Fw: [徵才] 港商 Sheenway 徵 台灣軟/韌體經理

看板 Tech_Job
作者 dolinian (杜麗娘)
時間 2017-07-25 11:09:03
留言 2則留言 (2推 0噓 0→)

作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] 港商 Sheenway 徵 台灣軟/韌體經理 時間: Tue Jul 25 10:58:25 2017 港商 Sheenway 徵 台灣軟/韌體經理 [公司名稱] Sheenway Technology Ltd (陞威科技發展有限公司) [公司地址] 香港:香港九龍佐敦柯士甸路22-26號好兆年行 台北辦公室近期成立 [公司網址] http://www.sheentek.com/ https://sheentek.mit.jobs/ (mit.Jobs上資訊比較多,往下我會解釋) [職位及待遇] Software Engineering Manager 1.8m - 2.5m TWD/annum (未含績效獎金) [公司簡介] Sheenway is a professional sourcing, product development and manufacturing corporation, has companies in Hong Kong, mainland China, and now expands to Taiwan. [工作內容] - Arrange the set up of a R&D branch & develop a strong Software team in Taiwan for Sheenway. - Work independently on Application programming design mainly by C language to develop Z-Wave / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Zigbee products using MCU such as 8051, M0 to M4 or MT7688 running Linux OS. - Work for future development of product associated with Amazon Smart Home skill, API for Alexa, Apple Homekit system etc. - Closely communicate with Sheenway's R&D team in China and follow Sheenway's product development schedule and requirements to complete the job assignment. - Assist to recruit necessary supportive Software Engineers in Taiwan to handle the job assignment. - Assign job duties, provide guidance and monitor the progress and performance of the Software Engineers in Taiwan to complete the job assignment. - Require to travel to Sheenway's R&D office in China for training or project follow up. [應徵條件] Must have - Must be very skillful in C language. - Deep understanding in at least one of common software languages or frameworks: C++, JAVA, Javascript, Swift, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc. - Highly experienced and effective in end-to-end software develop process, from defining user requirements, deployment, to user testing. - Excellent communications and project management skills. Can be effective in working with remote teams and international clients. Good to have - Bachelor degree or higher, major in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or related subject. - 5+ years working experience in software development - 2 years in managing a development team - Experience in working with Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Zigbee is preferred, or other hardware projects is a plus. - Knowledge in mechanical engineering will also be an advantage. [工作地點] 即將設立台北分公司,在此前需到香港、深圳工作一到三個月 而後在台北辦公室成立以前可遠端工作 [工作時間] 原則上09:00 - 18:00,但時間自由 [加班制度] 比照台灣相關勞動法規 [應徵方式] 職缺傳送門:https://goo.gl/yXgXWz [其他資訊] 這家企業非常之低調。(徵才資訊都比官方網站的資訊多) 原因是因為交給美國客戶的重要零組件,最後組成成品會交付 給某國的國防部。因為簽訂保密協議,所以只能公開到這裡, 敬請見諒。 另外,我自己親身接觸的經驗,創辦人非常富有遠見和執行力 ,是前一個世代(現在約60多歲)的留台港生,對於台灣人印象 很好。 在Sheenway的規劃中,此一職位會先協助深圳工廠的韌體開 發,以及香港總部間與國外客戶的支援工作。一年內希望能組 織起台灣的技術團隊,長期希望能培養成台灣區的技術團隊負 責人。 推薦有一定職場經驗,想要加入外商卻不一定要離開台灣,對 於自己職涯有一定期待的人,可以挑戰看看囉! 此為代發訊息,請不要直接回信應徵。有違板規請告知,感謝 == 林昶聿 開發者及創辦人 mit.Jobs跨境求職網站 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1500952144.A.50A.html

willie0171: m=10^-3,年薪少到靠杯吧,不足1元 07/25 20:47

popen: 是180萬-250萬/每年 03/20 04:12
