Re: [請益] 台積面試後 回信內容

看板 Tech_Job
作者 lianlai (Woody)
時間 2014-03-17 17:03:35
留言 9則留言 (8推 0噓 1→)

我3/5面試中科台積秘書,今天收到感謝函,如下: The response to our company’s recent recruitment drive was overwhelming. All of the applicants were of very high caliber. As such, it was extremely difficult to choose only one from amongst such outstanding candidates. However, after long and deliberate consideration, we regret to inform you that your application for the job at TSMC has been unsuccessful. This is no way a reflection on your skills and experience, as most of these applicants had skills and knowledge that were very similar to yours, which is to say, extremely exceptional and outstanding. As long as a suitable timing and vacancy opens up next time, your continuous interest will be highly appreciated. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you for applying to join TSMC. Best Wishes Recruiting Team, TSMC 各位別急:) : ※ 引述《oBIGo (yuchieh)》之銘言: : : 朋友上禮拜南科台積面試,今天收到回信,沒有電話通知,信的內容如下: : : TSMC Rrecruiting Department receive your resume in a job referral. : : Submitted by XXX on 2014 3/12 . : : Your resume is now under the recruiting procss. : : We will be contacting with you if you we find a suitaber position. Thank you! : : 和以往的感謝函形式不太相同,不太知道是甚麼意思,想請教大家,是否有希望? : 我的面試是被安排在3月19號 : 然後當我今天回覆資料時 : 立馬就收到跟原po一樣的信了 : 但我明明就還沒去面試說 = = : 想請問一下不知這是系統的關係還是怎樣 : 抑或是它在暗示來面試也沒用 反正也不會上提早寄好了QQ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(
※ 文章網址:

maikxz:這才是正版的感謝函啊XDDD 前面都是資料進入系統回信啊!!!! 03/17 17:11

pinkear:好文推一下 03/17 17:55

sam43mp5a5:寫得好婉轉的一封信 03/17 18:23

yukiinsummer:拍拍 03/17 18:34

amozartea:台積都不寄信給我QQ 03/17 19:01

goldenkiwi:不知道成大場剛剛收到補寄成績單的信,還以為是感謝函 03/17 19:35

goldenkiwi:下鼠人囉 03/17 19:35

OszKa:這英文好漂亮 03/17 20:12

dog90224:我也好想快收到GG的信 03/18 00:24
