[情報] 莎拉波娃禁賽兩年

看板 Tennis
作者 wyc510092 (大頭)
時間 2016-06-08 23:12:49
留言 135則留言 (85推 1噓 49→)

http://www.itftennis.com/news/231175.aspx Decision in the case of Maria Sharapova 8 June 2016 – London, ENGLAND - An Independent Tribunal appointed under Article 8.1 of the 2016 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (the "Programme") has found that Maria Sharapova committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the Programme and as a consequence has disqualified the affected results and imposed a period of ineligibility of two years, commencing on 26 January 2016. Ms. Sharapova, a 29-year-old player from Russia, provided a urine sample on 26 January 2016, after her quarter-final match at the 2016 Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia. That sample was sent to the WADA-accredited laboratory in Montreal, Canada for analysis, and was found to contain meldonium, which is a metabolic modulator that is included under section S4 (Hormone and Metabolic Modulators) of the 2016 WADA Prohibited List, and therefore is also prohibited under the Programme. On 2 March 2016, Ms. Sharapova was charged with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the Programme (presence of a Prohibited Substance in a Player’s Sample). She promptly admitted that she had committed the Anti-Doping Rule Violation charged, and asked for a hearing before an Independent Tribunal in accordance with Article 8 of the Programme to determine the consequences to be imposed on her for that violation. At a two-day hearing on 18-19 May 2016, the Independent Tribunal received evidence and heard legal arguments from both parties, and subsequently issued a reasoned decision on 8 June, which is available below. The Independent Tribunal determined that (1) Ms. Sharapova should serve a period of ineligibility of two years; (2) due to her prompt admission of her violation, that period of ineligibility should be back-dated under Article 10.10.3(b) of the Programme to commence from 26 January 2016 (the date of sample collection) and so should end at midnight on 25 January 2018; and (3) her results at the 2016 Australian Open should be disqualified, with resulting forfeiture of the ranking points and prize money that she won at that event. The Tennis Anti-Doping Programme applies to all players competing at Grand Slam tournaments and events sanctioned by the ITF, ATP, and WTA. Players are tested for substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency and, upon a finding that an Anti-Doping Rule Violation has been committed, sanctions are imposed under the Programme in compliance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code. More information on the Programme, sanctions, statistics, and related matters can be found at www.itftennis.com/antidoping. 禁賽兩年,到2018/01/25 2016澳網資格取消,積分獎金收回 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1465398778.A.BFA.html

