Re: [討論] 90年代的溫網是否真的很乏味?

看板 Tennis
作者 ForgerEames (造.蒺藜.夢)
時間 2011-06-27 00:29:28
留言 34則留言 (13推 0噓 21→)

(抱歉刪除原文) 感謝iliketea前輩提供原文新聞! 拙陋翻譯請見諒!若有錯誤請前輩們大力指正! 小問一下,court和網球相關的翻法真的只有"球場"嗎? Pete Sampras wasn't fun, says Rafael Nadal  Henry Swarbrick and Chris Jones   24 Jun 2011 Rafael Nadal believes previous tennis eras cannot match the excitement generated by the current stars of the sport and dismisses the idea that slower courts have allowed him to triumph at Wimbledon. Rafa相信過去的網球時代,無法和現今運動明星所產生的令人興奮的比賽作比較,並且反 駁慢速場地讓他在溫布頓獲得勝利的說法。 Nadal, the defending champion, is looking to extend his 16-match unbeaten run on the grass here as he faces wild card Gilles Muller, of Luxembourg, in the third round today. Rafa,溫布頓衛冕冠軍,今天將在第三輪面對外卡選手,盧森堡的Muller,希望延長他在 溫布頓草地連16不敗的紀錄。 Retaining his crown will take him to 11 Grand Slam titles at a time when Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray are also illuminating the sport with their skills. 留住本屆的王冠(冠軍)將帶他邁向11個大滿貫賽冠軍,而同時,費天王、囧科、小安迪 也用自己的球技照亮網壇。 The Spaniard's view on the type of tennis that allowed Pete Sampras to win seven Wimbledon titles will spark a lengthy debate. He said: "Personally, to watch a Pete Sampras versus Goran Ivanisevic match, or one between those kind of players, is not enjoyable. It's not really tennis, it is a few swings of the racquet. Rafa對於『過去的網球型態讓Sampras贏得7個溫布頓冠軍』的看法,將會引起一場冗長的 爭論。 他說:”就我個人認為,看Sampras和Ivanisevic的比賽,或是其他相同類型球員間的比賽 ,不過癮,那不是真正的網球,那只是幾次球拍的揮動。” "It was less eye-catching than what we do now. Everyone enjoys the tennis we play much more. I am not saying we are playing better tennis, just more enjoyable tennis. For me, in the past it was just serve, serve, serve. ”那(過去的網球)和我們現在的比起來較不吸引人。大家享受我們現在所打的網球。我 並不是說我們現在打的是比較好的網球,只是比較有樂趣。對我來說,以前的(比賽)就 是發球發球和發球。” "I started playing at Wimbledon in 2002 and since then the court has been exactly the same. Before then, I can't make a comment. But to say it has been getting slower since then is wrong. ”我從2002年開始參加溫布頓,從那時候起,球場就和現在的完全一樣,在那之前的我不 能斷定。但如果說從那時候起便逐漸變成慢速場地是不正確的。” "Before my time, perhaps the conditions were faster. But, for me, the difference now is that the best players in the world will strike the ball past you if you go to the net. If people see a player practising serve-and-volley tactics, they say it is fast and if they see baseline play, they think it is slow. ”在我開始打球前,雖然那時比賽的狀況比較迅速;但對我而言,現在的不同之處是,最 好的球員會擊球穿越,如果你上網。當人們看到球員使用發球上網的戰術,他們說那是快 速的打法,如果他們看到底線對抽,則認為是慢的打法。” "The truth is that now the players are so good that if it is a fast court, then when you serve and go to the net the ball flies past you even quicker." ”事實是,現在的球員就算在球速和以前一樣快的場地,當你發完球後上網,他們有好的 水準讓球會更快速飛過你。” (有點不知道fast court是不是該翻成快速的打法,麻煩前輩指正!) Mats Wilander, the seven-time Grand Slam champion, played in the era of Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors and mounts a strong defence of that period of the game, although he admits the current men's competition has greater strength in depth. Wilander,7次大滿貫賽的冠軍,在Borg、McEnroe和Connors的時代打球,而且在那時的比 賽進行強力的守備(戰術);"If you go down to the 100th-ranked player, we weren't as deep as they are today," said Wilander. "But the first seven or eight guys were at the same level and produced great rivalries. Looking back, it was really special." 請問改過後的翻法是對的嗎?
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ForgerEames:對不起OP了 那請板主刪除了:) 06/27 00:30

steo:溫網開始有變慢的爭議就是從02年開始 06/27 00:30

ForgerEames:好像沒有全部的翻譯 那應該不算OP... 06/27 00:31

Eeli2008:我覺得那段應該是說即便現在場地球速和以前一樣快 06/27 00:35

Eeli2008:現在選手的擊球水準高 能夠把球更快的打回去 06/27 00:36

Eeli2008:發球上網佔不到便宜 和場地的關係比起技術進步要小 06/27 00:37

krajicek:確定只是技術進步而不是球拍進步嗎XD 06/27 00:41

krajicek:球拍越做越棒,更輕但力道更強,這也幫了選手很多 06/27 00:42

krajicek:原因絕對不只單一的,場地、球拍、訓練科技都是原因之一 06/27 00:43

GreenWave:應該是球拍進步的關係,老山的時代210km就很不得了了 06/27 00:44

GreenWave:現在的球拍更輕更好拿,用手腕就能勾回去,以前是不可能 06/27 00:45

Rienne:其實球拍進步有點停滯了 球線才是現在打法的主要原因 06/27 00:45

clift:球線進展很大 咬球能力大幅增加 可以輕易刷出上旋 也有助於 06/27 00:48

clift:控球 06/27 00:49

krajicek:只是不知道人體的進步跟不跟得上科技的進步 06/27 00:50

krajicek:或許有朝一日網球界會學泳壇禁止鯊魚裝那樣子吧XD 06/27 00:51

Eeli2008:我是照著他講的解讀的~ 我也認為以上因素都有~ 06/27 00:53

pppeeeppp:我覺得只要是需要"吸金"的東西 最後都會朝著如何吸更多 06/27 00:54

pppeeeppp:金的方式邁進...這就是向錢看齊的資本主義~ 06/27 00:55

ForgerEames:所以Rafa才會強調樂趣性的部分吧? 06/27 00:56

pppeeeppp:如果越來越不"吸睛" 自然也就難以"吸金" 06/27 00:56

ripcord:那他可不可以準備時間快一點 比較enjoyable? 06/27 01:09

sixsix666:溫網越來越慢不是事實嗎=..= 06/27 01:15

ted0217:老山的發球球速看起來慢是因為測速器測的點改變的關係 06/27 01:39

clift:的確 現在的測速器較以前敏感 測球點也更接近發球者 所以球 06/27 01:45

clift:側出來的初速會比90年代快 事實上90年代的發球速和現在的差 06/27 01:48

clift:距沒有帳面上那麼大 06/27 01:49

clift:當然 球拍 球線的進步 一些球員身高的增加 也有助發球速提昇 06/27 01:51

clift:還有就是電視轉撥技術的進步 使現在的球賽更逼真 以往較落後 06/27 01:53

clift:的轉撥技術也會使球賽看起來相對沒那麼有臨場感 06/27 01:54

megar:看了這一整串的討論 或許真得是因為Nadal比較年輕 06/27 06:12

megar:沒考慮那麼多因素吧 XDDDD 06/27 06:13

highway61:沒人覺得那個英文用字不太像nadal講得出來的嗎? 06/27 12:43

highway61:西文訪問轉翻成英文內容? 06/27 12:44
