[徵才] 香港商圓美智能科技 招募 軟體工程師

看板 Tech_Job
作者 okjn816 ()
時間 2020-03-25 13:23:00
留言 30則留言 (16推 2噓 12→)

[公司名稱] 香港商圓美智能科技有限公司台灣分公司 [公司地址] 台南市新市區南科二路12號F103室 [公司網址] www.pitl.com.hk [職缺] Software engineer [工作內容] - 負責Linux/Android機上盒STB軟韌體維護及開發,對Linux/Android標準有理解,熟悉嵌入式系統Embedded System軟體開發 - Embedded Linux on MIPS or ARM processors - 對網路通訊原理, 通訊協定及通信系統產品有興趣 [職缺能力經歷要求] - 具備2年Linux/Android經驗 - C/C++ programming skill on Linux - Linux Kernel or OS building experience - Linux driver programming skills would be better - 具備基本英文書寫溝通能力 [員工是否需自備工具] 否 [薪資] [月薪] - 45K –60 K TWD/Month [年薪] 保13個月 [年終獎金計算方式] 全薪計算 [每日工作時間] 09:00 – 18:00,中午休息 (12:00 – 13:00) [每週工作時間] 8 * 5 = 40 hrs [加班費制度] 依勞基法規定 [公司介紹] Perfect Intelligent Technology Limited (PITL) is a subsidiary company of Perfect Optronics Limited (Stock Code: 8311.HK) who has been engaging in the trading of display components of electronics, development and sales of optics products & related electronics components, also process some of the products which it trades for 20 years. Nowadays, along with advanced technology and speedy communication, our world become more dynamic and interactive. Messages delivered and received occupies majority time of our daily lives. Being a LCD/LED display device and solution providers, PITL’s digital signage helps you to deliver messages to designated parties, capture audience’s attention and let you stay in close proximity to targets. PITL was founded in 2018, having the customers throughout the world including top retailers in the world. The headquarter of PITL is located in Hong Kong and one branch in Shenzhen (R&D center). PITL is young and full of passion and creation. We are looking for partners who has passion and are willing to grow with us. [人資或徵才聯絡方式] Email: [email protected] Mobile: +886-972393061 本文為代發徵才,應徵請勿直接回信。 如有違反板規懇請告知,感謝! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1585113782.A.972.html

leader2005: 還是不如高考XD 03/25 13:26

bxc: 好低 03/25 14:08

BaGaJohn5566: 兩年經驗會這些只值4~5萬 可黏 03/25 14:11

Gyin: 這薪水剛畢業的都不一定請的到吧... 03/25 14:11

mercurycgt68: 幸福城市溫馨價格 大家別太計較 南部人都好說ㄑㄧ話 03/25 14:23

mercurycgt68: ㄈㄨˋ 03/25 14:23

baseguard: 香港人是瞧不起台灣工程師嗎 03/25 14:23

JerianGrant: 樓上,台灣老闆自己都瞧不太起自己台灣工程師惹 03/25 15:09

csfgsj: 我的經驗不只兩年,會的也是這些,在台北,薪水是這兩倍 03/25 15:59

a810086: 地點在台南的話這薪水蠻ok了吧 03/25 16:23

a810086: 當然我是說50k以上 03/25 16:24

kurll: 笑死 03/25 16:46

alen091918: 台灣就這麼小 台南就該低薪喔? 03/25 17:42

dinway: 就其實是台商啊 03/25 17:55

shiauji: 香港人一直都很瞧不起台灣工程師啊,不考慮政治可憐處, 03/25 18:16

shiauji: 香港人就是難相處居多 03/25 18:16

euser1777: 就跟薩摩亞商一樣! 台商阿! 03/25 18:39

lucid1994: 這價錢找不到人吧 03/25 19:24

Cramael: 唉這篇太古意了,title 掛ㄧ下研發or R&D, 薪水寫一下配 03/25 20:11

Cramael: 股,人就來了。 03/25 20:11

jj0321: 絕對會有人應徵啦 台南有這薪水 很香的 03/25 20:48

jj0321: 板上嘴巴300萬年薪的別來跟南部人搶飯碗 03/25 20:49

tommhk2002: 垃圾 03/25 21:46

wowkerker: 樓上吃錯藥? 03/25 22:01

PauFrank5566: 比台灣系統廠低薪,給噓 03/25 23:05

PauFrank5566: 香港菜雞起薪就8萬~10萬台幣了 03/25 23:05

PauFrank5566: 2年經驗,還去你那?? 03/25 23:06

a810086: 香港消費也高啊...你一餐兩百台幣要嗎 03/26 00:41

peijin4218: 樓上,新竹一餐隨便也200好嘛 03/26 14:34

skizard: 會這些才這點錢 哭哭 03/26 15:21
