
看板 Tennis
作者 Emily212 (NEXT: Persuader)
時間 2008-07-14 01:01:58
留言 12則留言 (8推 0噓 4→)

這則新聞不應該被淹掉。恭喜張德培!!! 好像也快要成家了~ http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080713/19/134ql.html (法新社羅德島新港十二日電) 十七歲時在法國網球公開賽封王、為美國拿下三十四年 來首座法網男單冠軍的華裔網球名將張德培,今天入選國際網球名人堂。 一九八九年十七歲生日剛過三個月,張德培就在法網決賽擊敗瑞典的艾柏格,成為法網史 上最年輕的冠軍得主。而在決賽之前,張德培更曾撂倒頭號種子藍道。 張德培說:「這真的是一項榮譽,我會一直珍惜,永遠記得我在巡迴比賽時與家人、朋友 與球迷共處的經驗。」 今天也進入名人堂的還有運動行銷先驅麥考馬克,以及「網球週刊」發行人史考特,兩人 都是辭世後獲頒這項榮耀。名人堂現在有兩百零七名成員。 張德培十六年職業生涯共取得六百六十二勝、三百一十二敗戰績,贏得三十四座冠軍,有 七年時間排名在世界前十,一九九六年九月更一度站上世界第二。 張德培除了一九八九年外,另有三度擠進大滿貫男單決賽,一九九零年並曾協助美國贏得 台維斯杯冠軍。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 華裔名將張德培獲選入網球名人堂 2008年07月13日 05:18 星島日報 http://news.sina.com/oth/singtao/000-000-105-109/2008-07-13/05183066003.html   ( 本報綜合報導 )   週六,張德培(Michael Chang)被接納進入國際網球名人堂,他17歲時就奪得法國 網球公開賽冠軍,不僅使他成為法國網球公開賽史上最年輕的冠軍,當時也終止了34年來 美國男子網球選手在法國網球公開賽中無緣得冠的局面。   1955年,特拉伯特(Tony Trabert)是首位在法國網球公開賽稱雄的美國人。   1989年,剛剛度過17歲生日3個月的張德培在法國網球公開賽獲冠軍,決賽時擊敗了 瑞典名將艾柏格(Stefan Edberg),成為公開賽史上最年輕的冠軍,此前他還打敗了世 界頭號種子選手伊凡‧藍道(Ivan Lendl)。   此後張德培的世界排名不斷攀升,1996年最高曾達到第2名,不過他生涯只有得過1次 大滿貫賽冠軍,就是這座法網冠軍。他總計在職業生涯中共拿過34項冠軍,3度闖進大滿 貫決賽。 張德培表示:「這是真正的光榮,我將永遠緬懷和記住我與我的家人、朋友和 球迷所經歷的這些巡迴賽。」   週六一同進入名人堂的有運動經銷商先驅麥考馬克(Mark McCormack)和網球周刊發 行商斯考特(Gene Scott)。麥考馬克曾于1960年代創辦國際知名的經紀公司IMG,獲得 極大成就,旗下球員包括活士等眾多明星。   斯考特是前網球選手,退休後于1974年創辦了網球周刊,還曾任職業巡迴賽主任委員 、球員經紀人,出版20多本有關網球的書。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文新聞裡有引述比較多他說的話 Chang inducted into Tennis Hall of Fame http://0rz.tw/1b4pl NEWPORT, R.I. (AP)—Michael Chang finds it appropriate he’s receiving his sport’s highest honor as China awaits the Olympics. Chang was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame on Saturday and reflected on his experiences as a Chinese-American athlete. He won the 1989 French Open at age 17—the youngest man to win a major—as the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing were escalating into bloodshed. “For me, at the French Open, if I wasn’t playing my match I was glued to CNN watching the events unfold,” Chang said during a news conference before his induction. “The crackdown actually happened that Sunday of the French Open.” Inducted posthumously were contributors and Scott, the founder, editor and publisher during his 30 years at Tennis Week, was presented by John McEnroe. Monica Seles presented McCormack, the founder of International Management Group. Unlike his days on the court, the 36-year-old Chang had the spotlight all to himself Saturday, not having to share the moment with the likes of Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Jim Courier, Ivan Lendl and Boris Becker. “I think any generation that follows our generation—its tough to compete,” he said. “As an athlete, I used my speed, agility and quickness to go out and play against the big guys.” Chang finished with 34 titles. He was a finalist at the 1995 French Open, 1996 U.S. Open and 1996 Australian Open. He became the first American to win the French since Tony Trabert in 1955. “For me, I think the Lord wanted me to win to put a smile on Chinese people’ s faces,” he said. Now, China hosts the Olympics next month. “I think it’s a very special year for Beijing,” Chang said. “I’m really excited for what’s going to happen for China. I was acting as an ambassador to help China get the bid.” Seles recalled how Scott helped her after she was stabbed in the back by a spectator during a 1993 match in Germany. “When I was No. 1 in the world after I got stabbed,” she said, “he was there as a friend.” ----------------------------- 看一下很久不見的張德培吧! 只有放了少少的幾張圖片 兩張是他17歲拿下法網冠軍時的 兩張是他退休儀式上的 其他則是他獲選入名人堂當天的照片! http://album.blog.yam.com/miriam&folder=4655717 -- (系統好像怪怪的,現在看不到照片o_O) -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1215968519.A.E2E.html

chj920:第一次看到老張退休後的照片耶..好想玩他的下巴(好壞)原來 07/14 01:14

chj920:有要成家的八卦阿....推一下好新聞!! 07/14 01:14

Emily212:第二張旁邊戴花圈的是未婚妻 Amber Liu 07/14 01:16

colleger:大驚 竟然是Amber Liu 和他差了一輪耶 XD 07/14 01:26

antirazin:另推連結裡其他的相簿XD 07/14 09:46

tonytsai88:外表變好多哦...都認不出來是當初那個人 07/14 10:45

tim2502:他和Amber Liu的合照 看起來好老@@ 07/14 11:08

pido:歲月不饒人呀~ 07/14 11:31

jpopgirl:突然覺得他變好老唷......跟我印象中的他 差很多XD 07/14 12:54

rainww25:劉小姐超美 跟小玉老婆有的拼 老張 知道娃娃臉老的模樣了 07/14 13:02

kevin0733:It's good Panasonic 07/14 18:34

ea1234:看到照片眼睛都紅了! 07/15 22:30
