[徵才] 一卡通 [Remote] Sr. Software Engineer – Backend

看板 Tech_Job
作者 ipp21 (ipp21)
時間 2022-11-17 14:16:21
留言 0則留言

[公司名稱] 一卡通票證股份有限公司 We - ipass company drive the business on top of the transit and e-payment data and have the vast monopolistic advantage base on we're one of two company which related to Taiwan's main transportation. We need you to help the team to investigate these data and provide the analytics/reports to the business to make the important decisions and build a flexible dashboard or API for third-party. Let us keep excited to reveal the next page of the transit and e-payment ecosystem. [Remote] Sr. Software Engineer – Backend [Responsibilities] ‧Co-work with our transit card operation and e-payment team to unify these two features to provide a convenient way, then get a good payment experience. ‧Charge for building the APIs for BI tools and DMP solutions to help Business Intelligence to make their decisions. ‧Design and build a reliable and high-performance system and write high quality code. ‧Be passionate about spreading the innovative spirit, and help the team keep moving on technical development. [Requirements] ‧5+ years of experience in backend development. ‧Familiar with at least 1 modern web framework. ‧Familiar with at least 1 NoSQL solution. ‧Experience in container technology, such as Docker. ‧Experience with the concept of RESTful. [Nice To Have] ‧Knowledge in Kubernetes or similar clustering solutions. ‧Understand the importance of smart metrics and alerting. [薪資福利] 1.月薪: 55k~120k 2.絕佳的工作地點:高雄捷運公司行政大樓,位於高雄捷運草衙道站出口、 SKM Park購物中心旁,可免費停汽機車,省去找停車位的困擾 3.彈性工作時間:週一~周五,以及彈性上下班時間(上班08:00-10:00,下 班17:00-19:00);加班時數可抵休假或申報加班費 4.可申請在家遠端工作:面對後疫情時代的不確定性,公司提供彈性的工作協作方式 5.健全的教育訓練:提供完整的金融法規及內外部專業訓練課程; 員工自行參加外部進修或語言學習課程補助 6.完善的員工福利制度: A.免費的員工體檢 B.享勞、健保、團保 C.婚喪喜慶補助 D.通勤補助 E.員工休閒服 7.團隊建設: A.透明的月會溝通(包括 AMA, Ask Me Anything) B.不定期團建活動(如電影包場) C.年度員工旅遊 [上班時間] 彈性上下班時間(上班08:00-10:00,下班17:00-19:00) [需求人數] 1位 [聯絡方式] 如有興趣者歡迎投遞履歷至[email protected] --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1668665783.A.690.html
