[翻譯] Endless Space 2: 如何精通Vaulters

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作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2018-11-26 20:27:15
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原文:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1294035262 幾天前入了Endless Space 2的坑,對於可以開傳送門的Vaulter(騰躍族)很感興趣 看了WayneNore大的心得,試玩了一場之後,想說去找找國外的參考指南來更充實玩法 這篇是由steam用戶Ruzen寫的指南,評價非常好,我看完後照著做也覺得獲益良多 因此決定整篇翻譯丟上來,讓我自己更理解也能幫到版上有在玩ES2的同好 什麼?Fallout 時間線翻譯?那是啥(゚∀。) ============================================================================== 《How to specialize as the Vaulters 如何精通Vaulters(騰躍族)》 由 Ruzen 發表 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1294035262 This is a guide to provoke thoughts into your gameplay while playing as the Vaulters. Indirectly, this guide will give some general ideas too. With it, you will conquer the galaxy and unlock its secrets much faster than ever before. 這篇指南會告訴你玩Vaulter時該如何思考,並間接給予一些通用建議。有了這篇指南, 你能以突飛猛進的速度佔領銀河系並解開它的祕密。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vaulters is the best faction to go for a tall empire in Endless Space 2; the portal is the most powerful tool what this faction obtains. Because of this, your empire's borders don't need to be clustered. All of your colonized systems are one border; you can portal anywhere in one turn. 騰躍族是ES2中建立大帝國的最佳種族,傳送門是他們最有力的工具。靠著傳送門,你的 帝國疆界不需要擠成一團,所有殖民行星系都可以四處開花,而你只要一回合就可以傳送 到任何地方。 You should always colonize -the best option available- regardless of the distance from your capital or other systems. Since you can transport anything (civilian & military ships) through portals in one turn, the micromanagement to fully optimize your systems is very much easier than other factions. 你要總 是挑最好的地方殖民,不要管那個地方離你的首都或其他行星系多遠。因為可以用傳送門 在一回合裡運送任何東西(市民和艦隊),你要最佳化行星系所作的微操會比其他種族容 易的多。 Before continuing on about system specialization, you have to find the best spots first! What that means is the exploration is the backbone of a successful Vaulters playthrough. Let's continue from ship specialization. 在開始特化行星系之前,你得先找到好的地點才行!這代表一個好的騰躍族會以探索為遊 戲骨幹。讓我們從船艦特化開始。 Always seeking, never straying. - Ilona Zolya 持續尋找,永不流浪 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just like the faction itself, the Vaulters ship design is very much customizable too. Forcing you to create your own designs than any other faction in the game. There are 5 types of ship types you should always be mind of when playing as them. 騰躍族船艦設計跟他們種族一樣非常靈活,會逼你在遊戲中比其他種族還要設計更多自己 的船。在玩騰躍族時,有五種船是基本款。 ‧ Explorers 探索 ‧ Identifiers 辨識 ‧ Defensive 防衛 ‧ Offensive 攻擊 ‧ Circumstantial 其他特化 EXPLORERS 探索艦 Since your science ship starts with 4 support modules, you can very much make the fastest exploration ship in the galaxy at start If you dedicate all 4 slots with movement modules. With a total 16 movement points you can pretty much scout much space as possible before your colony ship (Argosy) cooldown ends. This is a must If you don't want to leave it to chance. You have to scout everytime to find the best spots in the galaxy. 因為你的科學艦(探索艦)一開始就有四個支援空位,只要你把四個空位都用移動模組塞 好塞滿,一開始就可以用最快速度探索銀河系。