[徵才] Xfers 軟體工程師

看板 Tech_Job
作者 ayueh (我不是肥宅)
時間 2019-04-10 13:34:26
留言 2則留言 (2推 0噓 0→)

代po -------------- 【公司名稱】 Xfers Pte. Ltd. (Singapore Company) 【工作職缺】 Software Engineer 【簡介】 At Xfers, we believe in financial inclusion. As South-East Asia stands on the cusp of being an economic powerhouse in the coming years, there is a need to e nable many individuals to step out of their marginalised financial environment s. In empowering a speedier entry by digital financial service providers into these markets, we aim to bring equal financial opportunities to all, in the ho pe of alleviating financial hardship. In Xfers, you'll likely get experience on many different projects across the o rganization. You will be exposed to the latest developments in the payments in dustry and have the chance to learn about new and emerging trends in financial technology, how a startup works and how to make product decisions that is ali gned with the business goals. Most of what you'll do day-to-day will involve working with our designers to c reate amazing and intuitive payments experiences on the web. We use a combinat ion of Rails, jQuery architecture and having lots of fun with it. You'll creat e flexible, reusable UI and app abstractions that let us build new features qu ickly and easily. We aim to write code that computes efficiently. 在Xfers,我們相信所有人都該享有平等的金融服務。 由於東南亞的經濟將在未來幾年快速發展,因此讓大眾走出邊緣化的金融環境成為了我們 重要的使命。我們將使線上金融服務供應商更快地進入市場,為所有人帶來平等的金融機 會,希望能夠減輕經濟困難。 您在Xfers裡可能會接觸整個組織中許多不同項目。 您將了解支付產業的最新發展,並有機會了解金融技術的新興趨勢、新創公司的運作方式 以及如何制定符合業務目標的產品決策。 您日常工作的大部分內容都涉及與我們的設計師合作,在網絡上創建出色而直觀的付款體 驗。 我們結合使用Rails, jQuery架構並使用它們帶來更多樂趣。 您將創建靈活,可重用的UI和應用程式架構,使我們可以快速輕鬆地構建新功能。我們的 目標是編寫有效率的程式碼。 【工作內容】 - Build and maintain new user-facing features or overhaul existing ones. - Research, guide and execute broad frontend architecture changes. - Work with complex and varied data structures. - Work with a codebase that is highly fault tolerant. - Work and ship product independently. - Share what you know and learn either one-on-one or via our weekly sharing se ssions and give back to the community via open source and blog posts. - Making technical presentations and demonstrating how a product will meet cli ent needs - 構建用戶所使用的新功能和維護現有功能。 - 研究、指導和執行高接受度的前端架構變更。 - 處理複雜多變的數據結構。 - 使用高度容錯的程式碼。 - 獨立工作和達成產品目標。 - 在我們的週會或一對一交流中大方分享您的知識及所學,並通過開源專案和部落格回饋 社區。 - 透過簡報演示產品如何滿足客戶需求 【徵才條件】 - 1 - 3 years of engineering experience. BS/MS Degree in any relevant major. ( ex: IT, Computer Science, etc) OR Significant open source project contribution with - adequate computer science fundamentals studies from online courses. - Proficiency with any programming languages/framework. e.g.: Ruby on Rails, j Query, React.js, will be a plus point - An understanding of complex algorithms and data structures, as well as a pas sion for intellectual challenges. - Experience with the database management tool, mySQL. - 1 - 3年的工程經驗。任何相關專業的學士/碩士學位。(例如: IT、計算機科學等)或 者在網路資源中獲取充分的程式基礎所做出特殊的開源專案貢獻。 - 熟練掌握任何程式語言/框架。例如:Ruby on Rails,jQuery,React.js - 具備對複雜的演算法和資料結構的理解力,以及面對挑戰的熱情。 - 有資料庫管理工具的經驗, 如 mySQL。 【工作時間】 星期一到五 早上10點 ~ 晚上6點 (彈性上下班) 依照國定假日放假 【薪資範圍】 月薪 2.5k SGD - 4.5k SGD 【備註】 1. We are looking for remote hire. (Working from home) 2. Feel free to have a chat with us if you prefer to have an adventure outside of Taiwan and want to work in Singapore Or Jakarta 【Online Application】 https://jobs.lever.co/xfers/59e063c6-45aa-4214-8424-e185c234241d --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1554874470.A.E44.html

IhateOGC: 會餓死嗎? 04/10 19:01

walilaV: 在家工作,餓不死 04/10 23:03
