Re: [轉錄]第11顆種子掉落--9 韓娃

看板 Tennis
作者 establish (Est)
時間 2003-05-29 14:08:16
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

: 這場比賽真的很精采,Harkleroad第三盤一度*5-1領先,但還是犯了新秀的大賽心理素質欠 : 佳的毛病失誤連連或是不太敢打,讓Hantuchova又再度穩定性回來,連續丟掉5局之後換 : Hantuchova發球要拿下比賽時,沒想到集中力突然又回來,連續幾個球打的很低且深讓韓娃 : 失誤起來於是竟然破發回來6-6. 接下來一段時間纏鬥之後最後Hantuchova在自己的發球局 : 失誤還是過多輸掉比賽... At 5:2 Hantuchova played well she hit 3 clean winners pass Harleroad, Hantuchova was the one who is dictating the play, it is either she make winner or missed the line completely. : Harkleroad的打法我覺得其實跟一般新秀沒有差太多,都是底線攻擊型,打的落點今天跟韓 : 娃比起來還是略差一點,不過跟一些俄國新秀比起來防守的功夫作的比較好一點,發球則偏 : 弱一點,這是她今天常常被Hantuchova攻的一點...而Hantuchova今天的表現其實沒有那麼 : 差,但是關鍵時刻失誤太多輸了這場比賽.. : by zerkchu Harleroad is more of defensive player in the mode of Clijsters, she is not a shotmaker as Hantuchova is, when on song Hantuchova is simply beautiful to watch. By her own standard Hantuchova did play badly, she simply did not have any consistancy in her game to win the match but she was close. 101 errors in a 3 hours and 3 sets match is not acceptable by any standard, think this way 101 errors equals 2.65 points in every game to your opponent,so you always start at 0:30 on your service game and 30:0 on your opponets service game. So there is no question Hantuchova played a bad match. A bad match is not indicated by the closeness of the result but what a player did over the length of thematch. by jliang -- ◆ From:
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