靠著整整16移動點數,你可以在你的殖民 船(大商船)冷卻結束以前就探索夠多的地方。如果你不想在遊戲中隨波逐流的話,快速 探索是必須的。你必須要不斷保持探所以找到銀河系中最好的殖民點。 IDENTIFIERS 辨識艦 Since you always want to fully optimize your ship designs, this ship has to be filled with at least 2 probes but 3 probe is the best until technological advances. It is also important for your exploration ships to warp other nodes so you have to send many probes as possible. 因為你總是想要完美最佳化你的船艦設計,辨識艦至少要塞兩個探測模組,但在科技提昇 以前塞三個最好。此外探索艦會需要到其他星座探索,因此你送出的探測器越多越好。 The vaulters have only one colonization ship, therefore always remember to upgrade it with your current technology. 騰躍族只有一艘殖民船,因此一定要把它升級到當前科技所能達到的程度。 DEFENSIVE & OFFENSIVE 防衛艦與攻擊艦 You ought to spend some support modules to give movement points to your ships because it can take very long turns to get somewhere. Especially around mid-game (usually around 70th turn), where you start to invade, harass or do some quests. As you approach this stage of the game you can actually make two of a kind of same ship design you have. One for offense, with movement modules, installed and the other is for defensive purposes with no movement support modules. Since you haven't in-need of a movement points to defend your systems via portals, why should you waste support modules, yes? 你要塞一些移動模組,不然你的船會花很多回合到其他地方,特別在遊戲中期(大概7X回 合附近),你開始侵略、騷擾或做任務時。在這階段,你可以設計兩種型態的船,一種是 裝了移動模組的攻擊特化,一種則是沒裝移動模組的防衛特化。你可以靠傳送門讓你的防 衛艦隊在一回合內出現在任何地方,幹麻要浪費支援空位,對吧? By doing defensive & offensive ship designs your defensives become even more powerful and people trying to invade you are going to have the toughest time. This will even be more powerful as you access to bigger ships. What I usually do is to write A or D front of the ship names to differentiate them better. Changing the name of the fleets would help you in the long run as well. 有了這兩種船,你的防禦會變得無比堅強,想動你的人會痛苦無比,當你有了大型船艦後 會變得更強。我習慣在船名前加上"A"或"D"以更好區別他們,改變艦隊名稱也能在長期遊 戲中起到作用。 CIRCUMSTANTIAL 其他特化 A regular player of Endless Space 2 is already doing a dedicated siege or invasion ships, commander or tanky ships, etc… But for the Vaulters, you should always consider having more and play around with more support modules. Since you can have lots of support modules this should feel like a playground. 一個正常的ES2玩家早就在搞船艦設計了,侵略用、指揮用、坦傷害用……等等。但對騰 躍族來說,你必須要總是思考的更多,並以更多的支援模組來設計。因為你有很多支援空 位,設計船艦就跟遊樂場差不多。 A regular invasion ship effect is tripled -for the Vaulters- with the number of support modules It can have. 一艘正規的侵略用船艦,騰躍族的支援空位數量是其他人的三倍。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We established that the Vaulters has to explore a vast area of space before selecting a good colonization spot and be ready for the next cooldown to end. 騰躍族的大前提,是在大商船的下一輪冷卻結束之前盡可能探索夠廣的地區並找到好的殖 民點。 Capital System 首都行星系 Your capital system should have a good amount of food and an average amount of industry. Science or dust isn’t that important for at first (we will get to that later on) but if you have to select one of the dust should be your selection. 你的首都要有好的食物產量和平均等級的工業產量,科學和星塵產量一開始沒那麼重要( 之後就會有了),但真要挑一個的話就挑星塵吧。 