[情報] S.Williams將於下周一重返球后

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作者 hitoma (hitoma)
時間 2009-10-06 20:21:43
留言 25則留言 (17推 0噓 8→)

http://0rz.tw/DxOCl -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEIJING, China - With the biggest on-paper upset in Sony Ericsson WTA Tour history Dinara Safina may have relinquished the No.1 ranking on Monday, as the Russian lost to No.226-ranked Zhang Shuai at the China Open. 隨著Safina再爆冷門,輸給世界排名僅226位的中國小將張帥之後,下周一Safina將 退下球后寶座 Safina, who is currently spending her 25th career week at the top spot, had suffered several surprising losses over the last few months, most recently falling to Chang Kai-Chen, who was ranked No.132, in her opening match in Tokyo last week. But Zhang is now the lowest-ranked player ever to beat a reigning No.1, bettering the No.188 ranking held by Julie Coin as the Frenchwoman outdid Ana Ivanovic at last year's US Open. Safina had her chances as well, leading by a break early on in both sets and even holding set point in the second set. Safina在她位居世界第一的25周期間,打了幾場令人吃驚且飽受折磨的比賽,包括 前些日子在她東京公開賽的第一場比賽,敗給世界排名132的張凱貞。 日前張帥刷新了擊敗球后的最低排名紀錄(226th),在那之前是由排名188位的Julie Coin 在去年的美網,擊敗當時的球后Ana所創下。 在和張帥的那場比賽中,Safina在兩盤中都曾經保有一次的破發優勢,甚至在第二盤 中拿到盤末點。 "I'm having some bad losses. So many matches that are very close, ones I should win, having set points or match points every time," Safina said. "It's very disappointing, I'd like to take a break now. I'm very upset with myself." If Serena Williams wins her match against Ekaterina Makarova on Tuesday, she will return to No.1. Safina assumed the top spot from Williams on April 20; Williams has been at No.1 for 72 non-consecutive weeks in her career. 如果小威在星期二擊敗Makarova的話,就能重返世界第一。(小威今天以6-3 6-2晉級) 小威目前在世界第一的位置上累積已有72周。 Zhang had never won a main draw match on Tour before this week, beating No.33-ranked Iveta Benesova in the first round prior to the win over Safina. The Chinese, 20 years old, does have 12 titles to her name on the ITF Circuit. 張帥在此之前從未在巡迴賽的會內賽中取得勝利,而這次在中國公開賽,首先是第一輪 擊敗排名33位的Benesova,接著第二輪則是擊敗苦主Safina。 張帥目前20歲,拿過12項ITF賽事的冠軍。 The upsets didn't stop there, as Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova notched a second round win over No.3 seed Venus Williams, 36 61 64. It was Pavlyuchenkova's second straight win over the American, having beaten her in the same round of Tokyo a week ago - she is the second player ever to beat her in back-to-back weeks (Lindsay Davenport achieved the feat in the summer of 2004). 另外爆冷門的不只Safina,還有大威的 3-6 6-1 6-4敗給Pavlyuchenkova。Q_Q "She played really well. Unfortunately I was making errors too soon in the points," Williams said. "Twelve double faults didn't help me today, but I wasn't counting. I think she plays well against everyone she plays. Usually I do too." Winners in other second rounds were No.6 seed Svetlana Kuznetsova, No.16 seed Li Na, Aleksandra Wozniak and Alona Bondarenko. Kuznetsova needed just 48 minutes to beat Anabel Medina Garrigues, 62 61. "Anabel didn't play her best, but I played a good match and had fun out there, and that's important," Kuznetsova said. "I feel much better in Beijing. I enjoy playing here. My matches will only get tougher so I'll have to be prepared." The last first round wins went to No.13 seed Nadia Petrova, Daniela Hantuchova, Francesca Schiavone, Alisa Kleybanova and Vania King, a lucky loser into the main draw (後面的就請大家自行翻吧...Zzz) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 希望Safina在卸下球后身分後 可以更專注的打球 T^T 唉....= = -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1254831704.A.225.html

pppeeeppp:希望莎妹趕快搶一座大滿貫 再登基會好一點 10/06 20:52

memory369:莎妹加油~把信心建立起來 10/06 21:05

lovinlover:其實我有點奇怪 以WTA的積分制度 球后應該要是穩定表現 10/06 21:25

lovinlover:為什麼SAFINA卻會接連爆冷? 她狀態最近突然下降很多嗎? 10/06 21:26

lovinlover:看前幾篇的推文 SAFINA今年的狀態也沒很好... 怪怪的 10/06 21:28

gamania10000:Safina在澳網和紅土賽季是很威猛的... 10/06 21:33

VWilliams:關鍵在法網決賽落差太大吧@@ 感覺他後來有點洩氣 10/06 21:34

VWilliams:溫網雖然進到四強但也都抖抖的 夏天開始打的很慘 10/06 21:35

sttwarrior:當大家都質疑他的時候 我相信她也開始懷疑自己吧 10/06 21:39

sttwarrior:當她越是在意這些批評 她就很難專注在比賽上面 10/06 21:40

oicecnir:運動心理學應該可以用莎妹當教材了... 10/06 21:44

memory369:莎妹法網決賽前一直維持殺很大模式.... 10/06 21:47

memory369:之後就整個虛掉了...最近這幾個比賽都慘不忍睹 10/06 21:47

pichia:他會振作再起的~~就像去年的Roger一樣~明年必大放異彩!! 10/06 21:56

tinybaby:恭喜莎妹!!! 真心的認為她解套了~~~趕快振作吧 10/06 22:13

irres:Safina丟掉球后就拿個大滿貫吧!!! 10/06 22:48

chia0908:Safina加油!!! 10/06 22:57

hitoma:不過之後年終賽 甚至明年的澳網 Safina都有機會再奪回后座 10/06 23:11

Musrienport:這樣對他比較好吧 不然壓力這麼大 可能只會越打越爛 10/07 00:53

wayland:如果小威還是拿到年終球后的話 多少替現行制度背了個書吧 10/07 02:15

bluecheese:這樣也好阿~沒有世界第一的壓力!!會打得開心點!!:D 10/07 10:03

bluecheese:期待Safina再創佳績~~~~GOGOGO~ 10/07 10:03

sixsix666:莎妹加油!! 10/07 12:35

kenjilin:水 這個球后說服力比較高 10/07 22:20

ling30113:解套了 10/08 01:10
