[翻譯] Fallout 陣營背景:鋼鐵兄弟會(一)

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作者 DenUsLLeh (Denus)
時間 2017-12-03 21:53:08
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Brotherhood of steel可說視貫通整個Fallout系列的組織,由過去所出現的遊戲所構築起 的內容十分豐富,在此先簡述背景,之後會在更新其他章節。希望不會太占版面。 ============================================================================== 兄弟會的起源 The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by Roger Maxson, a captain in the United States Army. Led by Colonel Robert Spindel, Maxson was part of a team sent on January 3, 2076 to monitor progress at a West-Tek facility in California, which was conducting research on behalf of the American government. On January 7, 2077, all West-Tek research and personnel – Maxson and his team included – were relocated to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base in an effort to enhance security. 鋼鐵兄弟會是由美軍上尉,羅傑‧麥克森所建立,他過去曾是羅伯特‧史賓德上校所帶領 的小隊中的一員。他們的任務是於2076年1月3日前往西方科技公司於加州所設立, 代表美國政府進行研究的設施進行監督。在2077年1月7日,西方科技公司所有的研 究計畫及其員工(包含麥克森與他的小隊)轉移至新建的馬里波薩軍事基地,目的在於強 化其防護安全。 On October 10, 2077, Captain Maxson and his men discovered, to their horror, that the West-Tek scientists at Mariposa were using military prisoners as unwilling test subjects for their genetically engineered Forced Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.). Morale in the base quickly collapsed and Colonel Spindel suffered a mental breakdown, eventually committing suicide five days later. In the midst of the crisis, Maxson's men turned to him for leadership.Captain Maxson proceeded to interrogate Robert Anderson, the chief scientist of the West-Tek research team stationed at Mariposa, learning the extent of their experiments. Anderson, along with most of his research team, were subsequently executed for their crimes. 2077年10月10日,麥克森上尉與他的隊員發現了可怕的真相,西方科技公司的科 學家在馬里波薩,以基地中的囚犯進行非自願的實驗計畫,實驗主題是基因工程強制進化 病毒(F.E.V.)。目睹真相後,基地的士氣迅速下降,史賓德上校心神崩潰並於五天後自 盡。在這場危機中,麥克森的隊員推舉他成為了新領導者。麥克森上尉審問了西方科技研 究團隊的科學主任羅伯特‧安德森,了解整個實驗內容。安德森及大部分的研究團隊隨後 都因其所犯下的罪過遭到處決。 Maxson, now in control of the base, declared his desertion from the United States Army via radio on October 20. To his confusion, he received no response from the chain-of-command, as the U.S. Army was currently focused on escalating conflicts with the Chinese. Three days later on October 23, both nations launched their entire nuclear arsenals. Within two hours, the Great War had ended and much of the Earth was reduced to a radioactive wasteland. On October 21 Maxson ordered that the families, including his, be brought inside the base to protect them. The Mariposa Military Base survived the onslaught, its numerous safety protocols protecting the soldiers within from the radiation and the F.E.V., which had been accidentally released and was now seeping into the newborn Wasteland. Two days after the attack, on October 25, Captain Maxson sent one of his men, Platner, outside in protective power armor to scout the area and gather readings on the atmosphere. Platner reported no significant amounts of radiation in the surrounding area. 麥克森現在控制了整個基地,於10月20日以廣播對外宣佈他們脫離美軍。但令他困惑 的是並未收到任何指揮系統的答覆,因為美軍正專注於對付與中國軍隊的衝突。三天後, 於10月23日,中美雙方發射各自所擁有的核子武器。不到兩個小時,大戰爭落幕。地 球大部分的土地都淪為輻射汙染的廢土。就在10月21日,麥克森命令包括他自己在內 所有隊員的家人都必須進入基地內以受保護。馬里波薩軍事基地在災變之後倖存,而基地 內所設下的各種安全協定,使士兵們得以遠離輻射威脅以及因意外外洩而逐漸滲入這個新 生廢土的F.E.V.。大戰後兩天,於10月25日,麥克森上尉派遣他的手下,普拉特納中 士,在動力裝甲的保護下搜索附近的區域,並收集大氣讀數。普拉特納中士回報周圍區域 並未受到輻射汙染影響。 After burying the bodies of Anderson and his executed staff members, Captain Maxson and his men raided the base for various supplies and weapons schematics before sealing Mariposa and venturing off into the desert. The following weeks of travel inflicted casualties on the party at the hands of various raider gangs and the harsh conditions of the Wasteland. In November 2077, Captain Maxson eventually led his band of survivors to the safety of Lost Hills, a government fallout shelter. This journey came to be immortalized in Brotherhood lore as “the Exodus”. 