You should shape your capital as a population production area and try to improve its food production much as possible. With portals, you are going to be sending these populations to your new but far systems in one turn and boost its effectiveness faster. 你應該要把首都建設成人口產出區,盡量改善他的食物產出。你可以靠傳送門把這些人一 回合內送到新建而遙遠的行星系,提昇那邊的效益。 The important thing you should be aware: economic tier 2, a good selection of resource to upgrade system and building portal for both systems. You have to do all of these before reaching the maximum population in your capital system! 你要注意三項重要事情:第二層經濟科技、選擇好資源以升級行星系、以及在兩個行星系 都要建立傳送門。在你的首都達到人口上限之前要先做好這三件事。 Always Keep in Mind Before Colonization 殖民以前一定要注意以下事項 ‧ Colonize only the best ones. The distance is irrelevant. 我們只收精英不收垃圾,距離不是問題 ‧ Save enough dust for a buyout the portal for the colony. 存夠星塵替殖民地買傳送門 ‧ Send population to boost the effectiveness. 把人口送去殖民地提昇效率 ‧ Only build the necessary buildings for the desired specialization. 只蓋行星系特化需要的建築 Early Colonization Goals 早期殖民方向 As for your second system, you should consider acquiring an industry system. This will help you to create big fleets and do buildings faster. Since early on you don't need that complex ships with modules or don't have the industrial capacity to build lots of buildings. It’s wise to have your industry first. 第二個行星系要考慮的是工業產值,這會幫你更快建立艦隊和蓋建築。早期你不需要有一 堆模組的複雜船艦,或沒有足夠的工業產能來蓋建築,因此以工業為優先會比較好。 Trying to have Titanium or Hyperium isn’t that big deal really; your factions buildings or heroes can already help you to produce enough. 星球有沒有鈦和超密氘老實說並沒那麼重要,你的種族專屬建築或英雄技能都能提供足夠 的這兩種資源。 Later on, you have to go for a science-specific system. To continue building and expanding and after that, you are pretty much alone on how would you go based on what you find out. I'm assuming you did your duties to explore the stars very fast. 接下來,你要找一個科學特化的行星系。之後的建築、擴張和之後的事情都基於你之前的 探索結果,我假設你有盡到快速探索星系的責任。 Later Colonization Goals 接下來的殖民目標 After 3-4 good quality colonies, it's time for you to go mid-tier resources (like anti-matter) or desired luxury resources. Even colonizing the academy is a legit option; you can go anywhere! 在有了三四個高質量殖民地後,你要開始尋找中階戰略資源(像是反物質)或者你想要的 豪奢資源,殖民學院也是個好選擇,你想去哪裡就去哪裡! From this point on your own strategy should be set or could even go wild and colonize only the “best of something” systems. You just make sure you are producing enough population to fill those new planets faster. 從這時開始,你的戰略應該要設的更廣闊,並只殖民那些「某些方面最佳」的行星系。你 只要確保你能產出足夠人口以快速填滿這些行星。 Strategic Scenarios 戰略層面 Once the essential systems colonized you can always do more strategic things with it. Grabbing a near enemy system just for teleporting reinforcements or just to block trading routes in later situations. 有了必要的殖民地後,你就可以以此為根基做出更戰略性的決定,像是拿一個靠近敵方的 行星系以傳送軍隊或截斷貿易路線。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDSI MANAGEMENT FIDSI管理 Food 食物 As an infrastructure resource, you should always be aware of this when transporting lots of populations to newly colonized systems. The system could start starving due to lack of food production but it's not an urgent matter If they are going to starve in 20 turns or something. 食物作為一種基礎資源,你必須在傳送大量人口到新殖民行星系之前仔細注意那邊的食物 產量。