[新聞] Twice為土耳其敘利亞捐款2億韓元

作者 monmo (Gentleman monmo)
時間 2023-02-15 10:40:03
留言 42則留言 (42推 0噓 0→)

https://m.k-odyssey.com/news/newsview.php?ncode=1065577354341612 上班只能概翻請見諒 SEOUL, Feb. 15 (Yonhap) – Save the Children, an international children's rights non-governmental organization (NGO), announced on Wednesday that girl group TWICE has donated 200 million won for residents in Turkey and Syria affected by the earthquake. 國際兒童權利NGO"拯救兒童"宣布...Twice為土敘地震受災居民捐款2億韓元 According to Save the Children, TWICE said through its agency JYP Entertainment, "We joined the sponsorship because we wanted to be helpful. We express our condolences to all those who suffered from the damage, and we sincerely hope that the surviving children and their families will be able to recover to their daily lives.” Twice透過公司表示“我們加入贊助是因為我們想提供幫助。我們向所有受災的人們表示 哀悼,我們真誠地希望倖存的兒童和他們的家人將能夠恢復他們的日常生活。” TWICE member Mina participated in Save the Children's newborn life campaign in 2017 and donated fur hat she made by herself. Mina早於2017年就曾參加該組織的活動...捐出了親手製作的毛帽 The donations delivered by TWICE will be used to provide temporary residential tents for children and their families to stay warm and safe, winter supplies such as blankets and clothing, emergency relief supplies such as neonatal supplies, and drinking water and sanitary supplies. 孩子們捐贈的善款將用於為兒童和家人提供溫暖安全的臨時住宿帳篷、毛毯和衣物等冬季 用品、新生兒用品等緊急救援物資以及飲用水和衛生用品。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TWICE/M.1676428807.A.EAA.html

Nostoc : 推 02/15 10:54

chaechae : 感動推~ 02/15 10:54

PTToffline : 推 02/15 11:33

kyo90637 : 超棒 我們家天使們 02/15 11:39

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cocomans : 推 02/15 11:57

locifer : 推! 02/15 12:14

karol1995 : 推推推 02/15 12:16

Ashen19 : 善心推 02/15 12:21

snio2427 : 推 02/15 12:30

ronald000 : 推9位天使 02/15 12:33

jj861997 : 推 02/15 14:39

wing0614 : 推推 02/15 14:40

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jacky16839 : 推 02/15 15:56

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manto2NJY : 推推 02/15 16:40

wunclass : 推 02/15 17:15

whatlala : 讚 02/15 17:39

shuttlecocks: 推 02/15 17:59

kuangfeng29 : 推推 善良的孩子們 02/15 17:59

EnNoir : 推 02/15 18:12

purple27 : 推我們善良的TWICE 02/15 18:34

MalvinLee : 推推 02/15 18:59

vjr964040 : 推 02/15 19:07

lilweiting : 推推推 02/15 19:28

cpbl727005 : 推天使 02/15 19:36

dolphin279 : 推 02/15 20:02

AkiRyou : 推 02/15 20:17

benson86713 : 善!推! 02/15 22:29

yang122 : 推 02/16 00:02

catlyeko : 推 TWICE 02/16 00:35

garyqbs : 推溫暖的TWICE 02/16 03:26

chloefish : 推 02/16 08:35

lindada78 : 推!善良的twice 02/16 08:51

lfuser : 推 02/16 20:45

shihyanyu : 推TWICE 02/16 23:08

AhCheng : 推愛心 02/17 12:29

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