[新聞] 《原神》IGN評9分好評:這遊戲玩起來真上

看板 Steam
作者 chirex (請叫我大魔道士)
時間 2020-10-14 14:53:40
留言 147則留言 (54推 36噓 57→)

-----------------------發文請以ctrl+y刪除下列文字------------------------- 本文章類別以Steam平台所屬遊戲之情報(更新,特價...等)為主。 文章標籤為[新聞],不符合者板主有權修正標題。 文章字數不得少於20個由使用者輸入之繁體中文字。 《原神》IGN評9分好評:這遊戲玩起來真上癮 《原神》IGN評9分好評:這遊戲玩起來真上癮 首頁 原神 新聞 2020-10-14 米哈遊的ARPG大作《原神》於9月28日全球同步公測後,在全球獲得了許多榮譽。《原神 》發售10天就獲得了全球將近1億美元的收入,在中國iOS平台的收入達2.3億人民幣左右 。今日(10月14日)外媒IGN對這款遊戲做出評測,給出了9分的高分。 《原神》IGN評9分好評:這遊戲玩起來真上癮 IGN評分:9 很棒 《原神》擁有令人難以置信的開放世界,以及讓人上癮的探索,卡通風格冒險很精彩。 IGN總評: 《原神》是一款讓人驚豔的開放世界冒險遊戲,它從《薩爾達傳說:荒野之息》中吸取了 很多靈感,並結合動漫風格,成功創造出一些真正特別的東西。雖然遊戲裡抽卡模式讓人 有點不快,但該作的戰鬥非常出色,探索世界讓人上癮,再加上美麗的風景,是今年我玩 過的最令人興奮的遊戲之一。 https://playgame.wiki/yuanshen/news/3b21208c16 附上IGN原文: https://www.ign.com/articles/genshin-impact-review Genshin Impact Review An incredible open world and addictive exploration make for anime-zing adventure. Travis Northup By Travis Northup Updated: 14 Oct 2020 7:19 am Posted: 14 Oct 2020 6:55 am Let's get this out of the way: Genshin Impact and its beautiful, expansive anime world of Teyvat clearly draw inspiration from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I mean a whole heck of a lot. From the art style to the stamina-based "climb anything" mechanic to the gliding, it’s impossible not to be reminded of Link’s open-world adventures in Hyrule while exploring. But this isn't just some copycat, as Genshin Impact's fantastical world, wide array of diverse playable characters, and deep RPG systems are all unique and awesome enough to let it stand on its own two feet – and every one of the more than 120 hours I've spent in Teyvat has been an absolute blast. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action-adventure RPG where you play a vague and mysterious “traveler” from another world who arrives in the land of Teyvat before being attacked by a sorceress or God or...something, and your twin is captured. After waking up on a beach at level one and with zero loot, you set off on a quest to find your lost sibling that involves a whole lot of picking fruit, crafting items, and fighting deities, but surprisingly little in the way of actually searching for your twin. Because, just like during Link's rush to save Zelda, completing these quests where you *checks notes* feed ducks is way more important. Genshin Impact’s story is one of its weaker points, using just about every anime character trope and story cliche in the book. Characters will re-explain the same magical jargon like they’re getting paid by the word, and the story meanders from one amusing misadventure to another with little cohesion. That poor pacing certainly isn’t helped by the XP-gating that happens between each act, where you’ll need to hit an increasingly more difficult to reach Adventurer Rank to advance to the next quest. But since you'll spend most of your time roaming the world and making your own stories as you rank up instead of listening to people explain whatever the heck an Anemoculus is, that messy structure isn't a dealbreaker. And, with a few exceptions, the cast of quirky characters (a whopping 23 of which are playable) are a lot of fun to interact with and play as, even if I occasionally rolled my eyes when they made repeated and very uncalled for horny comments for no reason at all – yay, anime. Teyvat Traveler The real star here is Teyvat itself, a world that is absolutely bursting at the seams with possibilities. Every nook and cranny is loaded with collectibles to power your characters up with, chests to discover and pull loot from, puzzles to solve, enemies to take down, challenges to complete, dungeons to tackle, relentless bosses to fight, and quests to pursue. It’s actually almost distressing how much there is to do. In any given area in the massive world map, there always seemed to be about five or more things in my immediate field of view to pursue, each with their own challenges and rewards. Sometimes it's difficult just to stay on task and complete major quests simply because there’s such an embarrassment of riches available to you as you explore the world. A locked chest that catches the corner of your eye might lead to an impromptu quest or multi-step puzzle. Following a fluttering blue fairy might lead to a massive combat encounter or even a lengthy boss fight. It’s a disgustingly addictive chain reaction of things to do in the best possible way. Teyvat is a world absolutely bursting at the seams with things to do. “ It doesn’t hurt that the world of Teyvat is absolutely gorgeous to look at and listen to throughout, with the notable exception of some occasional obligatory over-the-top anime voice acting. Although it borrows more than it invents in terms of presentation, the sights and sounds of this world are still a joy to behold, with breathtaking vistas around every corner and a memorable soundtrack to back them up. On the PS4 and mobile, sometimes you’ ll fast travel into an area before it finishes loading and have to wait for the world to catch up with you, but aside from those occasional hiccups, Genshin Impact looks and performs remarkably well. Once you start unlocking new characters, each with their own fighting style, abilities, and elemental affinities, the world takes on different shapes as you gain completely new ways of interacting with it. What was once a lake too vast for you to swim across becomes easily traversable with the help of a cryo-type character like Kaeya that can simply freeze the water. Mountain peaks once too steep to climb become simple to reach once you unlock Venti and his ability to create wind currents wherever he pleases. Just when I thought I understood what my time in Teyvat was going to look like, I unlocked a new character, item, or ability that completely changed the way I played and reinvigorated my excitement for the next dozen hours of obsessive loot chasing. Combat revolves around instantly switching between a party of up to four characters to shoot, hack, and explode through a broad assortment of enemy types. Each character comes equipped with their own