行星系會因為缺乏食物產出而陷入飢荒,但除非餓個二十回合還是怎樣的,否則沒 差啦。 Always make sure you are not over committing the food production for other systems though. It would be waste of turns and resources but of course you should never stop to improve your food production in your home or population production systems. Not to mention your food production won't be affected by colonization so it's always a good idea to send populations elsewhere. 要注意不要讓其他行星系食物生產過剩,這只是在浪費他們的回合和資源,除非是你的首 都或人力輸出行星系。更別提你的食物產出與殖民無關(譯註:不懂意思),所以把人口 送出去總是個好主意。 Industry and Science 工業和科學 Even though you are specializing the systems you should build the counter buildings when there is no desired building left to do. It's also important for systems to able to build higher tier buildings or produce science or dust idly. Just make sure you build the priorities for the specific system at first. 雖然你要特化行星系,但想蓋的建築都蓋完後你也得蓋其他的。能蓋高階建築、有理想的 科學或星塵產量對行星系來說都很重要。總之要先確保特化行星系所需的建築。 Dust and Influence 星塵和影響力 These are very much important for every faction but in the early game due to the extreme potential of exploring the curiosities, you can get a big boost if you focused scouting. As you always should. Looting different kinds of luxury resources would be beneficial by selling them on market too. 這兩者對每個種族都很重要,但在遊戲早期時專注探索的潛力無窮,你能從中獲得龐大收 益。有多種豪奢資源的話也能賣到市場獲利。 Since as the Vaulters going to have big population It would be hard for them to maintain laws after 30-40 turns. So, be mind of the Influence income during these turns. 因為騰躍族的人口會很龐大,三四十回合後就會很難維持法律,因此要在這段期間內注意 影響力產出。 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 資源管理 Since you can use the strategic resources to upgrade system development and you should also do this early as possible in order to transport populations. You can pretty much rush early on with spending strategic resource. While it is good to upgrade system development much faster with titanium or hyperium (giving a quick boost to FIDS) these would scale badly as the game progress. It wouldn't be bad but it's not great, so to say. 因為你能用戰略資源升級行星系,而為了運輸人口你又得越早升級越好,因此用戰略資源 來衝進度是最好的。雖然鈦和超密氘可以讓行星系發展顯著加快(提供大量FIDS),但隨 著遊戲進行這些加成會越來越不重要。只能說,這兩個不是壞選擇,但也不怎麼樣。 For system development, it's just more efficient to select bonuses giving any kind FIDSI bonuses for each population. Things like Adamantian and Anti-Mather is highly useful when upgrading systems. 為了行星系發展,以人口為單位提供FIDSI的加成會更有效率。像是亞德曼金屬和反物質對 行星系升級就很有用。 POPULATION MANAGEMENT 人口管理 Even though the vaulters starting populations give few good land battle bonuses, it’s not a great one to build an empire upon but since we have to produce populations as soon as possible we have no choice but to improve to the overall effectiveness of the populations. 雖然騰躍族的種族加成是地面戰強化,對於建構一個帝國沒什麼幫助,但由於我們需要盡 快產出人口,我們別無選擇只能盡一切可能改善人口產出效率。 Either upgrading system development, planet specialization, laws or buildings which giving bonuses on population. Know that we are very depended having lots of populations to fill those planets early on, so we might at least improve them. Boosting population is very important for this faction early on. 無論升級行星系、行星特化、以人口為單位提供加成的法律或建築,每個都需要大量人口 來盡早填滿行星。