在埋葬安德森及其他遭處決的人員後,麥克森上尉及其他手下帶走了基地中各式各樣的補 給品與武裝設計圖,並在前往荒地冒險前封鎖整個馬里波薩。在接下來幾周的旅程,因數 個強盜幫派襲擊與廢土艱難狀況,造成了隊伍成員不少傷亡。2077年11月,麥克森 上尉帶領倖存者們來到了安全設施,前政府所建立的輻射避難所-失落山丘。這趟旅程成 為了之後千古留名的兄弟會傳說,「大出走」。 In time, Captain Maxson set the bunker as the headquarters for his new organization, the Brotherhood of Steel. As the Brotherhood's first High Elder, Maxson sought to use Lost Hills' resources to help rebuild civilization – no matter the cost. 這時,麥克森上尉將地堡設置為他所成立的新組織,鋼鐵兄弟會的總部。做為兄弟會的第 一位大長老,麥克森打算利用失落山丘的資源協助重建文明,無論得付出什麼代價。 早期階段 Relatively little is known about the early years of the Brotherhood of Steel. In 2134, an emerging faction of the Brotherhood, led by Sergeant Dennis Allen, petitioned the Council of Elders for permission to explore the remnants of the West-Tek research facility in search of technological artifacts. In the wake of the Great War, the facility was left a highly irradiated ruin referred to by locals as “the Glow”. The Elders thus denied Sergeant Allen's request, prompting him and his followers to splinter from the Brotherhood, taking some advanced weapons and technology with them. Despite this incident, the Brotherhood of Steel continued to grow in strength under the guidance of Elder Maxson, further refining their technology and gradually forming the orders of Knights, Scribes, and Paladins that are known today. That following year, Roger Maxson died of cancer. His son, Maxson II, succeeded him as High Elder. 對於兄弟會的早期階段並沒有太多相關資訊。2134年,一股由丹尼斯‧艾倫所帶領的 新興勢力出現在兄弟會之中,他們向長老議會請願,希望得到同意以探索西方科技公司所 遺留下的研究設施尋找技術產物。大戰爭後,有個設施被遺留在收高度輻射汙染的廢墟中 ,一個被當地居民命名為發光地的地點。長老們否決了艾倫中士的請願,促使艾倫及他的 追隨者脫離了兄弟會,並且帶走了一些高科技武器與技術。儘管有這意外插曲,兄弟會仍 在麥克森長老的領導下持續壯大,持續琢磨所擁有的科技技術,並逐步成立今日所聽聞的 騎士、學士與聖騎士階級。隔年,羅傑‧麥克森死於癌症。他的兒子,麥克森二世接任其 位,成為了大長老。 In the 2150's, the Brotherhood began extending their influence out into the surrounding areas, quickly asserting their place as one of the major powers of New California of the post-War West Coast. The early 50's saw the emergence of a prominent raider group known as the Vipers, who quickly established a base of operations in the badlands to the south of Lost Hills. Driven by a near-religious frenzy, the Vipers' raids become bolder and more frequent over time, eventually attracting the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel. 在2150年代,兄弟會擴展了他們對四周的影響力,迅速地成為了戰後加州西方海岸最 為主要的勢力之一。在50年代早期,兄弟會發現了一個日漸壯大的強盜組織毒蛇幫,他 們的行動基地設在失落山丘的南方荒野。由幾近宗教般的狂熱所驅使,毒蛇幫的掠奪行動 越來越大膽且頻繁,最終吸引到鋼鐵兄弟會的注意。 In 2155, the Brotherhood sent a handful of squads out into the Wasteland to track the Vipers down. To the Elders, this seemed a glorified training exercise, as they were convinced that a small detachment of Brotherhood troops in power armor would be sufficient to deal with a band of raiders, no matter how large. One Brotherhood squad, led by High Elder Maxson II himself, located the Vipers. Expecting the raiders to break and run at the sight of such a heavily armed force, Maxson did not take into account the Vipers' zeal and ferocity... or their poisoned weapons. A single arrow nicked the High Elder while he had his helmet off, leading to his death a few hours later. John Maxson, grandson of Roger, took up the role of High Elder. 2155年,兄弟會派遣了幾隻小隊前往廢土外尋找毒蛇幫的蹤跡。對於長老們而言,這 不過只是項訓練測驗,他們相信只需幾名穿著動力裝甲的兄弟會成員便足以對付哪怕再大 的強盜幫派。其中一支由大長老麥克森二世所領導的兄弟會小隊找到了毒蛇幫。他認為這 些幫派走狗在看到了兄弟會所持有的強大火力必定會畏懼而逃跑,但他卻沒預料到這群毒 蛇幫成員的狂熱與兇殘......以及他們手中持有的有毒武器。一支塗有劇毒的弓箭劃傷了 大長老未著頭盔的頸部。數個小時後,大長老死去。羅傑的孫子,約翰‧麥克森接任成為 了新的大長老。 