elemental type and a few abilities that utilize that element. By switching between characters and using their powers synergistically you can unleash some seriously effective combinations. For example, if you use Xingqui’s water abilities to get the enemy wet, then follow up with Fischl’s electric attack, damage is multiplied and can wipe out a boatload of baddies in one go. Instantly switching characters to synergize powers can enable some serious combos. “ Filling out your roster of playable characters, weapons, and items, and discovering the ways in which they interact with one another becomes vital to your combat efficiency, especially for certain challenges that require you to finish the encounter before a timer runs out. This becomes particularly important as you approach the current endgame and enemies become more dangerous and gain beefy health bars, especially bosses. Whether you’re fighting a giant wolf who ruins your day with ice attacks that are just plain mean or taking on a flaming plant with some truly disgusting inferno abilities, using every tool at your disposal becomes indispensable. Genshin Impact can also be played co-op after reaching Adventure Rank 16, but at the moment this feature feels pretty tacked on. You can host or join another player to tackle challenges and take down bosses together, but in the vast majority of cases the guest is unable to reap the rewards from any activities you complete. That's too bad, because adventuring with a friend can actually be a lot of fun – but when one of you is locked out of nearly all loot and progression, merely able to help out in combat, it’s just not rewarding enough to do for more than a short time. "Work in Progress" Despite it taking me 120 hours to reach the end of its story quests, Genshin Impact is technically incomplete at the moment, with only two (sizeable) world areas, one complete chapter of its overarching story, and two-thirds of the next one currently accessible. While the prologue is playable in its entirety, the chapter that follows does not have a third act at this time. Share Autoplay setting: On At the time of this review, developer miHoYo has not provided a roadmap with details as to when we can expect new chapters to be added, though a third region of the map is planned for later this year. That said, there is plenty already here, and the prospect of any coming content updates feel more like MMO expansions than something akin to an early access update. Microtransactions and its "Gacha" Model Genshin Impact is entirely free, but the elephant in the room is its “gacha ” model – also known as loot boxes – that tempts you to spend both in-game currency and real money on randomized characters, loot, consumables, and more. The ecosystem certainly flirts with being pay-to-win (a slightly less meaningful issue in a game with a focus on single-player and no PvP), but manages to strike a decent balance so that those who don't want to spend a dime can still enjoy the whole game for free. While it’s true that all the most powerful characters and weapons can immediately be acquired by investing enough money into loot boxes, they can technically be unlocked by getting lucky with the free currency provided as well – or if, like me, you manage to play over 120 hours in two weeks without paying anything at all and grind them out through sheer persistence. But more importantly, those powerful weapons and characters are by no means a requirement to advance, and I found myself breezing through most challenges through skill and grinding alone until I finally got lucky with some formidable unlocks that made the going much easier. Have you spent real money in Genshin Impact? Answer See Results Yes, a whole lot Yes, but just a little No, I'm playing for free I haven't played at all The real trouble with the gacha model comes in the later stages of progression, when the grind for account-wide “adventure XP” and upgrade materials becomes an exponentially steeper climb and time-gated activities that reward those things become a massive progression roadblock… which can be lifted for the right price, of course. This means that those willing to shell out some money are able to advance through the endgame much faster than non-paying players, who will have to play a heck of a lot more to catch up. In fact, just about every item in Genshin Impact can be acquired with enough help from your wallet, and anytime you run up against one of these barriers, you can be sure a pop-up will come to remind you exactly how you can overcome it. Admittedly it took about 40-50 hours of play before that wall really started to loom in front of me, but once it hits progression can slow substantially. The good news is that I still enjoyed almost every part of Genshin Impact’s grind, even after more than 100 hours. The gameplay loop of exploring the world, solving puzzles, beating up baddies, completing quests, and unlocking new characters and equipment to upgrade and experiment with is incredibly addictive. Even in later stages when lucrative quests dry up and you’re left to wander Teyvat solving puzzles and finding hidden chests for slivers of XP and loot, it’s hard to complain when all of that is still a ton of fun. Even if the temptation to pull out your credit card is ever-present and sometimes in your face, the grind (so far) hasn’t been unpleasant enough to make the experience painful for me as a free player. Verdict Genshin Impact is an amazing open-world adventure that draws heavily on both its Breath of the Wild and anime inspirations to create something truly special. Even if the gacha model introduces some undesirable level grinding deeper in, the excellent combat, addictive exploration, and beautiful world make this one of the most exciting games I've played all year. Was this article informative? YESNO AMAZING An incredible open-world and addictive exploration make Genshin Impact anime-zing adventure. IPHONEPCPS4 IGN評分:9/10 === 竟然不是10/10?? --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1602658423.A.233.html