所以我們一定要改良人口產出,人口提昇對騰躍族的早期階段很重要。 Having Sisters of Mercy is useful to nullify happiness penalties because of big population or bad planets. 仁慈姊妹對於抵銷龐大人口或爛行星產生的不滿度非常有用。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAW MANAGEMENT 法律管理 Starting with the science and military party is very useful for you. At the start, you can select the “lower fleet cost” to push your science ships 1 turn faster. When you are done sending explorers and identifiers you can select “Cram Exam Act” to push out colonization technologies or just go for “Super Tax Act” to prepare yourself for market dealings for buying out portal or population boost purposes. 科學或軍國黨起手都很有用。一開始你能選擇「降低船艦花費」以讓你的科學船艦早一回 合生產完畢,等你把探索艦和辨識艦送出去後,可以選「補習班法案」來研發殖民科技, 或乾脆選「超級稅法」以準備上市場買菜來蓋傳送門或其他增進人口產出的東西。 More importantly, staying as science party allows you to push our system improvements much faster and helps in your first quest too. 更重要的是,保持科學黨領頭能讓你的行星系改良快的多,也能幫助你完成第一項任務。 HERO MANAGEMENT 英雄管理 Vaulters heroes are very useful. They can produce titanium and hyperium from thin air. They are also good at boosting out science and defending their governed planets. They have militarist and pacifist hero since your second party usually going to be one of those ideologies too you can use their senate bonuses separately as well. 騰躍族英雄非常有用。他們可以憑空變出鈦和超密氘,也擅長增加科學產量和行星防衛。 他們會是軍國黨或和平黨人,因為你的第二政黨常常會是這兩個其中一個。你也能用他們 的國會領導加成。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being science party allows you to be very selective when it comes to technology. You can pick up your desired colony technologies with much efficiency. Also, this allows you to cherry pick food building tech but the most importantly you can unlock system development very fast which is synergies with the whole transporting mentality. 科學黨領頭能讓你在科技方面有多種選擇性。你能選你想要的殖民科技以增進效率,也能 選食物建築科技,但最重要的是你能迅速解鎖行星系改良以運送人口。 Vaulters population, heroes and able to explore curiosities making you very efficient at technology department. Researching Aurigan Sheild should be one of the first things you should do but of course, the best technology the Vaulters has is boarding party. 騰躍族特性、英雄和探索能力,能讓你在科技方面非常強大。研究奧瑞加護盾是你的其中 一個首要目標,但對騰躍族來說,最棒的科技當然是登陸艙。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vaulters are a tough nut to crack. Should be able to hold on invasion for quite some time. This would give the necessary turn to group up in a safe system and creating a fleet to defend the blockaded or facing an invasion system. 騰躍族是個難以敲碎的硬堅果,能長期扛住其他人的入侵。這會讓你有充分的時間在安全 的行星系聚集艦隊以前往被封鎖或被入侵的行星系進行防禦。 For offensive tactics, you should always consider having a “reinforcement system” when going on an invasion. Remember that your defensive fleets could defend this too. You can send fleets like hordes as soon as portal becomes online. 攻擊策略來說,你在入侵別人時應該要找個「增援行星系」,要記得你的防衛艦隊也能防 禦這裡。只要有傳送門,你就能學隔壁棚那群殺都殺不完的綠皮混蛋外星人鑽過黑暗之門 替大家充值你的部落價值ㄏ Vaulters could turn their ships into rouges and blockade the colonizing systems to starve them out. This is also a useful option to scout others where probes can’t reach and would be more continuous information about the opponents. 