Fw: [新聞] Fallout 76的新更新讓髮夾BUG又回來了

看板 Steam
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
時間 2019-01-31 14:05:40
留言 37則留言 (24推 0噓 13→)

Latest ‘Fallout 76’ Patch Reintroduces Old Bobby Pin Bug https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/fallout-76-bobby-pin-bug-1203124041/ Bethesda Game Studios released a new patch for “Fallout 76” on Tuesday that not only brought a number of design and balance changes to the online title, it reintroduced some old bugs as well. Bobby pins have reverted to their unusually heavy 0.1 lbs. weight, according to Reddit user Eight_n_Sand. When “Fallout 76” first launched, players complained the bobby pins — which are used to pick locks — were weighing them down too much. Players who collected, say, 100 of them would find themselves 10 pounds heavier. Bethesda fixed the issue on Jan. 10, but yesterday’s update seemingly rolled back the fix. The “Fallout 76” development team is aware of the issue and it ’s investigating, a community manager said on Reddit. “Fallout 76” is Bethesda Game Studios’ first multiplayer title. It’s suffered from a variety of technical issues since its launch on Nov. 14, including a bug that trapped players within their own power armor. Bethesda apologized for the problems later that month, and for its lack of communication regarding fixes and updates. “We didn’t want you to think the silence meant nothing was happening,” the team said in a Reddit post. “We’re sorry and understand this was not the right approach, and we’ll work to make a better bridge between you and the dev team at BGS.” Since then, the team has worked to fix bugs and release new features. It added push-to-talk, C.A.M.P. improvements, and more in December. Last week, it released details about an upcoming Survival mode aimed at fans of player vs. player combat. ==== Bobby Pin 髮夾也是遊戲中的開鎖器。 這是有名的BUG,因為它重達0.1磅。 後來官方更新後這個BUG就改掉了,好像改成0.001磅吧! 然後這週官方又更新了,這個Behtesda宣稱己解決的BUG又回來啦! 玩家氣噗噗中。 -- 「......歡迎大家光臨天象館。」 「這裡有著無論何時都決不會消失的,美麗的無窮光輝。 「滿天的星星們在等待著大家的到來。」 ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ── --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1548914742.A.652.html

dreamnook: revert錯版了嗎XDD 01/31 14:12

Kenqr: 0.1磅 = 45.359237 克 01/31 14:13

lazioliz: 天啊 更新是ROLL BACK 笑翻 01/31 14:19

cowboyas0413: 用髮夾彎的方法修髮夾Bug 01/31 14:30

cowboyas0413: 髮夾彎的修髮夾Bug 01/31 14:30

cowboyas0413: 哪個比較好呢 01/31 14:31

deray: 什麼玩家氣噗噗 這遊戲還有人在玩? 01/31 14:37

RONC: 笑死,騙白癡鐵粉用的遊戲 01/31 14:42

cheeseup: 用髮夾彎的方法修bug是什麼? 直接把髮夾移除嗎XD 01/31 14:45

super1314159: 這哪款新遊戲? 01/31 14:50

GRJOE: 哇靠我只不過撿了幾百隻髮夾 就背了山啊 01/31 15:38

s638450: 最大的bug是還有人在玩這個 01/31 15:52

DivineSX: 你信仰不夠啦 01/31 16:27

chyx741021: 這只是B社正常發揮 01/31 16:38

jim8596: 真的是白痴才會繼續玩 01/31 16:53

blackstyles: 還有修就不錯了。 01/31 17:38

tiefenwald: 這Bug的處理方式太髮夾了 01/31 17:48

forink: 版控失敗 XDD 01/31 17:48

hstt: 說不定是 merge 時解 conflict -> use mine to resolve 科科 01/31 18:32

LPH66: 我覺得 auto merge 出事的機率比較高 01/31 21:05

AricFeng: b社2019依然… 01/31 21:51

massrelay: 我腦粉啦,半年後再回來玩。 01/31 22:29

x94fujo6: B社一直在修有人在線這個最致命的BUG啊 錯了嗎 01/31 23:01

CoCoLaLa: 怎麼又是這家 XDDD 01/31 23:43

taco20: 好好做傳統無雙就好,跟人家玩什麼開放世界。 02/01 01:07

x94fujo6: 給看不懂的 B社這次更新其實是前前一版 就是整個回滾... 02/01 04:57

x94fujo6: 官方回復竟然是內部版本管理出問題 02/01 04:58

x94fujo6: 然後接下來的hotfix竟然還是在修之前已經修復的問題 02/01 04:59

x94fujo6: 更屌的是官方開始黑箱 解決提出問題的人就沒有問題了 02/01 05:01

x94fujo6: https://reddit.com/al6sfo/ 02/01 05:05

leo19981: 很明顯就是它們沒做網路遊戲經驗,把之前fallout4作法 02/01 09:45

leo19981: 套在76上面 02/01 09:46

spfy: 一定是高管看到git衝突用自己的強制覆蓋了 可以 這很B社 02/01 10:42

mahou1942: git覆蓋前先看一下齁 02/01 12:12

RockCaveChen: 嘆為觀止 02/01 19:18

s8321414: 你確定B社有用版控軟體嗎(逃) 02/01 20:13

dontfly520: 76一直在秀下限 頗精彩 02/02 07:46