k87559527: 我OK 你先玩 10/14 14:56

horstyle0411: 哇~ 只輸薩爾達一分耶 10/14 15:05

awerte: 還是輸10/10 10/14 15:06

alanjiang: 居然沒有10/10,IGN不可信XD 10/14 15:08

horstyle0411: 沒抽卡模式是不是就是10/10了 10/14 15:08

Kenqr: 這跟本板的關係是? 10/14 15:10

qwe78971: 我ok 你先玩 10/14 15:12

Mraofrot: 這年頭9分真的很廉價 10/14 15:15

ANiZan9991: 還好吧 特洛伊都能討論了XD 10/14 15:19

chirex: 原神有上PC啊 10/14 15:20

ideallife: 這遊戲有在其他平台上出嗎? 10/14 15:25

maxwells: 沒有10/10我不玩的 10/14 15:31

rainkuan9: 竟然沒有破錶到達100/10神之領域 我真的很失望 10/14 15:35

DrizztMon: 跟我看的評論都不一樣... 10/14 15:36

ePaper: 玩這遊戲需要先把電腦上所有有登入的帳號登出嗎 10/14 15:38

peterpan910: IGN原來是這麼鳥的東西 10/14 15:43

Angesi: 請自行google 赤井心 or 桐生可可 10/14 15:45

qwer880506: 錢是不是給不夠阿 怎麼才9 10/14 15:46

commandoEX: IGN第一次玩中國手遊是吧 10/14 15:47

SahoYaho: IGN鳥很久了 10/14 15:47

bloodruru: 現在動不動就是10/10 9/10的 要把間距拉大才分的出高下 10/14 15:47

lolicat: 不是10/10 我可是不玩的喔 10/14 15:48

commandoEX: 本來IGN有小數點啊,後來取消了 10/14 15:48

SahoYaho: 也要提一下從FF14和NieR中「取得零感」呀,簡直就集日 10/14 15:49

SahoYaho: 本遊戲之大成 10/14 15:49

commandoEX: 認真看了下原文是日本IGN,那大概是玩慣手遊的緣故 10/14 15:49

stitchris: 遊戲都抄了 買個榜也不讓人意外 10/14 15:50

Korsechi: MC媒體平均80分 gamespot給7/10 理由也差不多 10/14 15:52

Korsechi: 抽的要素到還好 後期無力主線短比較是問題 10/14 15:52

Korsechi: https://i.imgur.com/jWFzy14.jpg 10/14 15:53

Korsechi: https://i.imgur.com/zKhnw2t.jpeg 10/14 15:54

sturmpionier: 真香 10/14 16:01

horstyle0411: 這次美國IGN會跟日本差多少呢? 10/14 16:09

bill403777: 沒有10/10 糞作 10/14 16:12

Bigcookie2: 自從IGN評10/10之後 再也不信IGN 10/14 16:21

kevil0916: 這種評分本來就幾一兩個評分者打分而已不是 10/14 16:30

flipflap: 10/10 10/14 16:32

colchi: 他強由他強,清風拂山崗 10/14 16:39

bpq302302: 10/10 專業評論 10/14 16:40

micbrimac: 未看先猜上面有人森77 XD 10/14 16:47

brianhsu: 沒有 10/10,錢沒給夠是吧? 10/14 16:53

Darkmatt: 風向不對原本捧日本IGN的要轉彎了嗎 10/14 16:56

doomlkk: 原本說只信日本ign的要甩尾囉! 10/14 17:05

oscarss07: 法米通給的分數也不低 不懂有什麼好酸IGN的 10/14 17:18

dkfs789: 木馬屌打EPIC當然有9/10 10/14 17:22

june0204: 小熊維尼表示能看到大家的菊花很開心 10/14 17:22

ooxxman: 神…神作,中國能產出這品質的大作已屌打臺灣 10/14 17:29

wild2012: 我看別人玩 都覺得 他妹的根本無聊死了 10/14 17:30

