□ [情報] Patch 5.2 PTR - Build 16408(德)

看板 WOW
作者 altcd (這是個盲從的年代~)
時間 2012-12-22 11:21:44
留言 13則留言 (5推 0噓 8→)

Cenarion Ward Heals the target for (6,174 + 57.0% 12,349 + 104.0% of SP) every 2 sec for 6 sec. - 塞納里奧結界 (大buff) 從 6,174 + 57.0%法能 -> 12,349 + 104.0%法能 Faerie Swarm You may only snare 1 target at a time. - 精靈蟲群 (nerf) 現在一次只能作用在一個目標 Frenzied Regeneration Instantly converts up to 60 Rage into up to [ [0.010000000000 * 20000% of AP - 0.020000000000 * 20000% 22000% of AP - 0.020000000000 * 22000% of AGI or 0.010000000000 * 25000% of STA ] health.] Requires Bear Form. - 狂暴恢復 (不知算buff還nerf) 回復量從 200%攻強 - 400%敏 -> 220%攻強 - 440%敏 Hotfix Passive (New) - hotfix被動(沒啥改啥) Mark of the Wild 22.4% 10% of Base Mana. - 野性印記 耗魔從 22.4% -> 10% Revive 67.1% 30% of Base Mana. - 復活 耗魔從 67.1% -> 30% Symbiosis 6 sec cooldown. - 共生 現在有6秒CD Thrash Feral, Guardian. Thrash (Balance, Guardian, Restoration) Feral, Guardian. Thrash (Feral) Feral, Guardian. - 痛擊 不知改了啥 Talents 天賦 Cenarion Ward Protects a friendly target, causing any damage taken to heal the target for (6,174 + 57.0% 12,349 + 104.0% of SP) every 2 sec for 6 sec. - 塞納里奧結界 同上 Displacer Beast Teleports the Druid up to 20 yards forward and activates Cat Form and Prowl. activates Cat Form, and increases movement speed by 0% for 4 sec. - 獸性位移 (微妙) 取消進入潛形,但閃現後移動速動增加50%持續4秒 Force of Nature Summons 3 treants to assist in the Druid's current combat role for 15 sec. Treant capabilities vary by specialization. Useable in all shapeshift forms. INTERNAL ERROR Couldn't parse description. - 自然之力 明確的寫出個專精的樹人們會做什麼 鳥德: 每2秒施放一發憤怒,並會施放糾纏根鬚 貓德: 每2秒造成物理傷害,並會施放重擊 熊德: 每2秒造成物理傷害,並會施放低吼 樹德: 每3秒幫附近受傷的隊友補血 Mass Entanglement 2 min cooldown. 30 sec cooldown. - 群體糾纏 (大buff) CD從 2分 -> 30秒 Nature's Vigil Increases all damage and healing done by 20% for 30 sec. 10% for 30 sec. 3 1.5 min cooldown. - 自然戒備 CD從 3分 -> 1.5分,但增加的傷害及治療也從 20% -> 10% Soul of the Forest Balance When a Lunar Eclipse ends you gain 20 40 Solar Energy and when a Solar Eclipse ends you gain 20 Lunar Energy. 40 Lunar Energy. Guardian Mangle now generates an additional 2 Rage. 3 Rage. Restoration You gain 50% 75% haste for your next spell when you cast Swiftmend. - 森林之魂 (大buff,貓貓除外....) 鳥德: 離開日月蝕時取得的月日能從 20 -> 40 貓德: 不變 熊德: 割碎額外產生的怒氣從 2 -> 3 樹德: 施放迅癒後的加速從 50% -> 75% Typhoon 20 30 sec cooldown. - 颱風 (nerf) CD 從 20秒 -> 30秒 Balance 鳥 Hotfix Passive (New) Feral 貓 Hotfix Passive (New) Savage Roar Only effective in Cat Form. - 兇蠻咆哮現在只能作用在貓型態 Guardian 熊 Hotfix Passive (New) Mastery: Nature's Guardian Increases your armor by 10%. 12%. - 精通: 自然守護者 (buff) 增加的護甲從 10% -> 12% Restoration 樹 Hotfix Passive (New) 急著出門,很快的打完 希望沒有太大錯誤 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1356146507.A.3BD.html

hitface:樹人看起來還是沒甚麼用= = 12/22 11:24

BlueSkyCM:難說 如果吃主人加速+暴擊 又可以觸發主人特效的話 12/22 11:30

riverT:熊的精通還是很爛 12/22 11:58

andante6851:加速75趴是甚麼巫術 12/22 12:36

andante6851:話說熊的樹人到底會不會嘲諷啊= =? 12/22 12:37

FESTUM:低吼就是禽獸版的嘲諷阿 12/22 12:45

psalmian:問題是樹人耐打嗎...三隻大軍? 12/22 12:58

andante6851:我的意思是 我曾經放過熊的樹人 可是他根本不會幫坦 12/22 15:33

andante6851:所以我很好奇他到底會不會嘲諷/低吼 12/22 15:33

altcd:可能是這次改的? 以前可能不會吧 12/22 15:49

altcd:剛在外面想到 自然戒備這樣改對貓算是小nerf 12/22 15:49

altcd:跟狂暴搭時瞬間爆發少了10%... 看來應該又是個pvp改動 12/22 15:51

Aggro:窮人板大軍嗎... 12/22 17:16