騰躍族可以把艦隊變成海盜,封鎖別人的殖民行星系以餓死他們。當你要獲得探測器無法 抵達的遠方敵人資訊時,這也是個好辦法。 The faction shines at melee range so you always be on your enemies noose. The boarding party is a legit tactic; currently, it's almost OP. You could have lots of fast invasion ships too due to big support module ships and bring the fight to them. Since Vaulters the best melee faction you can give the hardest time to your enemies and forcing them to defend. 騰躍族是肉搏之光,因此你要一直勒住你敵人的脖子。登陸艙是他們的正統戰術,目前這 東西非常OP。靠著大量支援模組空格,你能打造許多快速侵略船艦並發動進攻。因為騰躍 族是最強的肉搏種族,你能讓你的敵人非常難過,逼的他們得防禦。 Never forget that fire and armor power of your ships are not that good. You won't be that much effective if you want to battle with the weapon power. Even though you can improve the weapons damage, firing multiple weapons at the same time is better. So having nukes would be less efficient(because of flaks) since you are shooting less, lasers would be much better. 不要忘記,你的船的火力和裝甲並不出色,依靠正常武器戰鬥並不理想。儘管你能改良武 器傷害,但武器射速更好。因此投射型武器效率較差(會被高射砲攔截)因為你射的比較 少,雷射會好的多。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The secrets of the stars will be ours - Ilona Zolya 群星的祕密會是屬於我們的 POLITICAL SITUATION 政治環境 Politically you are set for science for life. Because as you produce more Vaulters to fill the planets, the science poll is always going to be filled. Your second party could be militarist or pacifist depending on your playstyle but that's not a problem. 你會是終身的科學黨,因為你的騰躍族會塞滿每個星球,科學黨認同度會一直是滿的。第 二政黨根據你的玩法,可能會是軍國黨或和平黨,但那不是什麼問題。 Having portals allows you to micromanage populations way easier. You can always find the most efficient ways and set it up in one turn. Which makes this excessive population transportation micromanagement, manageable; with other factions, you usually forget about transportations which will arrive in longer turns. 傳送門讓你很好把生太快的人扔到別的地方去,玩其他種族時反而會因為移民腳太短而老 是忘記移民。 Though as you have fully specialized systems, in the late game you are going to start to see some changes. With assimilating minor factions and all some systems votes will change dramatically. 在你做好行星系特化後,隨著遊戲進行你也要開始做一些變化。當你同化小型種族時,行 星系投票結果會有戲劇性的改變。 DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 外交關係 Diplomacy is not their strongest suit. With all that raiding operations and picking the best systems right before their eyes from your opponents are making you very unlikeable neighbor. Since you can pretty much be neighbors with anybody. 外交不是騰躍族的強項。你有一堆跟搶劫相關的特質,又老是把你敵人眼前的好地方挑走 ,會讓你變成別人眼中的技安,還可能每家旁邊都有你這技安。 It's though for Vaulters the have trusting ally and you will be in conflict with many people. So it's best for you to be aggressive all times and keep snowballing by picking the best systems. 騰躍族很難擁有堅強的盟友,很容易跟一堆人起衝突。因此你最好從頭侵略到底,靠著挑 走好行星系把雪球越滾越大。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main disadvantage is diplomacy because of having too many neighbors it's really hard to fully commit to one side. It is best to pressure the Vaulters with an alliance. 最主要的弱點就是外交,因為他們會有太多鄰居,很難完全滿足所有人。最好找個盟友一 起給他們施加壓力。 