In the wake of this incident, the newly appointed Head Paladin Rhombus launched a full-scale campaign against the Vipers, hunting them down and driving them to near-extinction over the course of a month. The few remaining Vipers managed to scatter north and east to the Sierra Madre mountain range. It was towards the end of this campaign that the Brotherhood sent a handful of scouts and emissaries to the Hub in order to track down these runaway Vipers. It was from these beginnings that the Hub and the Brotherhood of Steel opened full trade relations. (Caravans had delivered to the Brotherhood in the past, but in the wake of the Vipers' destruction, caravan trains now ran directly from the Hub to the Brotherhood's headquarters at Lost Hills on a regular basis.) 這場意外發生後,新上任的首席聖騎士倫巴斯發起一場對毒蛇幫的大型戰役。一個月內, 多數的毒蛇幫成員遭到獵殺,使他們幾近滅絕,殘存的毒蛇幫四散於馬德雷山脈的北方與 東方。這場戰役的尾端,兄弟會派遣幾位偵查兵與特使,前往中心城以追蹤逃亡的毒蛇幫 成員,自此開啟了鋼鐵兄弟會與中心城的全面貿易關係。(過去亦有商隊往來於兄弟會與 中心城,但在毒蛇幫瓦解後,現在的商隊能夠定期地直接從中心城前往兄弟會的總部失落 山丘進行貿易。) 超級變種人事件 Several years after the Viper campaign, the Brotherhood of Steel encountered an enemy far more formidable than any band of raiders. In October of 2161, a Brotherhood patrol stumbled upon the corpse of a super mutant. The remains were transported back to Lost Hills for study by Head Scribe Vree. 毒蛇幫戰役的幾年後,鋼鐵兄弟會遭遇了遠遠超過幫派匪徒的可怕敵人。在2161年 10月,一個兄弟會的巡邏隊恰巧碰見一具超級變種人的屍體。這具遺骸被移送回失落山 丘讓首席學士微禮進行研究。 In 2162, the Vault-Dweller arrived at the Lost Hills bunker, seeking entry into the Brotherhood. His request was not taken seriously and he was tasked with retrieving the records of Sergeant Dennis Allen's expedition from the hazardous ruins of the Glow, a fool's errand commonly used to deter would-be Brotherhood members. To the Brotherhood's surprise, not only did the Vault-Dweller return from the West-Tek facility alive, but he had also succeeded in his fool's errand and recovered a holodisk recording of Allen's doomed expedition. As a result, the Vault-Dweller became the first outsider in to be accepted into the Brotherhood of Steel, despite the protests of a few members. 在2162年,避難所居民(一代主角)抵達失落山丘地堡,尋求進入兄弟會的方法。他 的要求並未被認真看待,卻得到一個測驗:回收位於發光地,關於丹尼斯‧艾倫中士的遠 征隊的記錄檔,完成測驗才能加入兄弟會。這項愚蠢的考驗常成為用以嚇阻想加入兄弟會 的外人們。但令兄弟會驚訝的是,避難所居民竟能從西方科技公司的設施成功生還,還一 同完成了這「愚蠢的考驗」並帶回一張全息磁碟,裡面有關於艾倫中士遠征隊的毀滅的記 錄檔。最後,儘管仍受到不少內部成員的抗議,避難所居民成為了這幾十年來,第一位受 鋼鐵兄弟會接納的外來者成員。 It was from the Vault-Dweller that the Brotherhood subsequently learned of the Master's mutant army and its plans to forcibly convert the surviving human population into Super Mutants. With the support of High Elder John Maxson, the Vault-Dweller was able to convince the Council of Elders to deploy a squad of Paladins to Mariposa, where the Master's F.E.V. vats were located. With the assistance of the Brotherhood, the Vault-Dweller managed to defeat the Master and disrupt his mutant army. They also helped drive some mutants away from other human outposts.[2] At this point in time, the Brotherhood of Steel stood as the most technologically advanced faction in New California. Although the remaining super mutants and the nascent Gun Runners had access to comparably advanced weaponry, the Brotherhood had a monopoly on power armor, supercomputers, and advanced medical technologies, such as cybernetics. With this technology slowly being introduced into New California, the Brotherhood of Steel became a major research and development house. 因避難所居民的到來,讓兄弟會逐步了解主宰的變種人軍團以及主宰的計畫:將人類全部 強迫轉變成超級變種人。在大長老約翰‧麥克森的支持下,避難所居民說服了長老議會, 並派遣一支聖騎士小隊前往主宰所持有的F.E.V.儲藏桶的地點,馬里波薩軍事基地。兄弟 會也協助其他人類基地避免受變種人的威脅。此刻鋼鐵兄弟會成為了加州地區,擁有最新 進技術的勢力。雖說其他殘存的超級變種人以及剛起步的軍火販子同樣擁有先進軍火,兄 弟會仍舊獨佔著動力裝甲、超級電腦及先進醫療科技(如電子神經學)。隨著這些科學技 術慢慢地展現在新加州地區,鋼鐵兄弟會成為了最主要的研究與發展中心。 事件之後 In the wake of the Master's defeat, the Brotherhood of Steel began arguing amongst itself over the need for new recruits versus their secrecy as an organization. In the end, most of the Elders ruled against the sharing of their technology with outsiders, confident that their organization could survive on their traditional principles. The minority who opposed this ruling were sent eastward to track down the last remnants of the Master's army via a small fleet of airships. When these airships crash-landed near the ruins of Chicago, the surviving individuals founded the Midwestern chapter of the Brotherhood. In the following years, the Brotherhood continued to expand somewhat, establishing small outposts throughout California, as well as launching expeditions to regions such as Washington, D.C., and the Mojave. 