[徵才] 飛行模擬機中心 simulator technicians

看板 Tech_Job
作者 Vljiao (Good Morning)
時間 2016-02-19 16:09:12
留言 19則留言 (6推 3噓 10→)

澳洲商Ansett Aviation Training在台灣設立之亞洲模擬機中心將於三月起開始營運, 我們欲徵求數名飛行模擬機技師,期盼對於航空模擬機或航空電子技術有熱忱的朋友們 加入我們的優秀團隊,一起共享Ansett在亞洲的成長與茁壯! 請參考我們的網站 https://www.ansettaviationasia.com 以及關係企業安捷飛行訓練中心的粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/apexflightacademy 104上的職缺刊登: Senoir technician https://www.104.com.tw/job/?jobno=4n2q4&jobsource=n104bank1 Junior technician https://www.104.com.tw/job/?jobno=4n2r1&jobsource=n104bank1 Simulator Trainee Technician Applies basic knowledge and experience to solve routine technical tasks or system problems; those that typically may be performed solely by reference to maintenance manuals or similar documents. Work may be reviewed by more proficient technicians to ensure compliance with accepted practices and/or standard operating procedures. Work being performed for the first time and any task for which the employee is not documented as being proficient at will be reviewed by more proficient technicians or the Maintenance Manager. Receives training in device system and subsystems. [Essential Duties and Responsibilities] (include, but are not limited to the following): ‧ Applies working technical/on-technial knowledge to perform simple or routine tasks in support of work on various devices, while following detailed instrucions which encompass all procedures. ‧ Receives technical guidance as required from supervisor and higher-level technicians. ‧ New or advanced assignments will be given detailed review and be spot checked. Tasks previously accomplished and documented as proficient do not require review or spot check, though they may be at the Maintenance Manager or Shift Lead’s discretion. ‧ Localizes and replaces defective parts in electronic circuits. ‧ Requires use of block, wiring and schematic diagrams to trace basic circuits. ‧ Maintains required documentation of maintenance activities. ‧ Monitors and tracks the repair status of inoperative equipment and document maintenance activities utilizing the logistics management data base system. ‧ Documents maintenance activities to include but not limited to, work order generation and updates, repair action documentation, issuing, returning, and adjusting inventory, insuring inventory records are up to date and accurate, and other material control duties as assigned. ‧ Conducts voice communications on phone, inter-phone and radio circuits. ‧ Provides networking and information systems support on training devices and networks. ‧ Learns device requirements, system design standards, tools and procedures. ‧ Implements basic modifications to existing simulators. ‧ Performs other duties as assigned. [Education and/or Experience] ‧ Position requires a Technical College Degree with no experience or an equivalent combination of technical education and related experience in electronics, electromechanical, computer, aviation or simulation technology. ‧ Two (2) years of related experience may substitute for absence of Technical College Degree ‧ Knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field ‧ Related skill areas should include technical writing and presentation skills. [Office location] 桃園市蘆竹區 (近機場捷運坑口站),從台北開車約40分鐘可抵達 [Salary] 月薪40K-100K 14個月 依照學歷及條件敘薪,我們並沒有設限,歡迎自薦並提出期望薪資! 相關員工福利依照勞基法辦理 [Contact us] 請附英文履歷及相關附件寄至: [email protected] [email protected] 另外我們亦徵求已有相當飛行模擬機技師背景的朋友加入我們的行列! https://www.104.com.tw/job/?jobno=4n2q4&jobsource=n104bank1 -- 02/19 21:32
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1455869358.A.2E1.html

getbacker: 好台的薪水……02/19 16:24

rickygu: 入境隨俗的薪水02/19 16:30

mimi0254didi: 四萬要幹嘛??02/19 16:41

bopoha: 好歹加上個car allowance吧02/19 16:43

Vljiao: 樓上各位可能誤會了,40k只是最底,並非02/19 17:25

Vljiao: 既定金額,我們並不會吝嗇給予資格符合的02/19 17:25

Vljiao: 人才應得的報酬,謝謝指教02/19 17:25

bopoha: 那最高哩?02/19 18:19

gj942l41l4: 大學畢業 不需經驗 準時下班的話還ok啦02/19 19:22

gj942l41l4: 大學畢業 不需經驗 準時下班的話還ok啦02/19 19:22

houting: 這和當年的Ansett Australia航空是關係企業嗎? XD02/19 20:23

ps0411: 外商最高100K? 還只有14個月?可以請這種假外商滾出台灣 02/20 00:44

ps0411: 嗎?台廠前幾大隨便都贏 02/20 00:44

jeromeshih: 如果100k 14個月應該沒很多廠給的起吧? 02/20 02:41

michaelgodtw: 大部份份是10K給12個月 02/20 08:29

michaelgodtw: 這種去挖角才找到人 02/20 08:31

sky1258: ㄧ年12萬? 02/21 22:02

IloveZ: 飛行學校 02/22 21:18

nobodyinavi: 就安捷呀 02/22 22:14
