[新聞] 日本考慮限制對南韓出口半導體,OLED 材料

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作者 SkyPlus (Sky)
時間 2019-07-01 08:09:57
留言 60則留言 (23推 1噓 36→)

1.原文連結: https://reut.rs/2Jfc7Ge 2.原文內容: Japan to tighten export rules for high-tech materials to South Korea: media TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan plans to tighten restrictions on the export of high-tech material used in smartphones and chips to South Korea from July 4 in connection with a dispute over a South Korean ruling on war-time forced labor, the Sankei newspaper reported on Sunday. The row between Japan and South Korea flared last October when South Korea’s Supreme Court ruled that Japan’s Nippon Steel must compensate South Koreans for forced labor during World War Two. Japan maintains that the issue of forced labor was fully settled in 1965 when the two countries restored diplomatic ties, and has denounced the ruling as “unthinkable.” The materials to be restricted are fluorinated polyimide which is used in smartphone displays, and resist and high-purity hydrogen fluoride (HF), which is used as an etching gas in the making of semiconductors, the paper said. Resist is a thin layer used to transfer a circuit pattern to the semiconductor substrate. High-purity HF is used in etching silicon materials. Japan will stop preferential treatment for these three materials for South Korea, meaning Japanese exporters will need to apply for export permission for each time they want to ship to South Korea, which takes about 90 days, the paper said. A government announcement on the restriction is expected on Monday, it said. Japan produces about 90% of fluorinated polyimide and resist worldwide as well as about 70% of etching gas, making it difficult for chipmakers to find alternative supplies, the paper said, pointing to potential impact on South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics. 3.心得/評論: 因為兩邊對於二戰強徵勞工的賠償爭議 日本打算限制對南韓出口可彎曲 OLED 材料 (fluorinated polyimide), 以及半導體製程用的 HF 等氣體。 目前對南韓出口這類東西並沒有管制,但之後要取得政府同意才可以賣給南韓 而且日本的 fluorinated polyimide 佔有率 90%, HF與其他氣體 70% 看來會讓南韓頭痛了?不知道是不是台廠利多 -- --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1561939802.A.996.html

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vtyang : 日本終於知道他旁邊地上滿地槍了!隨便都可以撿來 07/01 08:18

vtyang : 嗆 07/01 08:18

vmcjormp : 消費者真的都喜歡買容易烙印的垃圾啊 07/01 08:21

lion198 : 台灣噴出 07/01 08:23

tagso : 真的限制 台灣OLED面板大概就可以開始做了 07/01 08:30

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JuiFu617 : ? 07/01 08:40

poeoe : 友達本來就有出貨小尺寸OLED了 07/01 08:43

JuiFu617 : 所以友達那個小尺寸oled技術沒有落後? 07/01 08:47

mirce : 台灣利多 南韓快黑了 07/01 08:51

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david1010 : 標準在? 07/01 09:21

aowen : 台廠?應該是阿共撿去吧 07/01 09:21

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suifong : 台灣OLED技術跟三星差太多了,乖乖做LCD就好,OLED 07/01 09:34

suifong : 市場台灣吃不到。 07/01 09:34

snider : 看吧,台灣最聰明,舔日本人LP超兇 07/01 09:59

apolloapollo: 台灣皇民不在少數 07/01 11:29

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thool : 笑死,台灣對中國的貿易大多是三角貿易,像是台積電 07/01 12:13

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sony2008 : 政治傳教士滾 07/01 12:25

Malpais : 這整件事明明是韓國自己腦殘好嗎 當年日本賠錢原本 07/01 12:26

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Malpais : 拿到錢 韓國就又跑回來找日本當ATM 不敢去追當年挪 07/01 12:28

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ted01234567 : 不翻譯我們怎麼看的懂 07/01 13:42

pradakiss : 囧 學老大卡材料壓制對手? 07/01 14:14

andrewkey : 韓國有錯在先,推文幫中共來酸台灣的,請問是五毛嗎? 07/01 14:47

andrewkey : 就事論事很難? 07/01 14:48

Flyingheart : 韓國自己不認帳 支持日韓互相傷害 07/01 19:32

Petrovsky : 政治事件都是假的 背後的經濟利益分贓才是真的 07/01 19:45

stormcrow : 跟希臘一天到晚跟德國要錢一個樣 07/01 23:49

prismark : 結果爽到京東方..? 07/02 12:18

nightwing : 韓國翻70年前的舊帳 日本當然還擊 07/02 13:57
