[情報] Gonzalez退休報導

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作者 nicholasJCF ( )
時間 2012-03-23 00:11:26
留言 67則留言 (47推 0噓 20→)

http://0rz.tw/X5Zcl FERNANDO'S FOREHAND FINALLY FALLS SILENT by Matt Fitzgerald | 21.03.2012 Fernando Gonzalez played the final match of his career on Wednesday, falling to Nicolas Mahut 7-5, 4-6, 7-6(3) in a riveting night-session opener at the Sony Ericsson Open. The Chilean trailed Mahut 4-5, 15/40 in the final set, before showcasing his craft at the net which saw him win the 2004 Athens Olympics gold medal with Nicolas Massu, saving both match points with a forehand volley winner. He denied the Frenchman an additional match point to even the set at 5-5. The two held in their final service games to battle it out in a tie-break, where Mahut grabbed the momentum, breaking down Gonzalez’s backhand. The 31-year-old Gonzalez had the misfortunate of ending his career with a double fault, but it was quickly forgotten as he was greeted with a roaring applause from the crowd in celebration of his achievements. "I saved a couple of match points before, and I felt that it's going be the end, and then I have the chance to keep playing," said Gonzalez. "I had my chances. But Nicolas played better in the important moments, and I was a little bit tired at the end." He was presented a commemorative frame by ATP Executive Chairman and President Brad Drewett, and Sony Ericsson Open Executive Vice President and Tournament Director Adam Barrett. A special video tribute featuring goodbyes from Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Andy Murray, the Bryan Brothers and David Nalbandian aired on the big screens. "At the end, the video was great. It's not only about tennis. It's also about friends," Gonzalez said. "I mean, we've been playing against each other many times, but at the end of the day we are friends. We have a great relationship. Of course, the atmosphere was great. We're really far away from Chile, and there was little flags. There was my family here. I had a lot of friends, and I really enjoyed the moment." Gonzalez completes his career with a 370-202 record, highlighted by 11 ATP World Tour titles. He finished runner-up to Roger Federer at the 2007 Australian Open, which enabled him to break into the Top 5. In addition to his doubles gold medal, Gonzalez captured the bronze medal in Athens and a silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He also reached two ATP World Tour Masters 1000 clay-court finals at Madrid in 2006, and Rome in 2007. "I don't have the energy to get up in the morning, train like I have to train, travel like I have to travel," admitted Gonzalez. "And I've been doing this for many years. If I'm not going to be 100 per cent, I think I have to do something else." -- http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/tennis/2012/0322/231514.htm 邁阿密賽:Gonzalez首輪落敗 結束13年網球生涯 網球 2012-3-22 17:51:24 來源:TSNA 作者:曹玉烱 智利網球名將、曾獲2004年男雙奧運金牌的Fernando Gonzalez,在今天(22日)邁阿密網 賽首輪3盤不敵Nicolas Mahut後,宣布這是他13年網球生涯最後1場比賽。 現年31歲、世界排名222名的Gonzalez今天發揮他最後最大的能量,與世界第92名的Mahut 演出2小時37分鐘的激烈大戰,最終在第3盤搶七時出現再見雙發失誤,以5比7、6比4、 6(3)比7遭到淘汰。 賽後現在觀眾馬上起立鼓掌向這位最高曾來到世界第7的老將致意,「我之前拯救了幾個 賽末點,讓我有機會能繼續打下去。我曾有(獲勝)機會,但Nicolas重要時刻打得比我好 ,最後我感覺有點疲累。」Gonzalez說道。 賽後大會也播放一段影片向Gonzalez告別,其中包括Novak Djokovic、Rafael Nadal、 Roger Federer、Andy Murray、Bryan兄弟以及同樣來自南非美阿根廷的David Nalbandian。 Gonzalez表示:「這段影片很棒,這不僅關於網球,也關於我在場上的朋友,我們曾彼此 對戰多次,但最後我們成了朋友,我們之間關係良好,當然,這整個的氛圍很棒,我們遠 從智利而來,這裡有幾幅小國旗,那是我的家人,我有很多的朋友,我真的很享受這個時 刻。」 Gonzalez最後說明退休的原因:「我已沒有足夠的體力在早上起來,做我該做的訓練,去 世界各地征戰,這些都是我多年以前在做的事情。如果我無法百分之百做到這部分,我想 我是該去做點其他事情了。」 1999年轉入職業的Gonzalez,ATP巡迴賽曾獲11座冠軍,其中8座來自紅土球場;生涯雖沒 有拿下過大滿貫與名人賽的頭銜,但大滿貫最佳成績是2007年澳網決賽輸給Roger Federer,名人賽方面也先後在2006年馬德里名人賽、2007年羅馬名人賽打進決賽。 Gonzalez的生涯總戰績370勝202敗。 (責任編輯:espneditor) -- 除了上述提到的這些成績之外,Gonzo在奧運網球項目中也取得了很優異的成績。 2004年雅典奧運男單銅牌、跟Massu合作拿到男雙金牌。 2008年北京奧運決賽輸給Nadal拿下男單銀牌。 兩屆的奧運都為智利奪牌,也算是智利國內家喻戶曉的運動明星了。 以下為文中提到的致敬影片: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0khJUxEVaDw
farewell Gonzo~~~~~~QQ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1332432690.A.D74.html