隨著主宰殞落,鋼鐵兄弟會內部開始有了關於是否招募新血或是繼續維持組織秘密現狀的 爭執。最後,大多數的長老仍拒絕分享兄弟會所持有的科技技術給外來者,他們很有自信 地認為兄弟會能夠在遵守傳統教條下繼續生存下去。少數不滿這項統治模式的成員使用小 型飛行器,前往東方尋找逃亡的殘存主宰軍隊。這些飛行器最後迫降在鄰近芝加哥的廢墟 中,倖存的兄弟會成員在此地建立了鋼鐵兄弟會中西部分部。接下來的數年,兄弟會持續 擴展並建立了數個小型哨站於整個加州,並同時發起了對數個地區的遠征,例如華盛頓哥 倫比亞特區以及莫哈維。 In addition, the end of the Master was accompanied by the birth of the New California Republic (NCR). What began in the small farming community of Shady Sands quickly blossomed into a spirited effort to reclaim what was lost in the Great War. As the young NCR expanded, the Lost Hills region was incorporated into the growing nation in the form of the newly founded state of Maxson. While the bunker itself still remained under the control of the Brotherhood, the NCR held jurisdiction over the lands outside. Though tensions simmered between the two factions, peaceful relations remained. 此外,在主宰滅亡後,新加州共和國(NCR)誕生了,從過去務農為主的沙地小鎮迅速地發 展成致力於恢復因大戰爭所失去的文明國度。當早期的NCR開始擴展時,失落山丘被併入 在這個成長中的國度,成為了一個新建立的麥克森州。雖然地堡仍為兄弟會所控制,NCR還 是擁有著整塊土地的管轄權。雙方氣氛緊繃而至一觸即發的狀態,但兩個陣營還是維持在 和平相處的狀態。 英克雷軍來襲 By 2242, the Brotherhood of Steel were but a fraction of the power they had been once before. With the emergence of the Enclave, the Brotherhood found that they were no longer the most advanced faction in the Wasteland. Intimidated and lacking the resources to deal with this new foe, the best the Brotherhood could manage was just to keep an eye on the newcomers. To this end, several previously-dormant bunkers and outposts in areas of Enclave activity were reactivated. 2242年時,鋼鐵兄弟會從未如此感到無能為力過。英克雷軍的出現使得兄弟會理解到 他們不再是這個廢土上最先進的陣營。兄弟會畏懼且缺乏資源以對付這個新出現的組織, 他們能夠做的便是張大雙眼緊盯這個新來的陣營。之後為了監視英克雷軍的活動,他們重 新啟用該地好幾個過去停止使用的地堡及哨點。 Eventually, the Brotherhood learned of the Enclave's Vertibird technology. Lacking any similar technology of their own, the Brotherhood saw itself as vulnerable to a possible Enclave invasion. In light of this possibility, Matthew, an operative stationed in the San Francisco outpost, was requested to enlist the aid of the Chosen One to steal a set of Vertibird schematics from a major Enclave outpost at Navarro. 最後,兄弟會發現了英克雷軍所持有的飛鳥科技。在缺乏類似的飛行科技下,假設英克雷 軍真的進攻兄弟會,兄弟會將毫無招架之力。面對這樣的可能性,在舊金山兄弟會哨站的 間諜馬修,賦予獲選者(二代主角)一項任務:偷取位在英克雷軍最主要的哨站納瓦羅的 飛鳥設計圖。 Although the Chosen One was successful in his mission, it is unknown if the Vertibird plans ever reached the High Council, as Operative Matthew was killed by Agent Frank Horrigan a short time after the mission's completion. However, with the destruction of their oil rig base and NCR forces subsequently hunting down remaining members, the Enclave ceased to pose a threat on the West Coast. 雖說獲選者成功地完成這項任務,仍無從得知飛鳥設計圖是否成功地送達兄弟會的最高議 會,因為間諜馬修在這項任務完成後不久,便被英克雷特工法蘭克‧荷瑞根殺死了。然而 ,隨著油井平台遭到摧毀以及NCR的軍隊開始追獵殘存的英克雷軍,英克雷不再是西部海 岸的威脅了。 與NCR的戰爭 (以下內容建立在Van Buren的開發內容上,並不能直接被認為是Fallout宇宙的正統內容) By 2231, Jeremy Maxson had assumed the position of High Elder. Vocal in his ideas of pushing Brotherhood operations eastward, Maxson was also notably aggressive in his “hoarding” of pre-War technology. The High Elder sought to restore the Brotherhood of Steel to power by wresting any and all advanced technology from the hands of “lesser people” by any means necessary. Naturally, this led to disputes with the New California Republic, which had always been in favor of utilizing advanced technology for the benefit of society. Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, conflict erupted between the Brotherhood and the NCR. 2231年,傑瑞米‧麥克森繼承大長老一職。他的理念在將兄弟會的行動向東推進,且 麥克森對於佔有戰前科技尤其執著。大長老想靠著不計代價,從那些所謂「下等人種」的 手上奪取所有高科技技術,以恢復鋼鐵兄弟會的力量。自然地,兄弟會對上了致力於將先 進科技帶回到社會文明的新加州共和國。就在英克雷軍瓦解的不久後,兄弟會與NCR爆發了衝突。 