[新聞] 伯騰絲三小時苦戰勝出 賽後繼續跟對手口

看板 Tennis
作者 iamshana (CANINE力集中在一些重要S)
時間 2020-10-01 14:52:34
留言 24則留言 (15推 0噓 9→)

伯騰絲三小時苦戰勝出 賽後繼續跟對手口水戰 2020/10/01 08:34 法網第五種子伯騰絲(路透社) 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕法網女單第五種子、來自荷蘭的伯騰絲(Kiki Bertens)第二輪 遭遇義大利選手艾拉妮(Sara Errani)。伯騰絲克服先前對戰五次全敗的劣勢,纏鬥許 久後最終7-6、3-6、9-7戰勝對手。但賽後雙方還沒互相致意,伯騰絲就直接坐上輪椅離 場,這也引起艾拉妮不滿。 兩人此戰打得火熱,總計互破對方發球局高達24次,致勝球顆數合計逼近三位數。兩人在 比分上咬得很緊,第二盤第七局時多達五次戰成平手。第三盤艾拉妮原本以7-6領先,卻 再度被破發,打成平手的伯騰絲把握機會再拿兩局,奪下3小時11分激戰後的勝利。 但伯騰絲尚未與艾拉妮進行賽後「碰拍」致意,就以受傷為由坐上輪椅,讓艾拉妮有些不 滿。根據《BBC》報導,艾拉妮在賽後記者會上毫無保留的直說伯騰絲坐輪椅退場簡直誇 大。 「我不喜歡有人把我當作笑話。」這位義大利女將說:「我覺得她在球場上的態度很差。 一小時前她說自己受傷要坐上輪椅離場,但現在她完美的出現在餐廳,我很抱歉但我真的 很討厭這樣。」 不過獲勝者也有話要說。「整場比賽我的狀況像是雲霄飛車。身體狀況並不好,很冷卻又 流很多汗。我想每個人都看得出來我抽筋了。」伯騰絲說:「她可以有任何想法,我也理 解她的挫敗感,但我在醫護室待了45分鐘,進去30分鐘後我才停止抽筋,也許她應該來看 看到底真正發生什麼事。」 但記者會影片下方許多網友不領情的表示,這是因為艾拉妮輸球才出現的酸葡萄心態。更 有人嘲諷她只是因為沒辦法在近年打出好表現,才會處處針對。 https://bit.ly/2EOnA1f French Open 2020: Kiki Bertens accused of exaggerating injury after leaving co urt in wheelchair 30 September 2020 Tennis Share this with Email Share this with Facebook Share this with Twitter Share t his with Whatsapp Image copyright GETTY IMAGES Kiki Bertens leaves court in wheelchair Image caption Kiki Bertens left the court screaming in pain after the win over Sara Errani Fifth seed Kiki Bertens left the court in a wheelchair after her victory over Sara Errani before being accused by the Italian of exaggerating her injury. The Dutchwoman was in tears with cramps after her 7-6 (7-5) 3-6 9-7 win over t he 2012 finalist, who quickly departed without tapping racquets at the net, an d also shouted an obscenity. "I don't like it when someone is joking on you," Errani said. "I don't think she had a good attitude on court." Errani, who three times failed to serve out the match and squandered a match p oint at 6-5, added: "One hour she has an injury and goes out of the court on a chair and now she is perfect in the restaurant. I don't like these things, I' m sorry." Asked if she thought Bertens was exaggerating, she replied: "Yes." And asked i f the Dutchwoman needed the wheelchair, she said: "Ask her." Bertens, 28, left the court screaming in pain after visibly struggling physica lly towards the end of the three-hour-11-minute match, which had featured 24 b reaks of serve. "It was a rollercoaster, to be honest. Physically I didn't feel great, I was c ramping, I think everyone could see that," the world number eight said. "But it was weird because I didn't feel really tired but I was sweating and I was cold, so I don't know what it was, maybe a bit of tension in the body. I k ept on fighting and I still don't know how I won. ADVERTISEMENT "I was cramping left leg, right foot, both hands, a lot of places." Bertens said she could understand the frustrations of Errani, who had so much trouble with her ball toss that resorted to several under-arm serves during th e match, and was not taking it personally. "For me she can say whatever she feels like," she said. "Maybe I should take m ore acting classes or pursue a career in that. I'm not sure what she is thinki ng. "I was in the treatment room for 45 minutes with the physios and after 30 minu tes I stopped cramping so maybe she should have been in there and seen what ha ppened." Errani, who had also appeared to mock Bertens' cramping, later said the obscen ity at the end of the match was not aimed at her opponent and was just somethi ng that Italians say a lot when they are angry. 可憐的Bertens... https://i.imgur.com/sIafutX.jpg
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1601535157.A.846.html

funnily : https://t.co/TvtI7sOhDT 記者在寫什麼? 10/01 15:54

funnily : Errani還有臉說人家 一個發球空拋3次 比賽中模仿對 10/01 15:58

funnily : 手抽筋的樣子 離場前還用義語吼了聲髒話 10/01 15:58

ozakiinptt : 昨天翠姨被吼聲 嚇到 ..... 10/01 16:11

gitans : Errani真的非常誇張發球可以拋了那麼多次還發不出去 10/01 16:21

gitans : 完全沒有職業選手的水準 10/01 16:24

rainww25 : 噗 完美地出現在餐廳 10/01 16:39

shingo : 看影片記者好像在亂寫耶,明明kiki好像有想要致意 10/01 16:41

shingo : 但是errani直接走掉? 10/01 16:41

stardust : 看影片不是記者寫的那樣… 10/01 16:56

wakaba1229 : 這位記者在亂帶什麼風向 10/01 16:59

amorviva : 原文新聞就這樣寫的啊 應該是errani自己在帶什麼風 10/01 17:04

amorviva : 向才對吧XD 10/01 17:04

chenkai2814 : Errani之前法網女雙輸給淑薇就超沒禮貌 10/01 17:07

chenkai2814 : 印象深刻那嘴臉看了很討厭哈哈 10/01 17:08

cloudcuckoo : 「但賽後雙方還沒互相致意,伯騰絲就直接坐上輪椅 10/01 17:14

cloudcuckoo : 離場」?怎麼和我看到的不一樣? 10/01 17:14

gitans : Kiki有意要跟Errani致意是Errani自己不理就直接離場 10/01 18:01

seven711 : 我印象中的Kiki是很有禮貌的球員,記者是不是亂寫啊 10/01 18:11

dj30211 : 明明Kiki還倒地要起來去碰拍Errani就收完東西走了 10/01 18:48

dj30211 : 記者在亂寫什麼 顛倒黑白 10/01 18:48

seaofgod : Errani 本來就態度很差 10/02 03:23

funnily : https://t.co/PhvwFuoZ0A 離場那吼聲真的嚇到不少人 10/02 16:50

funnily : 更正一下 這應該是巴黎上空的爆炸聲才對 10/02 16:53