They are also very predictable in space combat. Having mass flak guns and long-range tactics would help to stop those boarding tactics. They also have a low amount of armor & weapon slots. Which makes it harder when they face enemies with high armors. 太空戰的結果也很明顯,大量高射砲和長距離戰術可以阻止他們的登艦戰術,他們的裝甲 和武器空位也較少,這讓他們在面對重甲敵人時很吃虧。 They also depended on their precious colony ship losing this for long turns would hurt them immensely. It's wise to attack Vaulters science ships on sight because you are going to fight them eventually you might as well slow them down; they are very depending on exploration. 騰躍族也很依賴珍貴的大商船,長期失去它會重挫他們。看到騰躍族的科學船,最好能立 刻打爆,反正你早晚都要跟他們打,能拖一回合是一回合,騰躍族非常依賴探索。 Their population is only good at melee they need a long time to snowball. Making them focus on the military would stop their process. 他們的種族加成只強在肉搏,需要長時間來滾雪球。讓他們專注在軍事能停止他們的腳步 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD 長處 ‧ Exploring 探索 ‧ Colonizing 殖民 ‧ Invasions 入侵 ‧ Population micromanagement 人口微操 ‧ Gathering up forces 聚齊軍隊 BAD 短處 ‧ Space battles 太空戰 ‧ Diplomacy 外交 ‧ Low dust production 星塵產量不多 ‧ Depending on finding good spots 需要找到好地點 ‧ Barely passable starting populations 種族加成在早期很爛 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this writing will prove some thoughts the next time you play as the Vaulters. I find them very unique and they are doing this without trying too much. I will add more sections if there is a new game-changing mechanic or balance patch introduced. I will try to answer if you have questions. 我希望這份文件能在你下次玩騰躍族時給你一些想法。我覺得他們非常獨特,而且不用試 太多次就能對這套打法上手。如果有新的遊戲機制或平衡改動上線,我會新增更多部份。 我會試著回答你們的問題。 Thank you for reading and I congratulate the Amplitude studios for this cool game I enjoy playing. The artwork from in-game and you can check out the comic from here[wiki.endless-space.com]. 感謝你們的閱讀,也要感謝Amplitude工作室做出這款我超愛的酷遊戲。你可以從 [https://wiki.endless-space.com/]找到我內文用的圖片和漫畫內容。 ============================================================================== 大概是這樣,以下是我的一些感想,以及給像我這樣的新手的一些補充: 1.WayneNore大在他的心得說騰躍族的監督技能不太強,但我玩過幾場後的感想不太一樣 原因就如同這篇講的一樣,她可以憑空變出穩定的鈦和超密氘,而這是傳送門必須的資源 在起始不一定能找到這兩種資源,找到了也不一定能立刻開採,而又要架設傳送門的情況 每回合穩定產+1鈦和+1超密氘可以負擔至少兩個行星系的傳送門 之後累積的量也可以拿來做一階行星系改良,是個很好用的技能 我現在會先把這個技能點滿,再去點食物加成 2.騰躍族一開始的英雄一定是監督,而她就算裝了探測器也射不出去 我不確定是英雄就是這樣,還是因為她是監督才射不出去 總之不能讓她一個人先探測騙經驗值,再衣錦還鄉當她的執政官 一定得配有裝探測器的探索艦才能賺探測經驗值 我試過讓她和一開始的免費探測艦組隊賺經驗,賺飽經驗再回來當執政官 以及讓她直接當執政官,一開始那艘照本文所說直接裝四個引擎飆船 感想是後者的效益遠大於前者,騰躍族真的是一個很吃探索的種族 另外不能讓她先上船賺首都行星系的探測經驗再瞬間下船當執政官 因為英雄轉換單位有回合冷卻限制 3.騰躍族什麼都缺,就是不缺民心,那些扣支持度的法案可以穩穩放下去沒關係 一開始教學模式玩UE(聯合帝國),後面都在為了支持度大傷腦筋 騰躍族我只看過一次首都行星系79%,還掛著人爆滿+補習班法案+事件的debuff 4.出現突發事件要二選一時,不一定要強制選一個,可以直接點下一回合不鳥他 要是兩個選擇你都不想要,就直接跳過吧,這個事件會自動消失 更正,要是直接點下一回合的話,系統會默認你選了當下出現的選項 5.只要跳出戰鬥畫面,不是開打就是撤退,無法跳過 別人來打你也就算了,輪到自己時要想清楚要不要按下交戰鈕,不然只能讀檔了 此外在進攻行星系時,如果上面有非和平狀態的其他人艦隊 那無法直接進攻行星系,看你要等他離開,或者直接把他打爆才行 6.我還沒試過跟海盜結盟開傳送門,不過感覺中期以後會很需要 不然你的探索艦會很難穿過其他人的勢力範圍,可能經過一個海盜行星系結果那邊在打架 你的探索艦被處於防衛狀態的行星系攔下來,然後就被正在攻擊這邊的其他玩家打爆了 (艦隊經過防衛狀態的行星系時,無論還有多少行動點數統統歸0,下一回合才能動) 7.要偽裝海盜或解除偽裝都得在自己的行星系內進行 當你的艦隊偽裝成海盜時,是無法攻擊海盜的,不確定能否佔領別人的行星系 另外跟海盜結盟需要花不少影響力 大概是這樣 請大家指正我的翻譯,感謝 -- 作者 hjk56789 (hjk56789) 看板 C_Chat 標題 [問題] 巨人動畫每季都用團長做結尾不會很膩嗎? 時間 Mon Oct 15 17:59:16 2018 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1543235240.A.BAF.html