regmeyo:嗚~~~好感傷~~~ 03/23 00:17

sleeeve:我喜歡的球員之一 雖然他顛峰時 我沒看網球=.= 03/23 00:18

yyyyy6116:點進第一個連結看到熟悉的Gonzalez...(一副我跟他很熟XD 03/23 00:19

talentarthur:不知道誰給他取的綽號叫大力神,正拍真的很威。 03/23 00:19

sleeeve:6比7也要退休了 他比較信運 再快退休之幾年 拿到第一座 03/23 00:20

sleeeve:大師賽冠軍~~ 03/23 00:20

yyyyy6116:喔..最下面youtube連結好催淚QQ 03/23 00:21

sleeeve:Murray說很欣賞他的正拍 如果Murray正拍跟他一樣強..... 03/23 00:24

f222051618:可敬的一個選手 祝福他退休後一切順利 03/23 00:29

kilik23:好喜歡他 拍子也是買他用的! 03/23 00:52

KeroroMorita:farewell Q_Q 03/23 00:54

sakuaki324:懷念07年澳網4強它的無敵正手... 03/23 00:57

oralboralb:1980左右生的剩沒幾個了,連最愛的Chipper都要退了... 03/23 00:57

opsddb:正拍雷射砲,07澳網魔獸爆氣超強 03/23 01:27

opsddb:決賽第一盤還先破發取得5-4領先,可惜最後還是直落三輸掉 03/23 01:29

opsddb:還有兩個盤末點的說... 03/23 01:29

freijaking:電眼美獸啦 雷射正拍真的扯到爆炸... 03/23 02:40

freijaking:Hewitt 1981 傷痛不斷.. 03/23 02:41

william60505:Gonzalez正拍超強的!!!!! 影片好棒! 03/23 02:59

sigit:03美網 張德培的告別之戰 轉眼就是現在!! 03/23 03:10

pcpcpcpcpcpc:越來越覺得費拔是怪物了... 03/23 06:17

malisse74:Federer的推文果然出現了 XD 03/23 06:36

louisman:有點感傷 03/23 07:31

Alucard:看到缸爺就很難不讓人聯想07澳網啊=.= 03/23 07:31

Alucard:記得他上次奧運開幕是掌旗官呢,想不到今年奧運還未到就... 03/23 07:32

huamin:我有看到澳網對費爸決賽那場。印象中他一路打上來,致勝球 03/23 07:39

huamin:每場都30、40個以上。對上費爸也打不錯,但結果如預期地直 03/23 07:40

huamin:落三,好像三盤各被破一個發球局而已? 03/23 07:40

tsai18:其實前10有3個都1980-1982出生 03/23 08:02

tsai18:比例算高 03/23 08:02

tsai18:大家都忽略美國魚跟Ferrer啦 03/23 08:03

steo:竟然沒有他10年前在邁阿密的成名之作 03/23 10:14

troylun:Q____Q 03/23 10:28

kasndjo:推Gonzo Wish him luck! 03/23 12:29

sponge88:farewell Gonzo..QQ 03/23 13:07

zixflower:好感傷喔!! 03/23 13:30

kaet:祝福岡岡~~ 03/23 13:52

Leonala:07澳網第一盤先拿到兩個盤末點,沒想到federer臉不紅氣不喘 03/23 14:04

wwpuma:07年澳網,在決賽前真的打得超好 03/23 14:54

oralboralb:決賽也打得不錯啊,不過強力正拍被Fed的正手inside-out 03/23 15:07

oralboralb:鎖在反拍位置無法發輝,整個二三盤找不到破解方法 03/23 15:08

yun0215:已經好多跟老費同時期的退休了...不免俗的感嘆下(? 03/23 15:31

yun0215:老費真是個老妖怪!!!!!! 03/23 15:31

andy78714:NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 03/23 16:33

sakuaki324:這篇外電的標題真感傷 ... 03/23 16:40

sakuaki324:07澳網正手狂轟納達爾那場是我見過最扯的正拍了.. 03/23 16:43

zack7301428:四強對Tommy Haas也打得很誇張 把Haas打的很慘 03/23 18:47

tinybaby:其實我對他第一個想起來是10年和ANDY的澳網爭議球orz 03/23 18:49

bobjohns:懷念07澳網 無敵正拍... 03/23 19:52

e8672596:GOOD LUCK!!! 03/23 19:58

Makaay:07澳網第一盤其實一個致勝球被喊出界 但是GON沒去挑戰 03/23 19:58

Makaay:事後證明是壓線好球 他如果挑戰就拿下第一盤了 03/23 19:58

bobjohns:http://ppt.cc/!cwg 10:00 正拍 03/23 20:15

sakuaki324:太驚人了...上面的連結 我都忘了這場 03/23 20:18

bobjohns:http://ppt.cc/qzBv 7:30 03/23 20:26

motogprossi:想念07年澳網的魔獸 good bye Gonzo! 03/23 22:12

ottobonn:Gonza Q_Q 03/23 22:31

Fradi:大名字的名將退休了,大家會記得魔獸的 03/23 22:32

Saudade:Farewell, Gonzalez. > <" 03/23 23:02

barmanx:我想到的是2009年法網對Soderling時用屁股擦球印的畫面@@" 03/23 23:53

migi33:Farewell.... 03/24 00:55

tim2502:Farewell... 03/24 01:26

luhc: Farewell.... 魔獸 Gonzalez, 你是最強的 !!! 03/24 03:48

kenco:farewell... 03/24 08:37

angel825:T__T 好可惜 又少一個正拍好手! 03/24 23:43

dj6601:NO.除了費爸 最愛的就是魔獸了 天啊 不要退啦 又少個單反了 03/26 21:24

hunkwithqoo:Gonza...我很喜歡的球員之一Q_Q 希望他未來過得愉快 03/27 08:15
