Fw: [新聞] 國外教師在戰慄時空Alyx中開數學課

看板 Steam
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
時間 2020-03-26 12:47:40
留言 73則留言 (44推 0噓 29→)

Teacher Uses Half-Life: Alyx for Creative Math Lesson https://gamerant.com/half-life-alyx-math-lesson-teacher/ As has been toted by a mixture of critics and consumers, Half-Life: Alyx is easily one of the most innovative VR games ever made. From its immersive level design and realistic shooting to its incredible special effects and detailed story, it's evidently a big next step for virtual reality that highlights just how much the perspective can add to an experience. It seems, however, that the game might be more multifaceted than even Valve expected, with a new video showcasing just how much can be achieved throughout Half-Life: Alyx's unique set of systems. Posted to YouTube by a teacher named Charles Coomber, the academic has posted an entire math class for his students inside of Half-Life: Alyx. Coomber admits in the description that the decision was made "because I have to teach today, but Half-Life: Alyx just came out," with the teacher eventually going on to perform an entire seminar on "angle vocabulary" using Valve's newest game. The lesson begins with Coomber standing on Alyx's balcony, with the teacher joking that he's not at home but instead stuck in self-isolation while the Coronavirus pandemic persists. From here, he enters Alyx's home, using the interactive window pains and markers to draw several detailed diagrams showcasing complementary and supplementary angles. The incredibly captivating lesson continues for a total of sixteen minutes, easily standing as one of the most creative attempts to spread fun educational content for children and teenagers while schools are currently closed. It seems the lesson has made its impact as well, with a number of people in the comments claiming that the hilarious nature of the video made them stick around to hear what Coomber had to say. One of the top comments on the video claims "This man just tricked me into watching an entire 6th grade math lesson," while another reads "Out of all the cool things I've seen come out of this game so far, this is easily the coolest. FANTASTIC idea." A third hilariously thanks Coomber, stating "You convinced my wife, a math teacher, that we should buy a VR set. Bless you." Aside from teaching kids valuable maths lessons, Half-Life: Alyx is proof that the series hasn't missed a beat in the 19 years its been absent from gaming culture. With many calling it the greatest VR title of all time, it begs the question of whether Valve will finally dust off the iconic crowbar and put Gordon Freeman back in action to end fans almost two-decade-long wait for Half-Life 3. Luckily, it seems the idea is closer to reality than ever before. ==== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T2-9MwA5JI
這位老師說他需要幫學生上課,而Alyx剛好發售了,所以就拿來用了。 -- 「仗義十年成英雄,入魔只在一念間。」 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1585198061.A.2C2.html

