[抽獎] steamgifts抽獎

看板 Steam
作者 everybody5e (5e)
時間 2021-09-18 00:13:25
留言 48則留言 (48推 0噓 0→)

因為序號放很久了,如果發生不能啟用的狀態, 請站內信,我會寫信給F站客服,如果沒拿到新的序號,我會刪除此GA, 中間需要一段時間,如果不介意這些過程,歡迎參加抽獎, 限港台,截止日9/19 21:00,中秋節快樂 911 Operator https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/2Ay7W/911-operator Close to the Sun https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Wq8Z5/close-to-the-sun Deus Ex: Mankind Divided https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/gTCdA/deus-ex-mankind-divided DiRT 4 (2 Copies) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/xnJPR/dirt-4 DiRT Rally (3 Copies) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/IWVKS/dirt-rally Earth Atlantis https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Wda9D/earth-atlantis DiRT Rally 2.0 https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/e7bMg/dirt-rally-20 Dungeons 3 (2 Copies) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/zXu92/dungeons-3 Drive!Drive!Drive! (4 Copies) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/qPwCL/drivedrivedrive F1 2018 https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/9x2e9/f1-2018 Do Not Feed the Monkeys https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/YQmdh/do-not-feed-the-monkeys --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1631895218.A.F3A.html

ha580401: 感謝 09/18 00:15

xxwei: 感謝。推推 09/18 00:57

pilot1982: 推 09/18 01:28

CIDgreen: 感謝 09/18 01:39

wres666: 有抽有推 09/18 04:02

godtnmai: 有抽有推 09/18 04:44

birka1222: 推 09/18 06:57

saiya: 感謝推 09/18 07:09

pcpal: 有抽有推 09/18 07:56

Forest31: 推 09/18 08:50

easewind: 推推 感謝好心 09/18 08:53

limoo25: 推推 09/18 09:28

Winolf: 感恩~ 09/18 09:52

IkariD: 推 09/18 10:13

Tommy96610: 推 09/18 10:26

edwin96017: 推~中秋節快樂~ 09/18 11:02

xuzx: 推 09/18 12:01

angelkings: 中秋節快樂~推 09/18 12:08

saiyuu: 推~中秋節快樂 09/18 12:47

ulin: 推 09/18 12:57

jacky00025: 推 09/18 13:38

SuperSwaggy: 推 09/18 14:28

kriemh: 推 09/18 14:32

foxfeng: 推 09/18 14:44

Liuej: 中秋節快樂 09/18 15:08

quutamo: 推感謝 09/18 15:19

aaronchenus: 推 09/18 15:44

flyingair: 推 09/18 16:48

gauntsoul: 推 09/18 16:59

DumAsYou: 推 09/18 18:14

as1234884: 中秋節快樂 09/18 20:49

hms5232: 感謝推 09/18 21:18

JackyMing: 推推,中秋節快樂 09/18 21:43

ddender: 推 09/18 22:06

benlee0413: 推 09/18 23:47

wedffcss0020: 推推 連假快樂 09/19 02:33

s19790824: 推 09/19 03:29

j603332002: 中秋節快樂 09/19 07:46

ps10137: 有抽有推 09/19 08:30

s31364663: 推 09/19 09:41

Jess12: 推 09/19 10:16

elfswordsman: 推 09/19 10:43

lollipop030: 推 09/19 13:36

DADADB426: 推 09/19 16:20

drink970082: 推 09/19 17:41

theycallmeYu: 推 09/19 19:59

co200260: 推 感謝 09/19 21:42

angelkings: 感謝~~中秋節快樂 09/20 06:46
