[翻譯] Fallout Timeline:1950-2050

看板 Steam
作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2018-02-11 13:27:43
留言 36則留言 (13推 0噓 23→)

現在變成月更啦:D 時間線各個年份的篇幅差很多,像2050以後每年都有一堆事情 我還在想要怎麼分配貼上來 正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫 半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides 非正史:上面沒提到的 ======================================= 1960 ‧ July 4: The 50 star flag of the United States of America is adopted. 七月四號:美國正式採用50星條旗。 1961 ‧ May 5: Captain Carl Bell of the United States Space Agency became the first human in space. This claim is disputed by both the Soviet Union and China. Captain Bell's flight in Space Capsule Defiance 7 lasted twelve minutes and seven seconds, and made a full revolution around the Earth. Bell died when the capsule crashed on its return to Earth. 五月五號:聯邦太空局的Carl Bell上尉成為第一個上太空的人類,但蘇聯和中國 不承認此記錄。Bell上尉搭乘太空船挑戰者七號,用12分7秒繞地球一圈。太空船 在回到地球時墜毀,Bell因此犧牲。 1969 ‧ The United States created thirteen commonwealths, creating another, intermediate layer of governance between the state and the federal government. The national flag was amended to reflect this and depicts fourteen stars - thirteen in a circle to represent the commonwealths and one in the middle to represent the federal government and the nation as a whole. 美國組成13個聯邦,以在州和聯邦政府之間建構一層更直接的治理層。國旗圖樣 改為十四顆星以呼應此變動─十三星圍成一圈代表十三個聯邦,一星在中間代表 聯邦政府和整個國家。 ‧ July 16: The Virgo II Lunar Lander Valiant 11 with U.S.S.A. astronauts Captain Richard Wade, Captain Mark Garris, and Captain Michael Hagen lands on the Moon. The astronauts become the first humans to walk on a celestial body other than Earth. 七月十六號:聯邦太空局的三名太空人Richard Wade、Mark Garris、Michael Hagen駕駛處女座二型月球登陸器勇士十一號在月球登陸,這些太空人成為第一批 在地球以外的天體上行走的人。 ‧ November 14: Virgo III Lander Valiant 12 lands on the Moon. 十一月十四號:處女座三型月球登陸器勇士十二號在月球登陸。 1992 ‧ The mission of Sierra Army Depot is changed. It is now responsible for the demilitarization of stores of surplus ammunition that have been deemed unfit or obsolete for military purposes. This mission is to be overseen by the Industrial Operations Command in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency, providing a greener, cleaner way to dispose of military ordnance. The mission continued until 2050. Sierra Army Depot任務變更,其現在負責銷燬被視為無法達到當前軍事目的的過 剩軍備。該任務由工業運營司令部監督,並和環境保護局合作,後者提供能更環 保的處理軍備的方法。該任務持續到2050年。 2002 ‧ West Tek is founded. West Tek創立。 2009 ‧ Smitty's is established. Smitty's 建立。 2020 ‧ The Delta IX rocket is commissioned by the U.S.S.A. The Delta IX rocket is the last of the manned rockets to the Moon. 聯邦太空局建造Delta九號火箭,該火箭是最後一艘往月球的載人火箭。 2021 ‧ Hubris Comics begins publishing comic books, one of their most popular is Grognak the Barbarian. Hubris企業開始出版漫畫書,最有名的是野蠻人Grogank。 2026 ‧ The original Vim! Pop factory burned down, prompting the rebuilding of the factory and eventually its recreation as a souvenir shop. 原本的Vim! Pop工廠燒掉了,在工廠重建後原址變成紀念品店。 2031 ‧ After the tragic death of Emilia Butler, the Boston city council voted unanimously to have her remains interred within the Old Granary Burying Ground. 在Emilia Butler慘死後,波士頓議會無異議通過讓她安葬於老榖倉墓地。 2034 ‧ The last manned mission to the Moon occurs. 執行最後往月球的載人火箭任務。 ‧ The Delta IX rocket is converted for U.S. military purposes. Crew and instrument sections are replaced with a nuclear warhead. Delta九號火箭被轉為軍用,乘員區和器材區被換成核彈頭。 2037 ‧ The Mister Handy series of robots is first brought to market as a general construction and maintenance unit by General Atomics International. 通用原子國際研發的巧手先生系列機器人第一次在市面上亮相。 2039 ‧ Prometheus Coal, a division of Poseidon Energy, opens a coal mine in central Utah. As a result a small village is settled nearby called Eagle Rock. 波賽頓能源的子公司.普羅米修斯煤業,在猶他州中部開採一處煤礦,後來旁邊 出現了一個名為Eagle Rock的小村莊。 ‧ An early bug in Mister Handy robots that caused interference in the operation of the multiple arms is fixed with a hardware update, with no major problems since then. 早期的巧手先生的手臂彼此會互相干擾,該問題在硬體升級後修正,之後該型號 機器人就沒再出過大問題。 2040 ‧ The Tibbets Prison is commandeered by the United States government in association with Vault-Tec and Poseidon Oil to tie into their Project Safehouse. On April 5, 2040, the Secretary of the Army makes the decision to build a new Disciplinary Barracks, with a capacity for 456 inmates. A cost ceiling of $363 million in allocated construction dollars is set. The target budget year for funding this project is fiscal year 2041. Construction begins in fall of 2042, with completion projected for fall of the year 2045. Tibbets監獄被美國政府強行徵收,以和Vault-Tec及波賽頓石油合作進行安全 屋計畫。四月五號時,軍方高層決定蓋一個新的能容納456名罪犯的懲戒所,預算 上限是三億六千三百萬美元。預算於2041年撥下來,2042年動工,於2045年秋天 完工。 2041 ‧ August 16: Doctor Morrison Rand was abducted by aliens on-board Mothership Zeta when he was leaving the campus of Banfield College in Humboldt. 八月十六號:Morrison Rand博士在離開位於Hunboldt的Banfield大學時,被外星 人綁到Zeta母艦上。 2042 ‧ June 25: Robert House founds RobCo Industries. 六月二十五號:Robert House建立RobCo企業。 ‧ John-Caleb Bradberton, an amateur chemist, began developing a soft drink that would provide energy, focus and 120% the daily recommended value of sugar. 業餘化學家John-Caleb Bradberton開始研發一款軟飲料,目標是能使飲用者精力 充沛、提昇專注力,以及喝下比每日建議攝取量還多20%的糖分。 ‧ A major earthquake takes place in Mexico City. The Mister Handy general construction robot becomes the leader in sales in Mexico. 墨西哥城發生大地震,之後協助重建的巧手先生在墨西哥大賣。 ‧ Egret Tours is founded. Egret旅遊建立。 ‧ July: discussions with Vault-Tec to determine space and functional requirements for the new Tibbets facility. 七月:(譯註:這句看不懂) 2043 ‧ Mass Fusion is founded. Mass核融合建立。 2044 ‧ The formula of Nuka-Cola is perfected by John-Caleb Bradberton, after nearly two years of work and help from his Beverageers. 在自己的飲料機器人的幫助之下,John-Caleb Bradberton用了將近兩年完成核口 可樂的配方。 ‧ The Great Passion Fruit Famine hits America. People actually notice the taste difference in Nuka-Cola when the passion fruit flavor was removed 美國爆發百香果大饑荒,人們隨後發現核口可樂的味道改變了,因為作為原料的百 香果嚴重缺貨。 ‧ The X277 "Viper" magnetic rail cannon developed for the U.S. Military by West Tek is deemed too costly to produce on a mass scale and abandoned. 美國軍方認為West Tek研發的X277「毒蛇」磁軌炮太貴無法量產,該武器遭到廢 棄。 2047 ‧ RobCo Industries becomes one of the most profitable corporations on Earth. RobCo企業成為地球上最有錢的公司。 2050 ‧ May 1: Nuka-World is opened to the public with Nuka-Town USA and Kiddie Kingdom being the only parks. The theme park attracted more than 40,000 visitors at its grand opening. 五月一號:核口世界對外開放Nuka-Town USA和Kiddie Kingdom兩處公園,主題公 園吸引超過四萬名遊客。 ‧ The mission of Sierra Army Depot is changed again. It is refurbished with the latest in technology and is from now on used as a secret research installation for developing and testing robotic, biological and conventional weapons until 2076. Sierra Army Depot任務再次變動。設施內部用最尖端科技整修過後,轉化為研發 及測試機器人、生物和傳統武器的設施,直到2076年。 ======================================= 接下來應該會發2050-2070以後 不過可能也要一個月後030 請大家指正我的翻譯內容,感謝 -- --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1518326867.A.B77.html

gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52

maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52

howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52

howar31 :..11/04 22:52

maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53

maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53

nawussica: 跟Vault-Tec討論 關於決定 new Tibbets facility 02/11 13:44

nawussica: 的位址以及 功能需求 02/11 13:45

nawussica: 註:new Tibbets facility是個監獄設施? 02/11 13:45

DivineSX: 先推 02/11 14:01

sueway: 再2年就2020了 移民月球計畫呢~ 02/11 18:17

playerlin: 2066之後的內容應該就會發現Fallout世界的美國根本是 02/11 18:37

playerlin: 個__。 *茶* 02/11 18:37

playerlin: 2050之後差不多就資源匱乏+世界各國關係緊繃的時期。 02/11 18:38

gametv: Emilia Butler究竟是誰.... 02/11 21:22

playerlin: https://tinyurl.com/y7e2j9w4 埋在此處的人都非普通人 02/11 21:48

playerlin: 但是BGS沒詳說細節... 02/11 21:49

playerlin: https://tinyurl.com/y8669hw9 有人認為是致敬此人。 02/11 21:51

NovaRain: Tibbets是監獄,Timeline那句是直接從設計文稿內直接挖 02/11 22:19

NovaRain: 出來,和VT討論的應該是軍方,因為文稿上一段是2040年 02/11 22:20

NovaRain: 大概可以翻成"(軍方)和VT討論以決定新的Tibbets設施的 02/11 22:26

NovaRain: 空間與功能性需求" ? 02/11 22:26

Dsakura: Emilia Butler只在FO4裡有字面記載 02/11 23:58

angell543: 核口可樂!?....不是核子可樂嗎?記得在玩那個dlc的時候 02/12 08:26

angell543: 超想喝可樂 02/12 08:26

redsgm: 推 02/12 08:51

o07608: 有沒有辦法找到FO4的官方翻譯......除了買遊戲以外QQ 02/12 10:09

lecheck: 推 02/12 11:54

richardmcho: 推 02/12 13:01

Dsakura: https://i.imgur.com/bRhtQG3.jpg 02/12 13:27

Dsakura: 這跟FO4內文字描述是一樣的地點名稱是 02/12 13:27

Dsakura: Old Granary Burying Ground 02/12 13:28

playerlin: 所以你還要撐多久?翻這東西只要碰到FO4的內容就爆了w 02/12 21:19

o07608: 沒差,我遇到看不懂的專有名詞就用原文030 02/12 21:34

playerlin: Whatever. It's up to you. :P 02/12 21:57

Dsakura: 好FO4不玩嗎(nudge nudge) 02/12 23:21