kliss: 狂 03/26 13:02

lau6m2002: 笑死XDDD 03/26 13:07

howdiee: 幹他用VR寫字比我用筆寫的還好看 03/26 13:08

ODFans: 這就跟我都用P社的遊戲來學歷史一樣的概念 03/26 13:10

Korsechi: 然而大部分人還是用這片玻璃畫雞雞 03/26 13:10

widec: 屌 03/26 13:12

rltc: 幹 有夠屌 03/26 13:15

coc: 不愧是滿分 03/26 13:26

kaj1983: 國中數學,好懷念 03/26 13:28

Victory2: 這個寫字的手有夠穩 03/26 13:29

NLchu: 這100表現了未來有多少家具會被取代 03/26 13:31

kaj1983: 還早啦,拿個板擦還拿不太到,酷的是可以空中換板擦方向 03/26 13:33

JustinPai: 太神了 03/26 13:39

patrickleeee: 把滑鼠放在螢幕中間 果然是老師 03/26 13:47

cat05joy: 晃得有點不舒服 03/26 13:51

wacoal: 這個上課,有些同學會上到頭暈想吐吧 03/26 14:21

WacoW5566: 空中換板擦好屌 03/26 14:25

st3336: 學生是應該要登入在後面看? 03/26 14:29

xp987987: 好屌 03/26 14:44

SULAjardin: 老師沒開實況觀眾防暈設定,有開的話左下角看的到血量 03/26 14:49

SULAjardin: ,右下角看的到殘餘彈藥數。 03/26 14:49

astrophy: 這樣上課很暈 03/26 14:53

zxcasd328: 外面有合成人 裡面在上數學課 03/26 14:59

reemir: 讚讚讚 03/26 15:12

pppli: 不知不覺看完了.. 03/26 15:13

RachelMcAdam: ..........還沒學完就3D暈了 03/26 16:14

rp2ew123: 看到滑鼠很受不了啊啊啊 03/26 16:18

finop25: 好屌,如果能多人加入而只有第一人稱,跟真的上課一樣 03/26 16:22

finop25: 我也默默看完了 XD 03/26 16:22

zombierick: 可惜上課沒有怪物來亂 03/26 16:28

kooyoo1144: 學生這樣會不會數不到3啊= = 03/26 17:01

hacker725x: 想像一下,那個房間每次轉頭看見三十個學生盯著你看 03/26 18:02

ayuiop: 數不到三 笑死XDD 03/26 18:16

glion: 寫錯還可以用手指抹掉 太神了啊啊啊!!! 03/26 18:25

st9061204: VR負面行銷,學生表示:我她媽以後買VR就是智障 03/26 18:47

lolitass: 會暈 03/26 19:06

godfight: 看的我小暈.... 03/26 19:21

zombierick: VR是有錢人的玩具,兩萬元以上等級電腦,再花兩萬買 03/26 19:22

zombierick: VR配備,好遊戲近年愈來愈多,缺點只有玩起來很累 03/26 19:23

zombierick: 最近一款BONEWORKS,也令人驚豔 03/26 19:24

kimokimocom: 影片看三十秒就暈了 03/26 19:38

metallican: 好奇自己戴VR會暈嗎 03/26 21:20

qazwsx855193: 某方面來說學生有點可憐 有夠暈 03/26 21:30

cms6384: 板擦換面拿笑死 03/26 21:45

artyman: 如果可以一手拿槍 一手拿粉筆 我就跟 03/26 23:35

cattgirl: 這老師太狂了 03/26 23:55

cattgirl: 看完頭暈半小時 真後悔看這三小 03/27 02:45

qq204: 2萬的電腦是不是太看不起VR了 XDD 03/27 02:54

shin2190: 把VR當有錢人的玩具是不是太開不起有錢人了..XD 03/27 04:08

kaj1983: 不是人家太有錢,而是你太窮 03/27 12:30

kaj1983: 不過鬼島不意外就是 03/27 12:31

guezt: oasis v0.1(?) 03/27 18:43

zombierick: 很多人沒玩過VR卻覺得VR演算影片或遊戲影片很遜之類 03/27 20:51

zombierick: 我VIVE一代、當時顯卡GTX1080,整台電腦大概三萬多 03/27 20:52

zombierick: 就玩得特效全開也很開心;之後買COSMOS、再買INDEX 03/27 20:54

zombierick: 顯卡去年換成2080,整台電腦殘值也只有三萬多元 03/27 20:55

zombierick: 特效也可以全開,VR入手門檻對於出社會者一點也不高 03/27 20:56

zombierick: 但實際包括電腦主機整組,五萬元是筆不小數目 03/27 20:57

zombierick: 很多人沒玩過VR,卻整天嚷嚷著VR買了當白老鼠 03/27 20:58

zombierick: 我其實是在諷刺某樓:某天買VR是笨蛋 03/27 20:59

zombierick: 「買不起,嫌貨爛」「已買,嫌貨爛」這兩者是不同觀念 03/27 21:01

zombierick: 很多VR開發者在STEAM上的遊戲,售價根本是佛心來著 03/27 21:03

garcia: GTA可以開駕訓班跟網球課 03/28 02:26

ox3wqer: 其實我覺得花個幾萬塊去17號城旅遊滿划算的,體驗到的新 03/28 21:22

ox3wqer: 鮮感換算下來其實比去很多地方划算很多,重點是還可以重 03/28 21:22

ox3wqer: 複使用XD 03/28 21:22

ox3wqer: 沒錢窮遊可以用 oculus ,想要品質好一點可以用 index 。 03/28 21:22

ox3wqer: 說有錢人的娛樂其實應該是針對學生族群吧,的確很多學生 03/28 21:22

ox3wqer: 因為尚未就業的關係經濟能力有限,這也是我覺得VR產業難 03/28 21:23

ox3wqer: 以推廣且很可惜的部分,畢竟人生最能盡情享受電玩帶來的 03/28 21:23

ox3wqer: 樂趣就是學生時代了。玩的人越多以後有興趣投入相關產業 03/28 21:23

ox3wqer: 的人才會越多。希望國內廠商能降低VR的門檻如Oculus那樣 03/28 21:23

ox3wqer: ,這樣國內VR產業才不會淪為口號。 03/28 21:23
