[情報] Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 宣布退出美網

看板 Tennis
作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
時間 2018-08-21 00:24:59
留言 16則留言 (12推 0噓 4→)

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to miss US Open due to knee injury Jo-Wilfried Tsonga has been forced to withdraw from the US Open after failing to recover sufficiently from knee surgery. The Frenchman had surgery on his troublesome knee back in April but is still unable to perform at the required intensity to compete at the final Slam of the year. The 33-year-old posted a video on Twitter in which he explained to fans that he would not be able to play at Flushing Meadows. "It takes time to heal, and now I cannot compete, so unfortunately I have to forfeit the US Open," Tsonga said. 法國網球名將 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 稍早在個人推特上發布影片,宣布將會退出接下來的美國網球公開賽 而他也表示傷勢仍然需要時間來復原,因此現階段沒辦法去參賽 今年賽季一直受到膝蓋傷勢的困擾,曾經在四月份接受手術治療 目前已經長達半年未能參與正式的比賽,使得他接連缺席法網、溫布頓以及美網賽事 雖然在賽場上過得並不如意,不過Tsonga也在上個月跟女朋友結婚了 https://imgur.com/6ZeH7YG.jpg
來源: https://goo.gl/Dgbmaq --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1534782303.A.D42.html

dwdt: 松嘎QQ 08/21 00:30

icedog122: 也是被big4耽誤 08/21 00:39

luvfilm: 想念Tsonga 等你回來 08/21 01:32

TrashPanda: 推暖男嘎 08/21 01:33

fish1204: 會不會一路修到賽季結束QQ 08/21 01:46

jpopgirl: 看來展望明年了 養傷時也陪陪小孩 當個奶爸XD 08/21 02:07

jpopgirl: 他這次養傷休息休好久啊T_T 08/21 02:08

cuiudshaos: qq 08/21 11:50

luke200224: 火車 跟 嘎嘎感覺都離退休不遠了QQ 08/21 12:43

bigmon0521: 原來聽不懂的法文是在說要退賽 還笑那麼暖 可惡>< 08/21 16:42

migi33: QQ 08/22 00:02

HaLouis: 嘎嘎好帥 等你回歸 08/22 00:22

bee921: 嘎的奶頭穿西裝也能激凸 08/22 00:40

tsai18: 應該半退休狀態了吧 也33歲了.... 08/22 15:40

tsai18: 08年澳網4強電Nadal那場真的太經典 仿佛看到神 08/22 15:41

Ice826: 可以了,也輝煌過,拿過大師賽 08/22 20:31