KOKOLALAMA: 這家的評分有可信度? 10/14 17:34

c26535166: 太狠了 但說到底沒被噁心過的人還是多數 希望他們趕快 10/14 17:36

c26535166: 理解 10/14 17:36

abcde79961a: 10/10的真正對手,終於姍姍來遲了 10/14 17:54

ininderkk: 原文po那麼多是很想洗喔 10/14 18:01

Yanrei: 今年就是10/10跟原神爭奪冠軍寶座了 10/14 18:04

s32244153: 博德三7分 13機兵8分 原神9分 XDD 10/14 18:10

Hirano: 還好啦 老任都讓他在NS上生存也沒告他了 爽吃抽成 10/14 18:16

Hirano: 個資就自己小心 10/14 18:16

banana190: 怎麼沒有10/10 崩潰 10/14 18:23

Raidensnake: 各大評分早已沒有公信力 10/14 18:34

scaleprince: 9/10 10/14 18:40

kuro50624: 看一次噓一次 10/14 18:53

seemoon2000: 沒有給10分 也太吝嗇了吧 加給他阿 10/14 19:01

suckpopo: 習近平表示開心 10/14 19:02

mikepopkimo: 台灣怎麼辦? 10/14 19:10

PPPGGG: 沒有10/10 0分 10/14 19:18

phoinixa: 笑 10/14 19:25

johnruby: 什麼垃圾評論 10/14 19:30

t77133562003: 和本版沒關聯巴 PC也沒上平台阿 10/14 19:31

darkflare: IGN的評論還有人看哦 10/14 19:33

ffv111: IGN沒10/10根本糞作吧 10/14 19:33

yangtsur: 真正的好東西都要用抽的..那是要探索甚麼 10/14 19:38

iewix: 哇靠 還敢提薩爾達阿 10/14 19:39

asd5377932: PC又沒上平台 跟這版到底有啥關聯 10/14 20:12

Hateson: 小魔女屌打 10/14 20:13

zx930217: 買那麼多還沒買到10/10 可憐阿 10/14 20:14

horseorange: 這不是這板內容吧 這是steam不是pc板吧 10/14 20:17

oven99: 這裡怎麼這麼溫腥,我先 10/14 20:20

colchi: Stesm板本來就不限討論steam平台外遊戲 10/14 20:21

r85270607: steam板不限制orinign Uplay EGS GOG等PC平台 10/14 20:23

r85270607: 至於PC端模擬器.....原來手機模擬器算平台?我覺得不行 10/14 20:24

r85270607: 我可不記得板上已經放寬到任何遊戲都可以的 10/14 20:25

r85270607: 以前都是以其他平台 現在出現任何遊戲都可以? 10/14 20:25

clock0220: 大推 原神 讓我這部玩遊戲的 徹底沉迷 10/14 20:35

kevin870325: 看到ign就起堵爛 10/14 20:39

joy82926: 不玩遊戲的 這個有梗XDDDD 10/14 20:40

yulis: 10/10 GOTY 10/14 20:44

m9sQQ: 能賺錢的遊戲 10/14 20:45

Rainning4545: 不限討論steam遊戲是因為很多遊戲不只出在steam上, 10/14 20:57

Rainning4545: 可是這款根本就跟各版本遊戲平台無關啊 10/14 20:57

adairchang: 傻眼 10/14 20:57

astrophy: 在日本是真的很紅沒錯啦,一堆日本YTer實況 10/14 20:57

zeroiori: 請問上一篇的Forza Horizon 4 有出在steam上嗎?? 10/14 21:05

zeroiori: 應該有吧 不然早就被噓了吧 不可能有人會雙標吧 10/14 21:06

Yachaos: https://i.imgur.com/Aodis5A.png 10/14 21:10

ksng1092: 一個有PC版一個沒有,根本完全不一樣 10/14 21:10

zeroiori: 那趕快檢舉一個壓壓驚唄 10/14 21:14

Yachaos: 上面是在說哪個沒pc版?FH4嗎? 10/14 21:18

damnedfish: 什麼垃圾 10/14 21:21

