Fw: [新聞] 逃殺遊戲Radical Heights兩週流失82%玩家

看板 Steam
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
時間 2018-04-26 23:08:26
留言 11則留言 (5推 0噓 6→)

Radical Heights Loses 82 Percent of Player Base in 2 Weeks https://gamerant.com/radical-heights-player-count/ When footage of Radical Heights‘ wacky gameplay started doing the rounds a few weeks ago, many praised developer Boss Key’s interesting iteration on the Battle Royale genre. But now, only two weeks since releasing in Early Access on Steam, the game’s player base has dropped by 82%. It doesn’t take an industry expert to notice that Battle Royale games are dominating video game culture right now, so it’s perhaps unsurprising to see developers attempting to carve out their own space in the extremely lucrative market. Such an opportunity is perhaps needed by no company more than Boss Key, who decided to move on from their shooter LawBreakers in order to try their hand at creating a retro-themed Battle Royale. It seems that it’s precisely this rush to capitalize on the games industry’ s current obsession (Boss Key created Radical Heights in only 5 months) that has lead to some frustrations; many players have reported glitches and a general feeling of the game being unfinished, which may go some way to explaining how the game fell from a peak of 12,500 players on its second day to just 2,200 a few days ago. The initial figures for Radical Heights were promising; 12,500 players was enough to eclipse LawBreakers‘ underwhelming performance and shoot the game up to #21 on Steam. Unfortunately, it now seems that this initial success was little more than the novelty of a new Battle Royale game for fans of the genre to try out. Along with the aforementioned issues with glitches, a lot of players also report feeling that Radical Heights does little to distinguish itself in an oversaturated genre. Many have attributed Fortnite‘s success in dethroning PUBG as the most popular Battle Royale game to its unique building mechanic and its quirky art style, offering players a distinctly different experience. Aside from an interesting economy whereby money can be banked during games to spend later on cosmetics or for better loot in subsequent games, Radical Heights is sadly lacking in any such defining feature. However, things aren’t all bad for Radical Heights. Last night, Ninja – Twitch’s #1 streamer who continues to break viewership records – attracted over 108,000 viewers while playing the game. Meanwhile, fellow Twitch personality DrDisrespect hosted a popular Radical Heights stream just a few days ago. While the latest player figures certainly aren’t promising, it’s possible that with the continued attention from streamers, and maybe a few substantial updates, the game can grow its audience. ==== 簡單來說,Radical Heights是套大逃殺類遊戲,兩週前上線時還有12,500位玩家在線, 過了兩週後的現在大概只剩下2,200,流失了82%玩家。 從這可以看到大逃殺類 (Battle Royale) 遊戲的競爭激烈了,玩家會被新作吸引,但要留 住玩家不簡單。 -- It is difficult to communicate a life with words. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1524755308.A.0D4.html

fordpines: 美術爛得要死 04/26 23:08

re340: 這遊戲除了跟風之外 全部的要素都很不用心 04/26 23:22

madeinheaven: 競爭激烈? 不就是fortnite跟PUBG競爭而已 04/26 23:42

CoCoLaLa: 市場先搶先贏看看LOL跟DOTA再看看暴雪英霸就知道了 04/27 00:03

C00L: 可見跟風不管在全世界哪個國家都很常見 04/27 07:26

tom082626: Pubg應該被打趴了吧…我身邊的都在玩fortnite 04/27 14:22

ppt12527: 評論超好笑,有人說作者是不是甲,只有男角可選,XD 04/27 14:57

ayaniji: 試玩一下就默默刪掉了...-- 04/27 15:26

hwuz: Fortnite 喝剩 04/27 19:39

qwe12340812: PUBG還是有自己很大的市場 畢竟跟49的風格差很多 04/28 16:24

qwe12340812: 阿RH的風格就偏向49 被打趴不意外 04/28 16:24
