[閒聊] Duelyst-Codex翻譯 (17) 皇帝Sargos即位

看板 Steam
作者 Typebrook (Pham)
時間 2016-11-22 21:03:27
留言 15則留言 (5推 0噓 10→)

網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479819809.A.8E7.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/UPy1hBw -------------------------------------- 第十七章 皇帝Sargos即位(Ascension of Emperor Sargos) 紀元22,465 - 22,745年 -------------------------------------- Aestaria flourished in peace and prosperity, its majestic cities agleam like the crystals whose power they were built upon. The Thirteen Aspects guided the Aestari and secretly kept their worst impulses in check. 和平、繁榮的景象令艾斯塔利亞的國力蒸蒸日上。如同那些做為能量來源的水晶,眾多雄 偉的城市閃耀如光。十三位麥格瑪持續指引著艾斯塔利亞,並且暗中維持它最脆弱的命脈 。 For while Aestaria was outwardly a land of shining beauty, soaring white towers, and jeweled mantles, inwardly, greed and corruption had seeped into the people’s hearts, undermining their once idealistic society with cloying narcissistic decay. As the continents tried to assert their independence, Aestaria treated them as vassal nations, collecting a tribute tax in the form of crystals for the privilege of being part of the Aestari Empire. 儘管艾斯塔利亞外表光鮮,充斥著無數的白色高塔與華貴地毯,但在內裡,貪婪與腐敗卻 在人民的內心滋長,使得一度理想的社會漸漸沉淪於自滿之中。當其它大陸主張獨立之時 ,艾斯塔利亞本土卻仍自侍為整個帝國的中樞,將它們視為附庸,持續徵集作為稅收的水 晶。 This was the Aestaria in which the boy emperor Sargos ascended to power. Intellectually curious, with an insatiable appetite for science, magic, and books of all sorts, young Sargos was beloved by his people, and respected by the Thirteen Aspects. Early in his reign, while studying in the Alcuin Library, Sargos found fragments that hinted of a Second Empire. 在這個情勢下,年幼的皇帝Sargos即位。他對各種學問充滿好奇,孜孜不倦地研讀科學、 魔法與書本的知識。年輕的Sargos廣受人民愛戴,並贏得十三位麥格瑪的敬佩。執政初期 ,他在阿爾克因圖書館中發現了有關於第二帝國的一些線索。 He summoned Valknu, Vaath, and Starhorn, who reluctantly confirmed the prophecy that claimed a new empire would rise from the ashes of the old. 他隨即召集了Valknu、Vaath和Starhorn等麥格瑪,他們不太情願地證實了這則預言:現 在的帝國將會化為塵土,而另一個新的帝國將會繼而掘起。 http://imgur.com/rzZhg2o Vaath the immortal (不朽者Vaath) 就是Magmar陣營第一位General,Codex中第一次提到了他的名字 But they would reveal nothing else. For the first time, Sargos suspected they were keeping something from him. Resuming his studies, he found no other mention of the prophecy. When he went to reconfirm his earlier findings, the ancient tomes in which he first found mention of the Second Empire had vanished. 不過他們未再透露更多,有史以來第一次,Sargos開始懷疑這些麥格瑪有所隱瞞。他隨即 再度展開研究,但是卻找不著其它提到這則預言的資料。當他想重溫那些記載第二帝國的 史料時,卻發現它們憑空消失了。 Sargos was convinced Valknu was hiding the truth. Thus were planted the first seeds of Sargos’ distrust of the Thirteen Aspects, a deepening strife that festered within Sargos’ soul. Sargos認為是Valknu將真相藏了起來,對於十三位麥格瑪,這件事在他心中埋下了第一顆 不信任的種子,並逐漸腐蝕Sargos的靈魂。 By the time Emperor Sargos was a young man, Aestaria was already in decline. But Sargos never forgot the prophecy of a greater Second Empire, and he continued to dream of a unified Aestaria whose true greatness lay ahead. Sargos saw the Lyonar, Vetruvians, and Songhai flourishing on the strength of their crystal resources, but he knew the ultimate source of those crystals was the Weeping Tree, which grew on Aestari soil. 在皇帝Sargos年紀尚輕之時,艾斯塔利亞早己開始衰退。不過他未曾忘記預言中提到的, 第二個更加強大的帝國,並且夢想著能夠團結艾斯塔利亞,重新展示這個國家的驕傲。 Sargos看到萊納王國、維特魯帝國、以及桑海帝國依靠晶礦資源坐擁實力,不過他也了解 到這些水晶的真正來源,正是座落於艾斯塔利亞本土的哭泣之樹。 Seeking a way to reassert Aestari hegemony, he conceived of a plan to build a massive, towering structure that would not only symbolize Aestari primacy and dominance, it would ensure it for millennia to come. He called it The Monolith. 為了恢復艾斯塔利亞的霸權,他計畫要建造一座懸空的巨大建築,不儘象徵了本土至高無 上的統治權威,也將確保它能延續到下一個世紀。 他將這棟建築命名為「巨石柱」(Monolith)。 http://imgur.com/MM7lAGD 故事進行到十七章,Game Lore開頭提到的巨石柱(Monolith)總算出現了 有關遊戲名稱"Duelyst"的一切,都和它脫不了干係 ---------------------------------------------------- 謝謝版友熱心建議,我決定接受大Vanar教的感召 為Faie Bloodwing奮戰了! 目前牌組是以下這些: http://imgur.com/Gi4g7gq --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479819809.A.8E7.html

comp2468: 推 11/22 21:14

warchero: 推 11/22 21:17

Cosmosooo: 那0費的魔法卡可以不用代 2抽改1抽後 基本上廢牌 11/22 22:17

Cosmosooo: 1費移位只能上下左右也很廢 沒443全吼帶611沒什麼用 11/22 22:20

Cosmosooo: Vanar是全種族最廢抽牌能力的 你這樣打到後面就乾了 11/22 22:22

Typebrook: 不好意思,請問443是指這張Razorback嗎? 11/23 00:06

Typebrook: http://imgur.com/pKKropU 11/23 00:07

boiq: 應該是 razorback 沒錯 然後你不要什麼東西都放一張太沒方向 11/23 00:30

Cosmosooo: 對呀不過那樣打要611兩張443兩張比較好 但用Faie打快攻 11/23 00:31

Cosmosooo: 又比較好 611我就不會放 11/23 00:32

boiq: 需要堆積的是高質量的低費卡 而不是很多能力的 4費以上 11/23 00:32

boiq: cyro被nerf不放滿有待商議 但是 hearth sister基本上放滿 11/23 00:38

boiq: flash 可以改icy可暈將軍 433折光其實沒必要vanar沈默等很多 11/23 00:41

boiq: 436, 332 我會放滿,wings of paradise比wolfraven好點 11/23 00:44

boiq: 還是自己打一打慢慢改 像是mesmerize用過大概就知道該丟了XD 11/23 00:46