JuiFu617: 可以直接退役了 06/08 23:13

aceliang: 沒有坦白從寬嗎 @@ 06/08 23:13

kimijacky: 天啊 06/08 23:16

robinkidd: 兩年後就31歲,但小威到時應該已經退休了.... 06/08 23:16

mitiemu: 可以直接轉行了,找到新寵就把妳廢了 06/08 23:16

charlie01: 第一個反應是這還能再上訴嗎 06/08 23:17

nipai: 兩年...回來還會想打嗎? 06/08 23:18

JuiFu617: 莎娃在臉書上說要上訴 06/08 23:18

uyrmb47: 上訴也沒啥差 自己承認+不知道吃幾年 06/08 23:18

uyrmb47: 說真的拔澳網算輕了 06/08 23:19

qazwsx6110: 蓄意要4年的,算坦承從寬了 06/08 23:19

dragonfox: 啊… 06/08 23:20

DflowerT: 兩年呀…… 06/08 23:21

sunsirr: 兩年太誇張..........開不到她在球場了嗚嗚 06/08 23:22

kevinduh4: ............ 06/08 23:22

sonesnsdsosi: 只拔澳網真的算運氣好 但兩年很久 06/08 23:22

stardick: GG.... 06/08 23:23

clarinetOMR: 只拔澳網合理吧 之前的賽事使用的藥物還沒列管 06/08 23:23

LCWA103A: QQ 06/08 23:24

mmoom: 禁藥波娃 06/08 23:24

jessie801109: 哭哭 06/08 23:25

sonesnsdsosi: 不過重點是禁賽兩年~ 06/08 23:25

c012402: 今年開始才是禁藥 代表在禁藥的情況下最多也只吃了一個多 06/08 23:25

c012402: 月吧 為何那麼重呢@@ 06/08 23:25

JuiFu617: 小威哭哭 06/08 23:25

sunsirr: 等等,所以只禁澳網嗎???還是全禁啊 06/08 23:27

bill93557063: 禁賽兩年,當然是全禁啊.... 06/08 23:28

XXPLUS: 全禁啊 06/08 23:28

kshtainan: 兩年內禁止參加所有網球賽事 06/08 23:28

nakatsu: 生涯可能沒機會再贏小威了 06/08 23:29

c012402: 全禁 澳網是今年的積分取消 06/08 23:29

waitscorpion: 比想像中重很多@@ 今年開始列管,只拔澳網合理啊 06/08 23:29

derex: 兩年太可怕了...等於宣布退役了吧 06/08 23:30

maxmessi: 很合理吧.... 06/08 23:31

sunsirr: 我最愛的莎娃........ 06/08 23:31

micbrimac: 可是這種方式退役 代言價碼也會很差 06/08 23:32

micbrimac: 可能只好回去賣糖果 06/08 23:32

coolfish1103: 猜對了! 06/08 23:34

christieliao: 莎娃掰 06/08 23:36

avennn: 扯 06/08 23:37

NanFish: 沒有在藥物單裡填 重要比賽加高劑量 團隊裡沒其他人知道 06/08 23:38

nitvx: 轉行模特兒比較好賺 06/08 23:39

scheiss: 好久....小威退後女單又要進入大亂鬥時代了嗎 06/08 23:41

portA: 不!!! 06/08 23:41

vicario837: 反正女網近來的票房這麼慘淡 就讓它更下跌吧 06/08 23:41

juneaugust: 沒在藥物單內填本來就很難輕判吧… 06/08 23:44

BoyRock: 波娃要轉行了嗎? 06/08 23:45

KANGTA23: 怎麼沒禁個二十年 06/08 23:50

dannyace: 要無聊很久了 06/08 23:51

hijacker: 轉行當明星好了 06/08 23:58

dahlia7357: 沒費比較無聊 06/08 23:59

ibook0102: 2年,足以轉換跑道了 06/09 00:00

blairchief: 我哭 真的難過 06/09 00:00

alex2426chen: 運動員被禁兩年基本上差不多了 06/09 00:01

oicecnir: 有兩年聽不到莎娃的尖叫聲了啦..會睡不著的... 06/09 00:01

yyhhzz: 禁完也差不多gg了 06/09 00:01

calculus9: 這波不是有好幾個球員? 06/09 00:04

kkoocc: 反正女網票房本來就很差,看能多差吧 06/09 00:07

dj30211: 2年.......比預期的久好多 06/09 00:07

modjo: 她都第一時間認罪了還判兩年 有點超過 06/09 00:09

Nishikori: 感覺上是殺雞儆猴,按知名度判。 06/09 00:10

c012402: 以前有沒有兩年的判例過啊? 06/09 00:10

bill93557063: 有 06/09 00:10

NanFish: 辛吉思吧 06/09 00:11

NanFish: 不過他不是用來增加performance 06/09 00:11

bill93557063: Sesil Karatantcheva 06/09 00:12

coolfish1103: 以前的判例是按照舊規,新規最長四年。 06/09 00:12

coolfish1103: 看完那篇 .pdf 兩年已經很輕了,不可思議。 06/09 00:13

