[情報] Carla Suarez Navarro 被診斷出癌症

看板 Tennis
作者 deehsu ()
時間 2020-09-01 23:29:26
留言 44則留言 (33推 0噓 11→)

https://twitter.com/i/status/1300811874355871745 本來快要退休的西班牙單反小公主 Carla Suarez Navarro 被診斷出癌症, 需經過六個月的時間化療, Navarro 在球場一直都是個鬥士, 相信她也能挺過這艱難關卡! 今年真的非常不平靜; 真心祝福她早日康復。 大家都要平安。 https://imgur.com/VjAetnL https://imgur.com/cDRRUIP Kim, Kvi, 哈妹好快就給予她祝福加油打氣! * https://tinyurl.com/y2fkfrna (WTA) =================== Suarez Navarro wrote the following in an official statement: I hope everybody is fine during the difficult times in which we’re living. I would like be writing to send great news but so far that’s a reality that must be put on hold. As I let you know in previous weeks, I’ve been unable to train on court or at the gym on a regular basis recently. When I expose my body to the demands of professional sport, it doesn’t sustain the effort anymore. I haven't completed a practice sessions since July. During the past few days you may have seen some images from a hospital bed on my Social Media platforms. We’ve been looking for medical reasons to explain why I was feeling unwell. I went through different tests to detect the cause. That forced me to stay at home resting and withdraw from the two New York events I planned to compete in. That was my illusion after so many months out of the competition. The clinical results were confirmed: I was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma. The doctors told me that it was small, curable lymphoma detected at an early stage. The treatment required is clear: I must complete a treatment with six months of chemotherapy. That’s the only goal I have in mind right now. Everything else becomes automatically secondary. I want to express gratitude for the nice, elegant support I have always received from the fans throughout my entire professional career. I hope you understand my current situation and hope to see you as soon as possible. Carla =================== --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1598974168.A.1C0.html

ZaneTrout : 早日康復 09/01 23:34

lister : 天啊,早日康復。 09/01 23:35

megar : 早日康復! 09/01 23:38

william307 : 加油 09/01 23:47

e8672596 : 早日康復 09/01 23:47

Safin : 早日康復 09/01 23:49

t13 : 希望她能抗癌成功,早日康復 09/01 23:49

wayne77925 : 加油啊 早日康復! 09/01 23:51

Joybena : 天阿 09/01 23:52

Joybena : 早日康復 09/01 23:52

deehsu : https://imgur.com/u3CypEY 09/01 23:56

yyhhzz : 早日康復阿,我愛她的單反 09/02 00:06

micbrimac : @@ 加油 09/02 00:25

jonathan8907: 早日康復 09/02 00:30

violin12808 : 早日康復 09/02 00:33

kidooo : 加油 09/02 00:35

mnyan0503 : 早日康復啊 加油加油 09/02 00:36

vollenca : 早日康復。 09/02 00:42

llintell : 早日康復 09/02 00:46

sulaeric : 啥。。。。。加油 09/02 00:53

zzogdoll : 天啊...保重 09/02 01:00

cornershop : 早日康復 09/02 01:21

Gallade : 早日康復! 09/02 01:56

joey0602 : 早日康復 09/02 02:27

deehsu : https://imgur.com/sWi9au9 09/02 07:03

o0991758566 : QQ 09/02 08:00

purely : 早日康復 09/02 09:00

tsasa : 早日康復 09/02 10:11

emma6217 : 早日康復 09/02 10:24

gopher : 早日康復 09/02 11:27

nutxik : 早日康復QQ 09/02 12:47

CaminoI : 早日康復! 09/02 15:45

LCWA103A : 早日康復 09/02 17:34

reye : 診斷是Hodgkin Lymphoma 09/02 17:39

reye : 算是Lymphoma裡預後不錯的了 09/02 17:40

a9a99 : 樓上翻成中文是甚麼? 09/02 17:58

reye : 何杰金氏淋巴瘤 09/02 18:54

rythem : 早日康復....QQ 09/02 20:06

li1y : 早日康復 09/02 20:09

edhuang : 保重@@ 09/02 20:36

zcxvbb736 : 加油 09/02 20:41

albatron : 早日康復 09/02 22:53

yevvi : 早日康復 09/03 00:21

zxcv987654 : 早日康復! 09/04 04:55