With their superior technology, the Brotherhood managed to hold out against the NCR, even coming close to achieving total victory and avoiding a protracted conflict altogether, However, the Lost Hills Brotherhood's technological advantage was gradually outmatched by the sheer size of the NCR military; no matter how many troops the NCR lost, they always seemed to have more. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood, a selective and isolationist group, lacked sorely in numbers. This discrepancy in troop numbers caused major issues for the Brotherhood, fundamental weakness that has been constant until recently as the Brotherhood has started recruiting from the outside. The Brotherhood was forced to retreat into their bunkers, where they remained in hiding. However according to terminals on the Prydwen, the Brotherhood has been able to come out of hiding in the west and is operating on the surface again once more. 兄弟會仗著高科技技術,意圖在避免長期抗戰的情況下與NCR爭鬥直到完全的勝利。然而 ,失落山丘的兄弟會所持有的技術優勢,逐漸地被NCR的軍隊龐大的規模給超越。無論損失 多少士兵,NCR總是能招募到更多的人力。與此同時,兄弟會是個很挑人的孤立組織,因 此嚴重地缺乏人手。如此的士兵數量差距導致了兄弟會最主要的問題,這個根本弱點直至 最近兄弟會開始對外招募新血才有所改變。最後兄弟會被迫退回他們的地堡繼續躲避隱藏 。不過根據普利德溫號(四代兄弟會的飛空艇)上的電腦記載,西部的兄弟會已從隱蔽中 走出,再次回到了地表。 (以上內容建立在Van Buren的開發內容上,並不能直接被認為是Fallout宇宙的正統內容) The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood would still be fighting the NCR in 2274. After establishing a base at the HELIOS One solar plant, the Mojave Brotherhood soon found itself at odds with the NCR and its growing power in the region. Eventually, the NCR sought to control HELIOS One and the Brotherhood. Under orders from their Elder, against the will of his Paladins, the Brotherhood refused to leave. This led to a confrontation between the two, and while the Brotherhood's superior technology and training was able to inflict outstanding losses on the NCR, eventually the NCR's superior numbers prevailed, forcing the Brotherhood to retreat. With nearly half the chapter dead, the Mojave Brotherhood retreated to Hidden Valley, where Paladin McNamara, in light of the disappearance of Elder Elijah following the battle, took the role of Elder upon himself and placed the complex under lockdown. The Brotherhood's loss can be put down to its indefensible location, its low manpower, and its poor leadership in Elder Elijah. Colonel Moore states that had the Brotherhood not suffered from such poor leadership, and had been able to utilize its training, then despite their numerical advantage, the NCR would still have lost. Since then, the Brotherhood's presence in the Mojave Wasteland has been restricted to only a few scouting missions, a point of major controversy within the chapter. The Courier, however, may prove to the elder that the NCR is no where near as strong as he thinks it is, causing Elder McNamara to lift the lockdown, allowing patrols into the wastes once more. 2274年,莫哈維的兄弟會分部仍持續與NCR抗戰。莫哈維兄弟會於太陽能發電廠.太 陽神一號建立了據點,並與NCR於此地區日漸擴大的勢力關係緊繃。最後,NCR意圖控制整 個太陽神一號及兄弟會。而兄弟會此處的長老無視手下聖騎士的想法,拒絕讓兄弟會撤退 ,最後導致了雙方衝突。儘管兄弟會的士兵持有高科技武器及訓練有素的作戰能力,能夠 對NCR的部隊造成重大損失,NCR的部隊依舊以人數勝過了兄弟會,並迫使兄弟會撤退。近 半數莫哈維分部的成員戰死,莫哈維兄弟會最後撤退至隱蔽山谷,聖騎士麥克納馬拉在前 一位長老以利亞失蹤後,成為了接替的長老,並下令此地進行封鎖。兄弟會的失敗可歸咎 於三點:不適防守的據點、缺乏的人力以及長老以利亞貧弱的領導能力。NCR的摩爾上校 指出,假設兄弟會若無如此無能的領導者,加上他們本身訓練有素的能力,就算NCR有著 人數上的優勢也是會戰敗。之後,兄弟會僅透過一些探索任務出沒於莫哈維廢土地表,這 成為了莫哈維分部中最主要的爭論點。但信使(NV的主角)有可能會向長老證明了NCR並 無如他所想像中步步進逼,促使長老麥克納馬拉解除對外的封鎖,並允許巡邏隊重新回到 廢土上。 