[翻譯] Fallout Vault系列:24,27,29,32號避難所

看板 Steam
作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2017-11-20 19:31:50
留言 34則留言 (15推 0噓 19→)

請問一下,CIV5的威尼斯要怎麼玩 我昨天晚上用葡萄牙破了酋長難度後,想說挑戰下一級的軍閥難度 然後看到威尼斯的能力好像很有趣就選來試試看,到了早上六七點把所有城邦買下了 然後才發現我好像應該要留一個城邦來賺錢,還發現衣索比亞根本豬隊友 還發現他媽不喜歡打仗的易洛魁跑來問我要不要打我的豬隊友,還被我打到求和 還發現......幹咧我真的應該要把CIV5反安裝掉的 總之繼續拖搞一天的避難所系列030 正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫 半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides 非正史:上面沒提到的 ======================================= (Fallout: New Vegas)(mentioned-only) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_24 Vault 24 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults. 24號避難所屬於Vault-Tec。 Background 背景 The vault's original purpose in the vault experiment is unknown. A Vault 24 jumpsuit is the only trace of the vault in the game, which can only be accessed by console commands. 該避難所的實驗目標未知,該避難所唯一的線索是一件只能靠console指令弄出來的24號 避難所連身服。 Appearances 表現 Vault 24 is referenced in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas in the form of a jumpsuit for the vault, but was not included in the game. 24號避難所在《Fallout: New Vegas》的遊戲檔案中以避難所連身服的形式出現,但沒正 式出現在遊戲裡。 ======================================= (Fallout Bible) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_27 Vault 27 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults. 27號避難所屬於Vault-Tec。 Background 背景 As part of the vault experiment, this vault would be deliberately overcrowded. 2000 people would be assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount. The location of this vault is unknown. 該避難所的實驗內容是故意的擁擠現象,到時候裡面會塞兩千人,而正常避難所的最大容 量只有一半。該避難所地點未知。 ======================================= (Van Buren) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_29 Vault 29 is one of the vaults built by Vault-Tec. As part of the vault experiment, it was meant to be populated by young children, with the original inhabitants being no more than 16 years old. 29號避難所的實驗內容,是居民全是不超過16歲的兒童。 History 歷史 The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources 以下內容基於非正史的《Van Buren》 This vault's experiment was devised by scientific genius Derek Greenway. Most of the parents were either "accidentally" redirected to other vaults or were in the early stages of health conditions that would no doubt cause them to die soon after entering the vault. Instead of a human controller, Vault 29 would have a ZAX super-computer. The ZAX would be programmed to raise children with the aid of robotic helpers, educate them in a primitive culture, and upon their reaching maturity, release them into a controlled environment. They would then be free to rebuild society from the ground up. 這項避難所實驗由天才科學家Derek Greenway設計。進入避難所的小孩,其雙親不是「意 外」被送到別的避難所,就是在進入避難所後因本身身體狀況而很快去世。29號避難所用 一台ZAX超級電腦取代人類監督,ZAX會用機器助手扶養這些小孩,用原始文化教育他們, 等他們長大成熟後便把他們放到一個受控制的環境當中,讓他們在其中自由建構自己的社 會。 At one point Greenway explained his plans for Vault 29 to Diana, the human brain connected to a powerful computer, to see what her opinion would be. He was quite surprised when Diana was appalled at the idea. She said that, although the idea had merit, she found it to be morally objectionable on several levels. She recommended that the plan be scrapped. When Derek refused to do so, Diana took it upon herself to become involved with the project without his knowledge. 某次Greenway跟Diana,一個與一台強大電腦連結在一起的人類大腦,告知他的計畫並想 聽她的意見,他很驚訝Diana對這主意非常排斥。她認為儘管這計畫有其優點,但在道德 上令人反感,並建議廢棄這個計畫。Derek當然拒絕,Diana便決定在他不知情的情況下干 涉此計畫。 When the Great War started and civilization began to fall apart, Diana appropriated control of a satellite dish and aimed it at Vault 29. She then transmitted a series of security codes to the vault's ZAX unit, and gained control. Over the years that followed, Diana was able to see to the upbringing of the children. Every year she ordered a worker robot to leave the vault under the pretext of checking conditions outside. In reality they were preparing an area - the village of Twin Mothers - to receive the vault populace when they were ready to leave. Lastly she had a series of projectors installed at strategic locations, ready to project her chosen image. Finally, when the vault doors were opened the inhabitants found Twin Mothers built. Everything was coming together, Diana was ready to play god. 當大戰摧毀人類文明時,Diana控制了一個衛星並命其對準29號避難所,然後對避難所的 ZAX傳送一系列安全密碼並得到其控制權。之後數年間Diana都能看到小孩的養育情況,每 年她都會命令一台工作機器人以查看外界情況的名義外出,但事實上機器人是在替Twin Mothers之村的建立做準備,等避難所內的小孩能夠離開後就能讓他們直接住進來。然後 她在數個重要地點放置影像投射器,準備投影她選定的影像。最後,當避難所的大門打開 ,居民發現Twin Mothers之村時,所有條件都齊備了,而Diana準備扮演他們的神。 By 2253, the vault itself has ceased working, but it's still a holy place to the inhabitants of Twin Mothers. 2253年時,避難所本身已經停止運作,但仍然被Twin Mothers的居民視為神聖之地。 以上內容基於非正史的《Van Buren》 End of information based on Van Buren. Harold emerged from Vault 29 in 2090. Harold在2090年離開29號避難所。 ======================================= (Fallout: New Vegas) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_34 Vault 34 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults located in the Mojave Wasteland. 34號避難所位於莫哈維廢土。 Background 背景 As part of the Vault experiment, the armory was overstocked with weapons and ammunition. It was also equipped with a great number of recreational facilities, including a full-sized swimming pool, at the cost of living space. By 2281, it still has people living in it, including Horowitz, although most of its residents have become feral ghouls and glowing ones. They are, however, still able to speak with some level of intelligence. 該避難所的實驗內容是武器庫塞滿了槍砲和彈藥,還有為數不少的休閒設施,包括一個大 游泳池,但這是用生活空間換來的。2281年時,避難所還有包括Horowitz在內的幾個人住 著,但大部分人都變成狂屍鬼或輻光屍鬼,不過他們還殘留某種程度的智慧,能講些隻字 片語。 According to various sources inside the vault, the vault became overpopulated. Foreseeing problems, the overseer had a remote link to the armory lock installed on his terminal, denying access. A group of residents demanded access to the armory, stating the right to defend themselves, which the overseer denied. Rioting broke out soon after, and the group who had demanded access to the armory stormed the exit and left the vault. 根據避難所內的各種記錄,避難所後來變得過度擁擠,監督預料遲早會發生問題,便在他 自己的終端機上安裝對武器庫大所的遠端控制,不透過此處就無法開啟武器庫。一部分人 主張要保護自己以要求進入武器庫,但被監督拒絕,接著避難所內發生了一場暴動,而這 群人強行打開了避難所大門並離開了。 Additionally, according to the Boomers historian Pete, the Boomers used to occupy Vault 34, but they grew tired of not being allowed to use their weapons so they left and started a community at Nellis. The fact that Pearl possesses the key to a gun case located deep in Vault 34 contributes to the credibility of this story. 另外根據Boomer的歷史學家Pete所述,他們原本住在34號避難所內,但對無法耍槍弄炮不 爽而離開遷移到Nellis。Boomer領導者Pearl有一把能打開34號避難所深處的一個槍櫃的 鑰匙,加強了這故事的可信度。 The main exit was then sealed and guards posted to prevent anyone else from leaving. Years later, another group unsuccessfully stormed the armory. With most guards at the main exit or armory, there was little to stop the damage that was done to other areas in the vault, most importantly the reactor cooling vents, main computer systems, and other infrastructure. Consequently, undetected radioactive gases began venting throughout the vault; after this was discovered, panic set in. Whether by accident or design, the main exit could not be opened again, trapping the residents inside, their only hope being an automated unsealing of the vault in the near future or external intervention before they died from radiation poisoning. 避難所大門隨後再次被封閉並被嚴加看管,以避免其他人離開。幾年後又有一群人試著進 入武器庫,由於警衛不是在入口就是在武器庫,他們幾乎無法保護避難所的其他地方,像 是最重要的反應爐冷卻通風口、主電腦系統和其他基礎設施。無法被探測的輻射空氣因此 開始瀰漫整個避難所,而當大家發現這個事實後造成了恐慌。大門不知道是因為意外還是 設計問題,無法再次打開,所有居民都被關在裡面,他們只能期待在他們因輻射而死之前 ,哪天避難所會自行解封,或有外人介入。 ======================================= 這次把非官方內容用水藍色來表達,應該比暗紅色好多了 不過29號避難所挺可惜,這在Van Buren中是非常重要的地方 可惜隨著Van Buren被砍掉,現在也只能當做非官方資料了 另外預告一下,下一篇避難所系列會有一海票從Fallout Bible出來的垃圾避難所...... 請大家指正我的翻譯內容,感謝 -- --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1511177516.A.6F0.html

gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52

maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52

howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52

howar31 :..11/04 22:52

maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53

maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53

gamesame7711: 11/20 19:42

gamesame7711: 威尼斯不會玩 但是電腦很會玩 11/20 19:42

NowakiKai: 威尼斯啊 外交勝利 11/20 19:44

gamesame7711: 玩威尼斯 只能利用政策來賺錢惹 文化值衝快點 11/20 19:44

clear919: 推!超想看29號避難所出現在遊戲裡 11/20 19:44

gamesame7711: 可惡 害我又想玩文明5了 11/20 19:44

o07608: 還有之前玩葡萄牙,明明前面選項是全勝利條件都有,以及 11/20 19:45

o07608: 正常遊戲時間,但太空梭所有部件都送到首都也找不到在哪裡 11/20 19:45

o07608: 把它打上去,玩超過2050年也沒有強制結束 11/20 19:45

o07608: 最後只好把其他人的首都都給炸了 11/20 19:46

tooeasy: 推 上下班通勤都在看原PO的翻譯 11/20 20:31

SeijyaKijin: 推推推 11/20 21:04

mosee823: 珍惜生命,遠離文明5 11/20 21:08

etetat2: 推 11/20 21:59

roy31317: 翻譯支持!! 11/20 22:40

icedvd: 拜託不要文明5 時間寶貴阿 11/20 22:44

playerlin: 是覺得V24可以不用提,因為感覺是全cut了,只剩下一件 11/20 23:36

playerlin: jumpsuit漏掉,也不知是否有其他用意... 11/20 23:37

playerlin: 雖然還是有兩個modder做了他們自己的版本。 11/20 23:40

x94fujo6: 深淵的祖咒 11/20 23:40

o07608: 用威尼斯全破啦(幹) 11/21 09:09

o07608: 清爽的外交勝利後準備上課去...... 11/21 09:09

alejandroW: 威尼斯太OP了 贏超快 不過主要是海圖會比較強 11/21 10:27

GRJOE: 推 11/21 13:27

yscleria: 推 另外我覺得appearance這邊翻表現怪怪的 11/21 14:48

yscleria: 概念上應該是“登場”的意思 在哪些作品中登場 11/21 14:50

o07608: 嗯嗯這樣翻好多了 11/21 17:43

otis1713: 威尼斯海圖op 11/21 17:50
