Re: [問題] 新手部品購買順序應該是?

看板 SuperBike
作者 palmpilote (wespe好棒)
時間 2011-10-09 16:27:36
留言 6則留言 (4推 0噓 2→)

自己刪一下 : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : 推 hyde116 :專業講解 推一下^^b 10/09 06:22 : → stevenbafa :想請教醫生 為何有戴護具 還是會受傷 是內部摩擦? 10/09 07:13 護具的作用是在受到衝擊的時候減少力量的大小 從wikipedia那邊可以看到CE的標準 這邊再從Forcefield的網站那邊偷一下更完整的標準 至於裡面的一些廣告原文就請大家無視啦XD EN1621-2:2003: Level 1 EN1621-2:2003: Level 2 "Motorcyclist's protective clothing against mechanical impacts - Part 2: Motorcyclists back protectors"- "Requirements and test methods": Level 1 and Level 2 EN1621-2:1998: Level 1 EN1621-2:1998: Level 2 As above but now replaced by 2003 version EN1621-2 relates only to back protectors. The impact energy used in the test is 50 joules. If the transmitted force recorded after the impact is between 9 KiloNewtons and 18 KiloNewtons it can be classified as a Level 1 Back protector or insert. If the transmitted force recorded is below 9 KiloNewtons then it can be classified as a Level 2 Back protector or insert. The lower the transmitted force in KiloNewtons the more protective the product is. Our current Pro Sub 4 back protector currently transmits about 3.38 KiloNewtons which is outstanding. EN1621-2從1998開始,到2003修改,主要是針對機車騎士的背部龜甲和腰部做規範。 測試方法是給予50焦耳的能量,如果穿透過去的平均最大能量介於9~18kN就是level 1 如果小於9kN就是level 2 所以說level 2比level 1好 不只這家,大家熟悉的A星,等你老師或是KNOX都有符合level 2的產品 大家挑的時候可以注意一下 EN1621-1:1997 "Motorcyclists protective clothing against mechanical impact - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for impact protectors" There is only one performance level according to this standard. It requires that given a 50 Joule impact the protector doesn't transmit a mean figure greater than 35 KiloNewtons. You may come across Type B, Type A and CE Type protectors. Type A and Type B refer only to the size, shape or coverage. All our protectors are Type B which means they meet the Type B template for coverage within the standard. Type A is a much smaller template more suited to children's sizing. CE sizing refers to full CE Motorcycle Clothing where the armour size relates to the garment size. Instead of one size fits all the armour coverage increases through the size range EN1621-1是最基本的標準,就是針對其他部分的護具標準 (所以不要拿EN1621-2去要求手肘的... 這是張飛打岳飛,當然製造商願意精益求精是很好) 同樣是50焦耳,這個標準只要穿透過去的平均最大不要超過35kN就好 單一一次最大不可以超過50kN 詳細的測試方法可以看這個連結 Type A或B是用來區分size,歐盟的要求只有區分大人小孩 小孩是type A,大人的是type B,我想這部份大家不會弄錯 當然這家標榜說有不同的size可以提供更好的選擇大家看看就好XD EN14021:2003 "Stone shields for off road motorcycling suited to protect riders against stones and debris- Requirements and test methods" This is to do with coverage mainly on the stone shield which protects against lofted stones and debris. The higher level of performance comes from integrating EN1621-1 and EN1621- 2 within the product as Forcefield have done with the Extreme Harness. EN14021這個標準雖然原本主要是針對off road,但是我們台灣的路面...你知道的 這個標準其實主要就是看說會不會有石頭穿過護具保護部分磨到你 這邊有寫到是用15mm的探針去試 (沒有保護到的部份不是測試的範圍...) 