前進東方 In the year 2254, the Brotherhood sent a large contingent under the leadership of Owyn Lyons eastward. Their primary goal was to make contact with the lost Midwestern Brotherhood chapter, who had previously been sent east to hunt down the remnants of the Master's army. The contingent failed to make contact with the Midwestern Brotherhood and ended up overshooting their target, marching all the way to Pittsburgh. Upon arrival, it became obvious to Elder Lyons that the East Coast was in far worse condition than the West, and thus he made radical changes to the Brotherhood doctrine. The first step was to eradicate the slavers of the Pitt, after which the contingent continued on to the nation's capitol. Once there, the Brotherhood worked tirelessly to eradicate the Super Mutant threat and help the people of the Capital Wasteland. A new threat soon challenged them in the form of a resurgent Enclave, which had relocated to Raven Rock and silently rebuilt itself into an effective fighting force. In the end, the conflict came down to a fight over Project Purity. 在2254年,兄弟會派遣了一支龐大的隊伍,在歐文‧萊恩斯的領導下前往東方。他們 的主要目標便是與過去為了追獵主宰軍隊而失蹤的兄弟會中西部分部進行聯繫。這支隊伍 並沒有成功聯繫到中西部分部,並於最後越過了他們原先的目標,進而前往匹茲堡。就在 抵達時,對長老萊恩斯而言,東部海岸的情況明顯比西部更慘。他們的第一步便是清掃於 匹茲堡的奴隸販子,之後便帶著軍隊前往國家首都。一到那裡,兄弟會毫無倦怠地展開剷 除超級變種人威脅的作戰,並確保位於首都廢土人民的安全。一個新的威脅:新生英克雷 出現並挑戰兄弟會。新生英克雷軍以渡鴉之岩作為他們的新據點,並於暗中重建他們的軍 事武力。這場衝突最後使雙方為了淨水計畫打了一場仗。 By 2287, the Brotherhood is still engaged in the ongoing conflict with the NCR, but in the East they saw a significant resurgence led by Arthur Maxson. After establishing themselves in the Capital Wasteland, they sent an expeditionary force northward in a mission to locate and destroy the Institute. Using their giant airship, the Prydwen. Over a period of six years (two to design and four to build), the Brotherhood constructed an airship to transport a large contingent of troops to the Commonwealth in order to destroy The Institute and salvage what tech remained once they finished. Notably, Arthur Maxson himself has led numerous changes to Brotherhood policy. The Brotherhood hearkens back to its traditional methods of technology collecting, although it remains trustful of human outsiders and is still willing to accept wastelanders into their ranks. There is evidence The West Coast may have also followed suit, due to their overwhelming acceptance and reverence for Elder Maxson in light of his ideals and namesake.The Brotherhood also has a hardline stance against "abominations" since Maxson took charge, notably wishing to eradicate the 'Synth menace' and all super mutant and feral ghouls, sentient ghouls are treated with suspicion, but far more leniency. It is clear that from the sheer amount of troops and advanced weaponry that the Brotherhood were victorious against the Enclave in D.C. They have a vast supply of Vertibird aircraft to facilitate the transport of Brotherhood forces across the Commonwealth. However, there have been some changes to Brotherhood equipment. The Brotherhood no longer equips all of its troops in power armor, that right is reserved only for the rank of Knight and above. Initiates are denied this right until they pass training. However this is not due to an inability to equip their soldiers but to maintain flexibility in their military. Their power armor is also far more advanced than their previous standard issue model, they now equip their forces with the more advanced T-60 power armor instead of the older T-51 or T-45s. 在2287年,兄弟會仍就與NCR維持著緊張的衝突關係,但於東方在亞瑟‧麥克森的帶 領下卻有顯著的復興。在首都廢土完成建設後,兄弟會派遣遠征隊至北方,任務目的在於 摧毀學院。兄弟會啟用了一艘巨型飛空艇,普利德溫號。花了近六年的時間(兩年設計、 四年建造),兄弟會建構了一艘飛空艇用以運輸大型部隊至聯邦地帶,目的在於擊敗學院 ,並在之後摧毀他們所擁有的科學技術。特別提到,亞瑟‧麥克森本身改變了許多兄弟會 的政策。兄弟會回到了過去傳統方式收集科技,但仍受到外人的信任並且持續招募願意家 入兄弟會的廢土居民。有證據指出西岸兄弟會也依循其法,因為他們極度接受且推崇長老 麥克森的理念及名號。自長老亞瑟‧麥克森領導後,兄弟會對這些「令人憎惡的生物」保 持著絕不姑息的態度。他們打算根除「合成人威脅」,而且視所有超級變種人、狂屍鬼以 及有感知的屍鬼為潛在威脅,從不寬容以待。在戰勝華盛頓特區的英克雷軍後,兄弟會擁 有著充足的部隊及軍備。他們有大量的飛鳥,可用以加速傳送兄弟會的武力至聯邦地帶。 然而兄弟會的武裝仍有部分變化。兄弟會不再給予所有的部隊成員配置動力裝甲,唯有騎 士階級之上的成員才能配有,新兵在通過訓練以前無法享有這項權利。但這項改動並非因 其無法為所有的士兵提供裝備,而是為了維持軍隊中的彈性調整。兄弟會的動力裝甲也較 過去的基本款式更為強化,他們現在著裝的是更為先進的T-60動力裝甲以取代過去的舊型 T-51或T-45s。 ============================================================================== 還有蠻多設定想提到,等下周再翻了。還有歡迎大家一起加入Fallout的世界。 ps.感謝o07608幫我校稿 資料來源:http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brotherhood_of_Steel --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1512309190.A.790.html