Angesi: 護航仔 永遠都是那幾個ID 10/14 21:22

ksng1092: 對不起我錯了,是有PC版的 10/14 21:26

Kenqr: FH4有出在MS平台 10/14 21:37

zeroiori: 板規是連DRM-free都可以拉 不過也許DRM-free也是個平台 10/14 21:40

zeroiori: 建議檢舉看看 10/14 21:40

KITAN: 甚麼樣的屎永遠都有人吃,台灣人如果也吃就可憐了 10/14 22:38

linbasohigh: http://i.imgur.com/ItjeGvx.jpg 10/14 22:38

doomhammer: 個資 再加上強國之前鬧Vtuber事件 很抱歉中国手遊不 10/14 23:14

doomhammer: 玩謝謝 10/14 23:14

MAGICXX: 不演啦 直接說是致敬曠野 10/14 23:31

garlic1234: 沒有10/10 10/14 23:39

lolicat: 在手遊追求主線劇情是否的搞錯了什麼? 10/15 00:15

pppli: 但這角色畫面實在屌打軒7 10/15 01:10

Kuge: 拿軒七去跟開發費一億美金的遊戲來比是不是搞錯了什麼 10/15 01:36

GodMuii: 87 42687 10/15 02:26

aresjung: 老孫說遊戲普普 10/15 02:32

GR3eeeN: 真的塞很多錢 10/15 02:36

Xellowse2: 連IGN都腐敗了? 10/15 03:16

ctes940008: 笑死 10/15 04:24

iComeInPeace: ign沒好過吧 10/15 08:02

chichung: 真香 看老孫介紹沒pvp那就不適合台灣玩家 10/15 08:34

Gwaewluin: 不要寫英文,誰看得懂 10/15 09:13

andy6805: IGN以後要不要在後面備註一下是收了多少錢寫的評論 10/15 09:46

tennyleaz: http://i.imgur.com/myfbHLy.jpg 10/15 10:12

sobiNOva: 薩爾達才賣1600萬套 原神下載量超過1700萬了喔 10/15 10:26

sobiNOva: NS的主機限制了薩爾達 就像龍拚一樣被抄襲的神魔超車 10/15 10:26

lacoste1113: 下載量跟買斷制的遊戲可以比,你的智商也被限制了吧 10/15 11:26

robertcamel: 原神就是噓,誰知道假遊戲之名在你後台幹什麼事 10/15 11:55

AmadeGX: 就像拿軒七來比的一樣也被限制了 10/15 11:58

andy86tw: PAD被神魔超車是哪個世界線 10/15 12:23

selvester: Travis Northup… 記得了,遊戲記者的素質… 10/15 13:07

Vivalalada: IGN本來就收錢辦事 10/15 14:22

jameshuangg: 抄襲遊戲愛不釋手,國外的創作觀念也就這樣了 10/15 16:47

e04bank: IGN是不是... 10/15 16:55

cty78221: 收了錢? 10/15 18:08

north75566: 從死亡擱淺到最後生還者2,已經打從心底不信任IGN的 10/15 19:03

north75566: 分數了 10/15 19:03

johnruby: genshi my fucking ass 10/15 21:25

benson861119: IGN居然沒給到10/10 10/15 22:32

wacoal: 沒給10/10 看來不是神作 10/16 01:51

goddio: 原神的問題是開後門吧 遊戲本身問題不大 最多是比較坑 10/16 08:52

Oolong5566: 雖然評分很高,但我真的沒辦法....QQ 10/16 11:01

Koibito: Copycat還不噓爆 10/17 20:51

dgfly: 想說補一刀好了……還敢提薩爾達啊 10/19 00:22

M013: ☺ 10/20 08:37

SayNothing: IGN快樂榜 居然有人不知道 10/20 14:04

stormsnow: IGN 呵呵 10/20 18:40

hong1912: 10/10屌打 10/21 18:38

chx64: 剛開始而已啦 大概冒險等級30左右就完全手遊化了 03/17 17:09