hitoma: 看不到莎娃比賽了........難過 06/09 00:13

coolfish1103: 馬卡直接遞補奧運席次。 06/09 00:13

alex2426chen: 他已經29了 下次大滿貫是18法網 屆時已經32了 06/09 00:14

a9a99: 罰得不輕,不過這幾年各位姐妹要好好把握了 06/09 00:14

alex2426chen: 基本上年過30要拼大滿貫冠軍 不論男女 真的不多 06/09 00:15

Joybena: 天呀...... 06/09 00:15

Joybena: 太慘了,兩年真的好久 06/09 00:15

aasawfish: 現在莎娃只能來參加台灣辦的邀請賽了 現在話題度和費 06/09 00:21

aasawfish: 用呈反比 有主辦單位要試身手嗎XD 06/09 00:21

c012402: 被禁賽可以打表演賽嗎? 06/09 00:24

a9a99: 可是為什麼是拔澳網呢?亞軍會遞補成冠軍? 06/09 00:39

dill23152002: 澳網他只有8強拉= = 06/09 00:41

c012402: 因為今年開始變禁藥 所以今年打得比賽都不算 而莎娃今年 06/09 00:41

c012402: 只有打澳網 06/09 00:41

there53880: 難過…QQ 06/09 00:42

nene80726: 難過QQ 06/09 00:44

marr: 雖然有自己出來講,但實際上就是藥檢沒過才出來,然後還蓄意不 06/09 00:49

marr: 填,說謊為病必須吃藥.種種兩年也只能認.人做錯事情接受懲罰 06/09 00:49

marr: 是應該的 06/09 00:50

coolfish1103: HEAD 該出來說話了! 06/09 00:51

icedog122: 兩年,積分從零分開始,難不成要打挑戰賽然後大滿貫要 06/09 00:55

icedog122: 從會外賽開始? 06/09 00:55

c012402: 大滿貫應該會給她外卡啦... 06/09 00:59

h60529: 兩年....莎娃阿QQ 06/09 01:09

micbrimac: 兩年很輕吧... 06/09 01:14

allofme: 為什麼有些人會覺得坦白就必須從寬阿?! 06/09 02:30

mmoom: 不愧是莎娃擺明吃禁藥還一堆人惋惜 06/09 02:47

NanFish: 就馬英九帥哥貪污無所謂一樣的意思啊 06/09 03:39

kendan88: 樓上扯這麼遠幹嘛? 06/09 04:10

mini516fl: 2太久了吧......WTA找到新寵了嗎? 06/09 07:18

sgheart: 乾脆安排結婚好了... 06/09 07:39

nitvx: 蘑菇變成新寵 06/09 07:39

nixon: 趁機結婚生小孩? 06/09 07:42

tiara: 跟馬英九帥哥貪污有什麼屁關係,馬英九是因為有國民黨黨證 06/09 07:45

tiara: 貪污才會無所謂! 06/09 07:45

ben108472: 政治推文可以桶了吧! 06/09 08:02

shiz: 人正真好,如果是沾沾應該一堆人狂推吧 06/09 08:08

hitoma: 政治推文是哪裡有病 06/09 09:43

justonle: 馬英九貪污了嗎?哪個案子能告倒他??? 06/09 10:17

kevinfort: 不喜歡馬英九,但硬扯他貪汙是太誇張了 06/09 11:12

kevinfort: 而且這跟網球有啥關係 06/09 11:13

a12300: 網球選手生涯2年差很多欸.. 罰有點過重了吧? 06/09 11:21

k04121226: 兩年還好而已,不過念在年紀就科科了 06/09 11:23

deer5577: 宣布退休算了 06/09 11:30

tjbulls: 干政治闢室 06/09 14:05

powerkshs: 退休吧 06/09 14:29

MikaHakkinen: 小威表示傷心 06/09 16:04

shiz: 小威第22個大滿貫要等兩年後了 06/09 16:11

XXPLUS: 殺娃儆猴 06/09 16:13

Wall62: 兩年… 06/09 18:27

iris2128: 拜啦 不用再聽尖叫聲了 06/09 19:37

deer5577: 爽啦! 06/09 21:25

leepohom: 覺得沒什麼好說的 整個團隊竟沒人知道禁藥的相關新規定 06/09 21:35

leepohom: 蠻扯的 06/09 21:35

KIMBEOM: 上面的爽屁? 乾你屁事 06/09 22:57

Ensidia: 網球選手兩年沒打差不多等於終生退出單打了 06/10 00:42

Ensidia: 昔日的網球公主 重返網壇年紀也沒多大 但已經完全不行了 06/10 00:42

o0991758566: 退休囉 掰掰~ 06/10 14:04

a20713: 公主二次復出之後 只打雙打了 06/10 14:51

Marat: 公主還在打單打的時候雙打也是照樣電人阿,她的雙打根本好 06/10 16:12

Marat: 到有時候會覺得她根本是在一打三XD 06/10 16:12

deer5577: 看到用藥提升表現的人被禁賽不能爽嗎 06/10 18:46

free4u28: Hingis06年復出時離上次退休也已經四年,那時候世界排名 06/10 18:57

free4u28: 還有闖進Top10,也拿下過羅馬一級賽冠軍,在澳網及法網 06/10 18:58

free4u28: 都闖進過QF。 06/10 18:58

KIMBEOM: 不能 禁止 06/10 21:42

KIMBEOM: 禁止自爽 06/10 21:42
