Fw: [新聞] 美國政府對中國ZTE公司下貿易制裁

看板 Tech_Job
作者 mmkntust (老王廚房)
時間 2016-03-15 16:30:59
留言 51則留言 (30推 1噓 20→)

作者: phaq (廢客) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 美國政府對中國ZTE公司下貿易制裁 時間: Tue Mar 15 15:06:55 2016 1.媒體來源: 華爾街日報 2.完整新聞標題: U.S. to Place Trade Restrictions on China’s ZTE 聯邦政府對中國的中興公司下貿易制裁 3.完整新聞內文: U.S. to Place Trade Restrictions on China’s ZTE New restrictions will make it difficult for ZTE to buy components, software from U.S. suppliers Visitors test smartphones at ZTE's stand during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February. ENLARGE Visitors test smartphones at ZTE's stand during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February. PHOTO: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES By JURO OSAWA in Hong Kong and EVA DOU in Beijing Updated March 7, 2016 5:02 a.m. ET 22 COMMENTS The Commerce Department slapped trade restrictions on Chinese telecommunications supplier ZTE Corp., alleging it violated U.S. technology restrictions on Iran, a move expected to fuel tensions between China and the U.S. 因為ZTE 賣東西給伊朗,違反國美的國家政策 The Commerce Department said ZTE acted “contrary to the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States” in a ruling expected to be published Tuesday. The decision will hinder the company’s ability to buy U.S. components and software. Authorities allege ZTE broke export rules by supplying Iran with U.S.-made high-tech goods and said they uncovered plans by ZTE to use a series of shell companies “to illicitly reexport controlled items to Iran in violation of U.S. export control laws.” The company is a major global supplier of telecom-networking equipment such as cellphone base stations and antennas, and is also the only Chinese smartphone brand with substantial handset sales in the U.S. Its global sales last year were about $15.5 billion. 中興一年大概在美國有15.5億美金生意 ZTE said in a statement that it adheres to laws and regulations wherever it operates. “ZTE has been cooperating, will continue to cooperate and communicate with all U.S. agencies as required. The company is working expeditiously towards resolution of this issue,” it added. Advertisement The Shenzhen, China-based company’s Hong Kong-listed shares were suspended from trading on Monday after Reuters reported U.S. restrictions on ZTE would take effect on Tuesday. Analysts said the restrictions could severely hurt the company’s handset and telecom-equipment businesses. The restrictions essentially will bar U.S. companies from supplying ZTE with an array of restricted goods, including computers, software and telecommunications equipment. U.S. companies could apply for a license to sell such goods to ZTE but the Commerce Department said it is operating under a “policy of presumption of denial,” indicating it has no plans to issue licenses. The license requirements apply to a transaction where the products would be proposed for “export, re-export, or transfer” within the U.S. Analysts say the restrictions would have a major impact on ZTE’s business given its dependence on component and software suppliers from the U.S. For example, some of ZTE’s smartphones, particularly high-end models, use chips from Qualcomm Inc. Intel Corp. and Broadcom Corp. also are ZTE suppliers. Qualcomm, Intel and Broadcom declined to comment. In the fourth quarter of 2015, ZTE was the fourth-largest smartphone vendor in the U.S. with a 7% market share, behind Apple Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. and LG Electronics Inc., according to research firm IDC. ZTE手機大概有 7%市場 “This may cause significant supply problems to both ZTE’s equipment and handset businesses,” Jefferies analyst Cynthia Meng wrote in a note to clients on Monday. 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-plans-to-place-restrictions-on-zte-1457337207 5.備註: 美國下令美商跟經銷商,全部不可以賣東西給中興 ZTE 包括CPU、晶片、軟體、電腦、全部不可以跟他做生意..... ZTE 死定了 下一個目標應該是華為.. 重返農藥 -- Taiwan needs China ! ╗╬╬╬╔ 中國不能亡! 桶了一個longstay ╭┤ ╞╮ 還有千千萬萬個ls ¥╰╡╱▲\╞╯$ M社會! ╔╝╗ 查理(y)! 活不下去! -- 好像是ZTE美國內部跟FBI檢舉,據ZTE文件說華為也有賣 中國網民報導華為怕的要死.......
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1458030661.A.A22.html

