒退時間減少70%? 04/10 04:20

enchyi:我有移上去看,因為這個東西這版就是這樣了... 04/10 04:21

enchyi:所以不太懂要表達什麼 ._. 04/10 04:22

Layase1:大概很多都修正敘述吧 我是沒看獵人部分... 04/10 04:35

ssxx:賊那個算Nerf,但身為賊不得不說這刀砍得不錯 04/10 04:59

enchyi:我覺得是現在丟手裡劍丟的太氾濫了,不過我對賊不熟不敢說 04/10 05:03

Supremelol:算NERF吧 但好像也沒NERF很多 04/10 05:18

enchyi:假如總傷不變的話,那就是星變少 算是NERF吧 04/10 05:21

enchyi:瞬間爆發會變高,可是總DPS卻沒變 星變少 好像沒比較爽 04/10 05:21

enchyi:我覺得應該是PVP賊丟手裡劍丟太爽這樣 04/10 05:22

Layase1:以薩滿角度來看 都還是針對PVP做修改 04/10 05:34

alan3100:法師那個根本是白癡改動 BZ真的是蠢到沒藥醫 04/10 08:15

pilkk:還好沒隔壁老王的兒子聖騎 04/10 10:04

Liszt1025:幹 牧師是招誰誰惹誰 04/10 10:08

Tommy5566:神聖:抗議! 戒律太強了啦! 能打又能補 我只能在旁邊玩沙 04/10 10:43

Tommy5566:Bz:好好~~兩個一起打五十大板 04/10 10:44

alsh:dk也不用調凜風 先讓凜風和暴擊正常掛勾好嗎 04/10 10:52

misevil:改成凜風吃殺戮酷刑就好啦 04/10 10:56

aritster:毒蛇好像現在就是15集中值了 04/10 10:59

tzonren:毒釘現在就是15集中... 04/10 11:00

gvures:雙持冰DK這下可以把滅寂拉出熱鍵了.... 04/10 11:06

resiest:牧師盾我看NGA翻意是說修正技能說明!也就是現在這版本其實 04/10 11:11

resiest:裝..說明沒改等下PATCH(5.3)改 04/10 11:11

enchyi:原來又是一個改TOOLTIPS...往好處想不會更爛了... 04/10 12:59

amsonmoon:手裡劍這樣改不就直接取代邪攻就好嗎@@ 04/10 13:05

CrazyLord:毒蛇很早就15集中了吧.. 04/10 13:11

Minagi2005:好多兒子XD 04/10 15:41

mimily0504:等手裡劍可以遠程放腎擊,盜賊就成功變成遠程攻擊職業 04/10 18:10

mimily0504:了,我絕對不是靠腰手裡劍痛的很無恥..... 04/10 18:11

betty841128:不忍心看下去了... 04/10 21:34

Rsew:有好有壞啊,同樣的時間製造更大的傷害,遠程撿尾刀更好用 04/11 02:25

Rsew:不然有時野戰或戰場狂丟手裏劍按得有點累 04/11 02:26
