[徵才] 香港科技公司 LAT 高薪徵系統架構總監

看板 Tech_Job
作者 dragoncrest (POISON )
時間 2020-03-31 18:21:07
留言 6則留言 (1推 3噓 2→)

新領科技有限公司 台北市信義區信義路5段150巷2號19樓之4 https://bit.ly/3ayls8f 來自香港的新領科技有限公司 Lead Advance Technology (LAT),創立於 2017 年,專精 於打造全球級的電子運動平台。系統包含實時資料配對和最先進的平台交易系統!透過豐 富的內容和超簡易的操作,以及先進的技術打造一個沈浸式的互動體驗,提供全年無休的 技術服務。 System Architect Director(系統架構總監) 2.5m TWD / annum - Be a member of Technical Committee. - Developing products Integration based on company current developing language s JS, PHP and JAVA, and frameworks, Vue / Yii / Spring and Hibernate. - Responsible for the company's sports game platform software project, leading the project architecture design, coding work, the main structure planning, ex ecution and optimization. - Responsible for the company's existing products and new products development , to assist CTO to ensure product development and iteration cycle. - Responsible for the company's existing products and new product development, to assist the technical director to ensure product development and iteration cycle. - Participate in planning, PDCA, cross- department wild management research de velopment and project teams. - Assist CTO to communicate and coordinate with customers on behalf of the com pany to ensure the smooth development process. - Understand the front-end framework: Vuejs or react, familiar with front-end cross-platform development technologies such as react, native .., etc. - Proficient in mainstream Java open source frameworks, such as Spring, Struts 2, Hibernate, iBATIS, etc .; familiar with PHP and mainstream frameworks, suc h as Yii, Laravel, etc. - Familiar with common Internet operation and maintenance technology, familiar with the configuration and use of Nginx, Redis, etc.. - Familiar with database principles, proficient in Mysql, familiar with other databases, such as: Oracle, MongoDB. - Responsible for back-end and operation and maintenance process optimization, to ensure continuous performance improvement and horizontal expansion of the system during delivery. - Good communication and coordination skills, familiar with the iterative comp uting development process, and lead the team to complete high-quality operatio ns. - Have good IQ, good EQ, Good CQ. 點此應徵:https://bit.ly/2yneZiv 本文為代發徵才,應徵請勿直接回信。 如有違反版規懇請告知,感謝! 人資會在第一時間回覆。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1585650070.A.8C1.html

SkyShih: 外商這種薪資找個打雜的還差不多 03/31 22:40

dragoncrest: 有那麼差嗎 :O 03/31 23:10

crackerman: 2.5m 大概senior ~ TM 04/01 01:40

showbizz: 總監應該這三倍年薪吧,難道真覺得台人很便宜,唉 04/01 07:58

Bonjwa: 同時意一樓,慣老闆假外商 04/02 13:11

tommhk2002: 爛公司 04/04 21:47