cake10414: 讚讚讚 03/15 15:07

justin091136: QQ 03/15 15:07

ams9: 讚 支持中美貿易大戰 03/15 15:07

HowWhy99: goood 03/15 15:09

yannicklatte: 完了,中國即將自主發展產業一條龍,要起飛了! 03/15 15:09

hihi29: 中興慘多了 外銷主力我記得是美國 華為外銷主力是歐洲 03/15 15:09

NewPassat: 是因為ZTE透過第三公司賣東西給伊朗的關係啦 03/15 15:10

linzero: 理由是什麼?能翻譯一下嗎? 03/15 15:10

HwaSIn: 不尊重專利權 03/15 15:10

NewPassat: 沒事幹嘛制裁華為?總是要有藉口! 03/15 15:11

Tattoo: 中國也可以反制裁 03/15 15:11

Orzer: 爽! 03/15 15:11

kimisawa: 基本上 中興違反了對伊朗貿易制裁規範 03/15 15:11

kimisawa: 透過介殼公司把美國的高科技東西轉賣給伊朗 03/15 15:12

z7993383: 華為應該很爽,準備好搶中興的市場 03/15 15:12

NewPassat: 我們公司就被美國要求禁賣晶片給ZTE,對方急的要命,最 03/15 15:12

NewPassat: 後應該是繳錢解套吧? 03/15 15:13

kimisawa: 華為也在怕吧..這些中國公司都跟伊朗北韓這些被制裁國家 03/15 15:15

kimisawa: 生意做不少, 華為一定也有幹的 03/15 15:15

kimisawa: 我猜中興會像之前的三星一樣轉當廖杯啊咬華為換減刑 03/15 15:17

NewPassat: 那就是中國公司自己白痴不當警告一回事囉 03/15 15:17

rick65134: 上午看26討論好像是 向美國買東西再轉賣給伊朗 03/15 15:17

rick65134: 重點似乎是"轉賣" 03/15 15:18

z7993383: GG 03/15 15:18

qooisgood: 祖國的農業! 03/15 15:19

fertalizer: (′・ω・‵)呵 03/15 15:21

tonyselina: 科,中國人不打中國人的美德呢? 03/15 15:30

jun1981: 該來台灣掛牌 轉銷美國了 03/15 15:30

hyghmax1202: 最主要是中興踩到美國人的底線 不能怪美國人無情 03/15 15:30

qwxr: 今天315 肯定會有美國公司倒霉的 03/15 15:32

xxxcat: 美國管真大,流氓八嘠冏國家,台灣就像台妹一樣愛。 03/15 15:38

kimisawa: 說美國管真的是不是搞錯了什麼? 03/15 15:41

zeumax: 跟美國做生意就是不能跟他貿易制裁的國家做生意啊!只能二 03/15 15:43

zeumax: 選一就對了,之前臺灣有公司賣東西給朝鮮,也被抓到要罰到 03/15 15:43

zeumax: 脫褲子,不乖乖遵守就連賺錢的機會都不給你 03/15 15:43

a3pa3p: 這新聞也太舊了吧 好幾天前就看到了 03/15 15:44

zeumax: 而美國做生意的相關國家也不會跟這公司做生意,不然會連坐 03/15 15:45

zeumax: 轉賣不不轉賣不要緊,主要是限制性科技產品,轉賣美國牛不 03/15 15:47

zeumax: 會有事,轉賣一台可用於離心鈾的洗衣機就會有事 03/15 15:47

a032100: 中國跟伊朗現在超麻吉 不意外 03/15 15:48

somefatguy: 伊朗不是解禁了嗎 03/15 15:52

zeumax: 核子武器的限制還在吧 03/15 15:53

bakaka: 爽 03/15 15:57

HappyboyEric: 爽 03/15 16:06

zz2895341: 爽歪歪 03/15 16:18

hyghmax1202: 離心鈾? 軸吧…Q.Q 03/15 16:18

frank01: 阿共會不會明天就抄掉apple 所有中國直營店 03/15 16:20

cuteminiblue: 爽爽爽 03/15 16:42

PUTOUCHANG: 中國下令中商跟經銷商,全部不可以賣東西給台灣 03/15 16:52

miketk: 板上舔中人士:有什麼了不起祖國早就不用甩美國了 走著瞧 03/15 19:16

funfun00: 不用甩美國剛好阿,就不用賣東西給美國 03/15 22:22