o07608: 求大大送我FO4整包 12/03 21:56

DenUsLLeh: 你再等18年就會送了 12/03 21:58

lover19: FO的各種背景設定真的很有趣 12/03 22:00

mobilx: 這年頭動力鎧甲不值錢了...哭哭 12/03 22:03

Neil000: 沒關係 2077年就可以親身體驗Fallout惹 12/03 22:09

milkkiss: 再推 12/03 22:10

lastballad: 現在開始收集瓶蓋六十年後就大發利市了 12/03 22:16

efreet: 習慣就好,各類創作最常見的吃書就是稀有度,剛開始某種職 12/03 22:37

efreet: 業或某種武器、裝備很稀有,到後期該職業就滿街跑或人手一 12/03 22:37

efreet: 把稀有裝備 12/03 22:37

playerlin: 是說我看到有兩處 軍"對"... 12/03 22:42

playerlin: 在console大絕/mod面前,再稀有的東西都可以量產。 :P 12/03 22:42

playerlin: 是說2287那段,提到西部BoS似乎跟NCR有衝突的句子並沒 12/03 22:56

playerlin: 有出現在The Vault wiki上(FO4其實也沒提到這個) 12/03 22:57

playerlin: 沒記錯好像官方設定上傾向NCR跟BoS關係有改善(但我臨時 12/03 22:59

playerlin: 沒找到來源...) 12/03 22:59

playerlin: 我猜可能是指2274~2281(FNV)時期,但是這樣寫很容易誤 12/03 23:10

playerlin: 解,畢竟後半段只有講BoS Mojave而不是整個西部BoS... 12/03 23:10

cheeseup: "將大還的人類全部強迫轉變成超級變種人",這邊應該是想 12/03 23:46

cheeseup: 打倖存的人類吧? 12/03 23:47

MyBIGteeth: 好看推 12/03 23:47

pttuser999: 用心翻 太多訊看不完 推推 12/04 00:17

SeijyaKijin: 推推推推 12/04 00:21

andy763092: 推!! 12/04 00:32

lexnero: 推翻譯!很精彩 12/04 00:47

lolwtfnow: 感覺這個世界觀架構仍然很有吸引力 B社如果有心應該還 12/04 01:49

lolwtfnow: 是大有可為der 12/04 01:49

wuyiulin: 推 12/04 06:42

w3160828: t45可以防止小口徑子彈傷害也被吃書了 12/04 06:53

bill10679: 推,看了我都想回去玩 12/04 07:54

DARKxSUN: 推 很完整 12/04 08:06

pponywong: FO3 玩到後面 Enclave 一堆特斯拉跟地獄火裝甲 12/04 08:24

angell543: 推...亞瑟.麥克森是否存活可能要等FO5才知道了。大部份 12/04 08:27

angell543: 人應該都選擇炸飛船吧~ 12/04 08:27

angell543: 一想到居里,尼克,丹斯跟小尚恩都是BOS無法忍受的我就 12/04 08:30

angell543: 直接炸了飛船給bos好看 12/04 08:30

donplay0415: 大推,真的是辛苦了 12/04 08:40

Justinniger: 可是入會送的還是T-51啊QAQ 12/04 09:15

Justinniger: 看錯了真的是t-60 12/04 09:16

InfinitySA: FO4玩到後面連X01都不太值錢了 > < 12/04 09:36

InfinitySA: 不過其實每一款PA都有獨特的造型 換穿也不錯 XD 12/04 09:37

tenshouw: 感謝 辛苦了 12/04 09:45

c332008: 讚 12/04 10:02

shonbig: GOOD 12/04 10:42

e04su3no: 背景設定很精彩但B社的演出連三成魅力都無法展現 12/04 11:01

richardmcho: 推推… 12/04 12:24

Bewho: 推 12/04 13:29