HAHAcomet: 我保證他們下次不會了 10/15 17:59

kodachi: 辛苦了 11/26 20:33

redsgm: 其實要精通el2很簡單 工業就是一切 無論哪個種族都一樣 只 11/26 20:58

redsgm: 有無盡難度要微操人口 其他一概碾壓 11/26 20:58

redsgm: 尤其現在打下行星可以劫掠摧毀不用佔領 電腦還是不怎麼買 11/26 21:00

redsgm: 英雄 只要點出市場買英雄 法案需要的影響力就不缺了 11/26 21:00

artanis: 最近也入坑,推詳細資料!感謝! 11/26 22:09

sonic171717: Valters超好玩 推 11/27 02:41

thethirdfoot: 昨天入手玩得眼花撩亂 以申請退費 11/27 07:57

wurenben: 你玩的難度是? 11/27 08:41

wurenben: 每族都欠支持度,除了V族 11/27 08:41

o07608: 我新手R,玩一般而已 11/27 09:39

nornor0415: 有沒有人可以發戰鬥心得文XD 11/27 09:59

nornor0415: 戰鬥配置很難懂 也不知道卡片的影響力到底多大ww 11/27 10:00

eva05s: 戰鬥配置就是塞滿艦隊開士氣加成那個碾過去就好 11/27 12:53

eva05s: 除非極高難度下或者大後期對手的艦隊等級大於你 不然滿編 11/27 12:56

eva05s: 小戰艦隊開士氣戰略卡真的體完美現戰爭時數量的重要性 11/27 12:56

eva05s: 前中期想辦法滿編兩隻艦隊 通常直到大後期對手出高階防 11/27 12:58

eva05s: 衛艦後才會開始有吃力感 11/27 12:58

eva05s: 當然啦 每個種族的理想狀態都不一樣 11/27 13:03

eva05s: 不是每個種族都適合開戰 看情況評估吧 我自己的玩法就是 11/27 13:05

eva05s: 偏默默經營一方 11/27 13:05

o07608: 不過對Vaulter沒啥差,因為他們一開始沒這戰術可以選XD 11/27 14:10

eva05s: 其實數量夠開什麼都是車過去(掩面 11/27 14:17

RaiGend0519: 推 11/27 15:48

RaiGend0519: 沃迪亞妮族母艦衝鋒! 11/27 15:49

otis1713: 戰鬥其實就是大量的高階艦+魚雷+高射炮+輔助艦給群體盾 11/27 17:51

otis1713: ,組成戰鬥船團 11/27 17:51

otis1713: 高防艦插滿登路模組+輔助艦插滿加速就是登路船團 11/27 17:54

otis1713: 後期就1~2隻防衛者的戰鬥船團當主力 11/27 17:55

otis1713: 其他探索+戰鬥船團當機動隊 11/27 17:57

adamandodin: 我打永恆難度不管哪個種族都是長程投射型武器塞好塞 11/27 19:19

adamandodin: 滿,配一點短程攔截砲,1、2階艦型都是攻擊艦 協調艦 11/27 19:22

adamandodin: 為主,卡片如果順風就用長程火力每發+2%,平局或逆風 11/27 19:23

adamandodin: 要看交戰對象用甚麼類型武器來防,艦上裝甲也要隨著 11/27 19:24

adamandodin: 改變 11/27 19:25

adamandodin: 雖然都是攻擊艦、協調艦,但還是要依需求來設計不同 11/27 19:27

adamandodin: 用途的船艦,像是負責戰鬥的、負責圍星的、負責加速 11/27 19:28

adamandodin: 的、負責守家的(通常就用最普通模組的協調艦) 11/27 19:29

adamandodin: 個人覺得影響戰鬥最大的就是船艦數,所以編制數量的 11/27 19:31

adamandodin: 科技盡量別落後(4打7跟12打20幾乎都是2倍差距...) 11/27 19:34

adamandodin: 話說我真的覺得vaulter太強了,傳送門讓你星球都挑好 11/27 19:35

adamandodin: 的拿,又可以快速發展人口,又無視戰線長短...都給你 11/27 19:38

adamandodin: 玩就好啦(翻桌 11/27 19:38

Lemming: 左中右 前中後 武器性質 卡稍微看一下了解就好 11/27 20:12

Lemming: 沒很難 這只是遊戲的一部分 夠了解後科技不落後 11/27 20:15

Lemming: AI的資源運用 配兵啥的 很難跟玩家打的 11/27 20:16

Lemming: 光塞對英雄就不一樣了 AI這個也很.... 11/27 20:17

peterturtle: 騰躍族就只要起手雙礦成功後面就碾壓,傳送門全場支 11/30 03:09

peterturtle: 援實在太OP,嘛擴張慢的問題一直都在就是了 11/30 03:09
