Really - Always leave the office on time

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作者 gothmog (上海極司非爾路76號)
時間 2019-01-17 08:50:15
留言 14則留言 (4推 0噓 10→)

Source | | BY:Andrew McGregor, Director at Design&Build Recruitment I recently shared an image and comment on why I genuinely believe that we all need to practice the art of leaving the office on time. Admittedly I did not e xpect the 3k's worth of likes and 100's of comments however I wanted to share why I genuinely believe that to achieve the high's of both professional and pe rsonal life you absolutely need to pay attention and 'leave the office on time '. Over the last 10 years I've constantly heard the wonderful phrase of work life balance, 'Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing betwe en "work" (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, fa mily and spiritual development/meditation)'. So what does this really mean and why do I genuinely believe in leaving the of fice on time? 1.Work is a never ending process - It's fact and we may as well get used to it, therefore stop focusing on 1 day or 1 week and start planning for a career. So harness the skills of time manag ement and stop trying to get everything done in a day! 2.Interest of a client is important, so is your family - Honestly I scoff at the remark from those who think 2 hours in the evening is enough for your family, it's really not. They will always enrich your life mor e than a client ever can, give them the time they deserve. 3.If you fall in life neither your client or boss will lend you a helping hand , your family will - Don't get me wrong I was conflicted with this as I try to be a good boss and a lways try to be there, but I try, families always will, no questions asked. 4.Life is not only about work, office, and client - I love the people and industry I work within and man when we celebrate it's fa ntastic but do you know what, that's one moment. With friends and family, it's continuous and without expectation. Cherish your moments with family/friends and experience new adventures with them as well. 5.A person who stays late at the office is not a hardworking person - This raised a lot of dispute on my original post and I understand why people w ould disagree but I have a different view. I have learnt in 10 years of recrui tment that those who are able to work effectively in the time provided they ar e hugely successful and enjoy a great work life balance. If you are working 10 -12 hours I beg you to look at what you are trying achieve and question whethe r they are genuinely adding benefit. Plan your day before you start your day, don't do it at 8am or 8.30am when your day has started as your already chasing your tail. Don't be a fool. 6.You did not study hard or struggle in life to become a machine - Nail on head, machines can operate 24 hours a day with the right fuel. You can not, balance your life, remember you have 24 hours a day, 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours to work, 8 hours of your own! 7.If your boss forces you to work late - You know what I am a boss. If I have to ask anyone to work late or work late m yself I am a fool. To date, I have never asked anyone to work late, I never wi ll. Practice what you preach. I could go on for hours as this is a subject dear to me. I was a son with a fa ther I rarely saw due to work. I've seen families torn apart because parents p ut work before family. I've heard of young fathers passing away because of str ess at work and working 16 hours a day. ALWAYS LEAVE THE OFFICE ON TIME. --
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gothmog: 加班是天經地義的事 我必須配合 01/17 08:52

gothmog: 如果是我的效率問題而需要加班 我會改善 01/17 08:52

gothmog: 如果是同仁生疏而導致公司需要加班 我會盡全力支援 01/17 08:53

gothmog: 如果是公司有額外的訂單 我會盡全力配合 01/17 08:53

gothmog: 以上為台灣輪班星人 標準SOP回答 01/17 08:53

Homedoni: 以台廠大多數是fab線上的工作型態而言 準時下班不太可能 01/17 08:56

Homedoni: 加上人力cost down 加班費卡死 才造就這種文化產生 01/17 08:57

zsyian: 強者:Always leave office earlier and work at home. 01/17 08:57

lovebridget: Ontime定義不同啊 有些公司就是晚上10點:) 01/17 09:01

pttccbbs: 非常同意,只有特殊情況,才考慮適度的加班,但是平常 01/17 09:26

pttccbbs: 上班時間就努力工作 01/17 09:26

deadalus: 台灣主管六點半開會討論,隔天十點review 01/17 09:54

deadalus: 還嗆你怎麼沒有做到位 01/17 09:54

deadalus: 還有直接工時放到KPI的 01/17 09:55