lankas: 超級推 但是我還是喜愛1&2代的2D模式,玩起來不會頭暈 12/04 13:47

lankas: 而且B社接手之後,內容表現差以前太多了。 12/04 13:48

playerlin: Enclave正常吧,美國政府/美軍的存續陣營耶。 12/04 18:28

playerlin: 雖然在2代之後整個陣營垮了但是不代表他們沒有存貨吧, 12/04 18:29

playerlin: 何況距離這麼遠... 12/04 18:29

playerlin: 沒記錯X-01不會量產吧,BoS NPCs只會穿到T-60 12/04 18:30

playerlin: 除非開場都不去任何有leveled PA的cell,直到超過28級 12/04 18:32

playerlin: 那基本上大部分的PA點都容易出X-01(但老實說,不是全部 12/04 18:32

playerlin: 都會有,RNG不會讓你那麼好過日子的:P) 12/04 18:32

g1g1b1b11222: 推 12/04 22:00

r85270607: 唐吉軻德 豪斯先生的形容還真妙 12/04 22:05

playerlin: 其實我有時覺得Mr. House對BoS的"看法"似乎有時候也能 12/04 22:37

playerlin: 套在他自己身上... 12/04 22:38

r85270607: 豪斯先生除了利己之外還有哪部分能套用呢? 12/04 22:43

r85270607: 對豪斯這樣利己優先的人,看BoS的行為真是蠢到家了 12/04 22:45

r85270607: 豪斯看BoS的頑固的準則最後只會把自己推向消亡 12/04 22:46

r85270607: 我記得似乎有只BOS存在於美國中部還是魁北克附近? 12/04 22:47

playerlin: 中西部,FO戰略版的,設定不同。Todd說他不考慮戰略版 12/04 22:51

playerlin: 跟FO:BoS的設定了(在BGS的FO Lore是不存在的) 12/04 22:52

playerlin: 加拿大好像沒有BoS..沒記錯。 12/04 22:52

playerlin: House有說過BoS是一群會把人送進醫院的,但是他的機器 12/04 22:53

playerlin: 守衛何嘗不也是同樣意圖。(即使FNV遊戲中沒有這麼做, 12/04 22:54

playerlin: 但是以後就不知道了。) 12/04 22:54

playerlin: 利己說難聽就是自以為是,就算有好想法也是會打折扣的 12/04 22:55

playerlin: 記得不知道是Steam還是RealPlaying有一篇House的翻譯文 12/04 23:36

playerlin: 但是我找不到(我有在那篇推很多文,在RP版找到的並不是 12/04 23:37

playerlin: )連作者是誰都想不起來orz 12/04 23:38

playerlin: #1MNtiKef (RealPlaying) 記錯了,是講陣營的文,我在 12/04 23:42

playerlin: 該篇推文有說明我不是很想幫House的意見就是。 12/04 23:43

fbi258ghost: 只能跪著推了 12/05 00:13

freef1y3: House說比起醫療科技 兄弟會更偏愛能把人送進醫院的科技 12/06 14:19

playerlin: 對,就是那句話。但是那些機器守衛不是也是一樣的科技 12/07 19:27

playerlin: 嗎? :P 12/07 19:27

playerlin: 何況House在Pre-War就想這樣搞,只是無奈Great War先 12/07 19:27

playerlin: 發生,加上他的作業系統在大戰後嚴重crash導致他陷入 12/07 19:28

playerlin: 幾十年的昏迷,之後才以退回老舊版本的方式才恢復意識 12/07 19:29

playerlin: 另外原本House結局中他的肖像比實際上用看起來更加"邪 12/07 19:30

playerlin: 惡"的感覺(跟某個預告片中的相同)。y 12/07 19:31

playerlin: 大概是不想給選他的結局的玩家有不好的感覺所以改掉了 12/07 19:32