不過同時有要求穿上去後還是要有一定的活動度 力量強度的部份這個標準很鬆啦,所以力量的保護還是看EN1621吧 EN13277-2:2000 Clause 4.4 "Motorcyclist's protective clothing against mechanical impacts - Part 2: Motorcyclists Back protectors"- "Requirements and test methods" and with the coverage requirements of clause 4.4 ("zone of protection") of EN13277-2:2000 "Protective equipment for martial arts - Part 3: Additional requirements and test methods for trunk protectors" This specifically relates to sizing/ coverage not impact on the Rib protectors for martial arts. 這個標準主要是規範保護背部和身體的範圍 是看說針對肋骨的部份有沒有包含到 EN13595-1:2002 "Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders -Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits -Part 1: General requirements" (Annex B- "Determination of clothing restraint"). This standard looks at not only the protective content of a product but takes into account the construction and whether the garment is designed to withstand the impact. If the product disintegrates during a fall it will be of no use. The garment should be designed to ensure that the armour stays in place to do the job that it is required to do. 這個標準是給「專業」的機車騎士的標準 重點放在整體的防護,所以除了衝擊的標準外 這個規範主要是希望說受到衝擊的時候,你的防護具之間不要解體... 所以測試內容包含了摩擦,縫線強度還有切割測試 摩擦的部份是用那個材質在60號的砂紙上,以8m/s的速度(28.8km)摩擦5cm 所以請大家在落地的相對速度不要超過這個標準你就不會有擦傷喔 (真難...) 其他的縫線和切割有詳細的標準,大家知道有測就好 總之...大家如果希望皮衣軟又要符合標準有保護效果 該拿的$$的就...嗯... EN340:2003 "Protective clothing - General requirements "The part we use is connected to chemical safety. This is a series of tests that ensure that the materials and components we use do not in themselves cause harm to the body. For instance some products in the market could contain banned substances/chemicals that could be harmful to the user. 這個EN340就是五X製藥說的先講求不傷身體XD 只要就是材質本身不可以有毒傷害人體 另外再提EN 13634: 2010這個標準 這個標準是2010的11月公布的,很新...所以目前不知道有沒有產品通過測試了 (A星的有寫說CE認證,但是不知道是不是這個標準) 這個標準主要是針對車靴的 從各部位撞擊的測試,摩擦,外層皮革對於水的反應,化學安全等等等 規範的相當複雜 另外還有五個Option測試 to the shin and ankle 2.resistance to water penetration 3.resistance to fuel oil of the outsole 4.slip resistance of the outsole 5.water vapour permeability of the upper 大家看看吧...所以不管是哪一種車靴,大概都有對應的規範 這個標準也有分level 1和2,1也是最低標準,2比較嚴格 但是規範本身也說了level 2的鞋子可能不是這麼的被大家接受 也就是說...可能變得不好穿... 也許只有鐵鞋會過level 2吧 反正就等明後年有沒有通過的產品再來看看吧 至於手套的部份有EN 13594: 2002 但是有送檢的很少很少... 反正最後這兩個都是針對專業車手裝備的標準 都另外還有比較基本的標準規範 就看以後沒有人寫出通過這兩個標準吧 最後再補充一個網頁 有興趣的可以自己看看 : 推 yoshilai :專業推!!感謝解說~ 幫抓typo: hyperflexion 10/09 12:33 感謝...打這篇的時候有點昏昏的XD : 推 histman :這樣看下來 包覆性好的龜甲真的不錯 10/09 12:37 : 推 TonyAsa :看完覺得是不是該穿皮衣出門了=..= 10/09 14:06 : 推 mmmmmfff :專業的出來了....這篇看完我都痛了 10/09 14:39 : 推 stevenwu55 :同為醫學人~一定要推一下的!!! 10/09 14:58 : 推 bbcjoe :聽完感覺好痛@@! 10/09 14:59 寫這些只是希望大家多注意一下相關訊息 不是停留在有穿就好的程度 大家都注意,廠商店家才會跟著注意 希望大家都快快樂樂平平安安的騎車啦 -- ◆ From:
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juliushan :感恩,我拿了昨天拆下來洗的防摔衣護具... 10/09 16:44

juliushan :手肘和肩膀都是 1621-1 Type:B 總算瞭解意思了,感恩 10/09 16:45

ACE881 :專業文 推一個! 10/09 17:32

a2537969 :應該可以m起來^^"......嗎? 10/09 18:27

snowcoat :專業文推... 10/09 21:44

stevenbafa :感謝解惑~太專業了 這篇 10/10 01:36
