[新聞] 古天王:喬帥在當上球王之後變了

看板 Tennis
作者 rainy0312 (黑白雙煞)
時間 2013-09-18 21:30:10
留言 55則留言 (38推 0噓 17→)

網址:http://ppt.cc/mLmm 原文: In an interview with a Latvian newspaper translated by On the Go Tennis, Ernests Gulbis criticizes Novak Djokovic for how he's changed since becoming successful. “I've known him since I was 12 years old,” Gulbis said. “We trained and lived together in the same room in Munich. I remember he was a normal, cool guy. But when he achieved his first big success then the look in his eyes just changed. You could just feel it. It's not like we argued or anything, I just feel like he has changed and I don't like that in people. I like strong characters who don't change when first success or money appear—that's the most important quality for me and it's also important for myself not to change.” Earlier this year, Gulbis said that the men's Top 4 players were boring. In the interview last week, he said top players are image-conscious, "money-earning machines." “To be honest I actually like to provoke others sometimes. I said few times about Nadal and other top players that they are boring in their interviews and such. Everybody just acts the same, everybody's the same," Gulbis said. "I don't want to be like all the others, I want to be different. Top players are money-earning machines—if they would say something 'not right' then they could lose contracts, sponsors and they are afraid of it. If you have started to act one way then you have to continue to act that way—Roger started to act as Swiss gentleman and now he has to continue to act like one, if he did something different, nobody would understand that. I'm all for individualism. ” 應該不難懂,大家參考一下,古天王只是覺得要做自己,不要受到球王框架及金錢的影響 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1379511014.A.7CE.html

kmwace:you've changed bro.... 09/18 21:32

JessicaA1ba:我只知道古天樂 09/18 21:49

psampras:先拿個大滿貫再來嗆 09/18 21:50

aceliang:與其說頂尖球員變了,不如說他們只是順民意輿論而已 09/18 21:55

aceliang:變成世界知名球星代價之一就是要做模範生,因為很多人學 09/18 21:55

aceliang:自我風格有時與政治正確有著極大的差距 09/18 21:56

tinybaby:不是有人都叫他球王要有球王的樣子嗎~可見沒變阿XD 09/18 22:08

velspa:可惜他沒機會當上球王,不然可以示範一下怎麼當球王。XD 09/18 22:28

linkinpk6:我無法完全苟同古的話 球王是踩在多少失敗者頭上的人 09/18 22:52

linkinpk6:一句話說放棄名利就放棄有多難有時候不是非在位者所能懂 09/18 22:52

arjbt:球王得面對大批的記者媒體、贊助活動、球迷 很難自在做自己 09/18 23:09

ffint:對岸就有人說,古天王是從小就有錢,當然不會受到金錢的影響XD 09/18 23:09

kshtainan:Haas表示:"如果可以用錢買球王的話 古早就是世界第一了" 09/18 23:10

a9a99:古先生應該不了解高處的風景吧~ 09/18 23:13

san122:這是吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸吧?沒那個成績拿不到贊助當然可以 09/18 23:18

san122:可以說得很瀟灑,哪天百萬美元合約在他眼前他還可以這樣不 09/18 23:20

san122:屑一顧?根本是嘴砲大王 09/18 23:21

micbrimac:古天王家是做什麼的,怎麼會很有錢? 09/18 23:36

malisse74:爬到那個位置有相對的社會責任 不是簡單一句做自己就行 09/18 23:49

malisse74:而且天王們很早就受到這種關注的洗禮 這些所謂boring的 09/18 23:49

malisse74:表現 何嘗不也已經是很自然的"做自己"的舉動呢 09/18 23:50

micbrimac:像阿格西那種個性還真的難找 09/18 23:58

imcappuccino:他爸是富商 他媽是演員 他外公是著名演員+導演(wiki) 09/19 00:01

bobee:別人要怎麼做球王干他什麼事 位於頂尖的壓力他懂個屁! 09/19 00:04

bobee:失去合約少賺錢的又不只是自己 多少人靠這吃飯他瞭嗎... 09/19 00:06

highway61:頂尖球星還有社會責任,不能完全怪贊助商 09/19 00:06

ffint:據聞他家富有的程度在網壇是數一數二的,連豆子家跟他比都算 09/19 00:07

ffint:鳳毛麟角而已(看對岸球迷說的) 09/19 00:08

arjbt:我前面說的做自己是指古天王所謂他們年輕時的樣子 09/19 00:11

a9a99:有沒有錢是他家的事,在網壇就論網壇的事 09/19 00:13

iliketea:他爸算跟一些政要滿要好的 eg:首都市長 生意也做滿大 09/19 00:26

yun67an:好希望他當球王看看喔XD 滿喜歡他的言論的 應該會很有趣 09/19 00:26

iliketea:但聽說她從小跟母親住小公寓 爸爸也沒資助他學網球 09/19 00:27

kenco:古天王家境這麼好,想法自然也會跟從小家境普通的人差很多 09/19 00:27

iliketea:但打職業後貌似自己有飛機可趕場的樣子 09/19 00:28

yun67an:Gulbis要加油一點啊 以他的球感排名那麼後面很不應該 09/19 00:29

a9a99:以這種個性要打上來也不太可能了... 09/19 01:06

dora1390:囧口還滿做自己的吧 沒啥球王架子啊 XD 09/19 01:27

xxxxcat:天王?嘴炮功力凌駕於球技之上的天王XD 09/19 01:34

Asty:Djoko算是史上最搞笑球王 已經很有特色了xddd 09/19 01:39

puppy1024:應該沒有球王拍廣告還要被球k小弟弟的吧…… 09/19 02:17

puppy1024:djoko的球王氣質已經很與眾不同了啦 09/19 02:18

gamania10000:就像變了心的球王 09/19 02:44

sleeeve:Djo多跟Rafa Rogi學習 09/19 09:02

j861032:尚書別來 撇開豆子11年年 我也覺得喬科還滿有個人特色的 09/19 09:20

anjohn:我覺得他當上球王前後都差不多啊... 09/19 13:42

qwerty110:尚書是要Djo是要學甚麼啦XD 是有規定球王要怎麼當就對了 09/19 14:43

MemoryLin:球王風格又沒有統一標準 誰是球王他的風格就是球王風格 09/19 15:22

nbafrancis:他的姿勢真不是普通怪 09/19 16:01

ffint:古天王不是要囧科向豆子跟費學吧!反而剛好是相反 09/19 16:41

jurassic:古天王弄出點成績再來談五四三吧,不然被認為只會嘴砲 09/19 16:52

johnnyno:其實我還滿喜歡Gulbis的 09/19 17:56

talrasha:好像之前女網某一選手說小威不理她 製造新聞想出名 09/19 20:00

goodblessu:你哪位? 09/21 21:01

kshtainan:古天王聖彼得堡在捧杯邊緣了~ 09/22 21:52
