[閒聊] Duelyst-Codex翻譯 (14) 星之晶礦

看板 Steam
作者 Typebrook (Pham)
時間 2016-11-17 21:15:24
留言 6則留言 (4推 0噓 2→)

網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479388527.A.550.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/YMeW5rJ 阿克朗大陸-星之晶礦一景 -------------------------------------- 第十四章 阿克朗大陸的星之晶礦(The Star Crystals of Akram) 紀元22,640 - 22,670年 -------------------------------------- While exploring the Aymara Canyons, Atar came upon something no Aestari had ever seen. Sparkling brighter than the setting sun were hundreds of Star Crystals created by the original petals of the First Great Blooming, bursting with concentrated magical energy — pure and crisp, unlike any other. 在勘察艾瑪拉峽谷時,Atar發現了任何人都未曾見過的奇景。數百座「星之晶礦」熠熠生 輝,其亮度更勝日光。它們誕生於第一次的聖樹開花期,所發出的濃厚魔法能量,與普通 的晶礦相比更加純淨自然。 They were untouched by Aestari hands and undepleted by Aestari magic, but that alone didn’t explain their intensity. Atar realized that not only was the energy of these Star Crystals’ undiminished, but for the millennia they had sat there, undisturbed, sheltered within Aymara Canyon’s protective walls, they had been absorbing starlight — and growing stronger. 這些晶礦品質前所未見,縱然未曾被艾斯塔利亞人所使用過,但這仍不能說明其能量之強 的由來。Atar觀察到它們的能量之所以不會衰減,是因為千百年來,這個地方被艾瑪拉峽 谷封閉的地形所保護,並且吸收了星光而更加茁壯。 Atar established the Order of Staar and named himself Atar Starstrider. He became rich and influential, but remained a renaissance man and inventor at heart, never obsessed with power or wealth. To make the waterless interior of the continent more habitable, Atar invented the Sand Shield, a mechanized suit of star-powered armor that minimized water loss. Atar coined the term Vetruvian — “The Remade Man” — which the people themselves quickly adopted. Atar在這之後創立了星之學會(Order of Staar),並改稱自己為Atar Starstrider。縱然 有了財富與權勢,他內心仍藏著文藝使命與研究精神,不被外物所影響。為了將缺水的內 陸變得更適合人居,Atar發明了「沙裝」(Sand Shield)-一套由星之晶礦驅動的機械裝束 ,可以將水份損失減到最小。Atar同時也創造出了新的詞彙-裝上沙裝的人被稱為「維特 魯人」(Vetruvian),意思是「改造人」,這個稱謂在民間迅速普及。 http://imgur.com/fIrDfGd 沙裝的點子可能是參考著名小說「沙丘魔堡」中弗瑞曼人的特殊服裝 Atar continually refined his Sand Shields, making them lighter and stronger. Some were even biologically integrated into the body, all-but eliminating water loss, granting the wearer superhuman abilities and opening new aesthetic possibilities. Water was shared freely with the young, but at adolescence, integration with one’s suit through the solemn Rite of Melding became a civic obligation — and an essential step toward Vetruvian adulthood. Atar持續改良他所發明的沙裝,使它們更加輕巧堅固。某些款式甚至被設計成需植入人體 ,這些全是為了減少水份散失,並讓使用者獲得超人的力量與新的潛能。在社會上,孩童 可以免費享用水源,但在青年時期,莊嚴的「融合儀式」(Rite of Melding)會將他們與 裝束合為一體,這除了是市民義務,同時也是維特魯人成年的必須過程。 http://imgur.com/6ANd8EJ 在其它陣營的General身上也可以見到機械化的特徵 可見得Vetruvian的裝甲科技真是影響不小啊 Using Star Crystals, Atar sparked life into mechanical objects, creating the first sentient Golems and increasingly sophisticated mechanical beings that would one day become the Mechanysts. In Kaero and Pyrae, the Order of Staar learned to manipulate heat, electricity, and wind to shape metal into customizable armor and floating platforms. 利用星之晶礦,Atar也成功地將生命注入至機械物件之中,創造出第一批有意識的哥雷姆 (Golems),還有其它構造越加複雜的機械生命體,之後將演變成為帝國的機械人 (Mechanyst)。在凱洛城與皮瑞列島中,星之學會研究出如何調控溫度、電力和風力來型 塑金屬,進而製造出客製化的裝甲與浮空平台。 Years later they would join the star crystals with the sand silica to open portals to other micro-dimensions, forge the first Portal Obelysks, and summon the ephemeral Wind Dervishes, silica-based races of the Silhouette Tracers from the Sea of Dust, and the legendary Jax. Atar's final creations were the flying Wind Shrikes and Mirror Masters, which could organically replicate anything before them. 隨著研究發展,星之學會更將星之晶礦加入沙中的矽晶體,開發了「微型次元」的傳送手 段。打造出了第一批具有傳送能力的Obelysks,並成功召喚出能夠短暫存在的Wind Dervishes、來自塵之海的矽基生物-Silhouette Tracers、以及非常稀有的Jax。Atar最 後的作品是能夠飛行的Wind Shrikes,以及可以自行複製出任何事物的Mirror Masters。 http://imgur.com/kA1aMcx Vetruvian基本牌,能持續召喚出只能存在一回合的Dervish http://imgur.com/QZvbu0L Silhouette Tracers,具有傳送General的能力 http://imgur.com/SlOLHXU 傳說卡Jax Truesight,在四個角落召喚出遠距攻擊的小Jax真的很雞掰XD http://imgur.com/yNVFtWG Wind Shrike,多抽一張牌還算是不錯的效果啦 But his most important legacy was that the Vetruvians, rather than searching for power solely from the Great Tree, discovered that the true source of power came from the stars themselves. 儘管成果多如繁星,但Atar帶給世間最大的禮物莫過於維特魯人的裝束了。它能夠在不依 靠聖樹力量的情況下被使用,發掘了那些來自星塵的真正能量。 ---------------------------------------------------- 今天才知道C洽版前幾天有卡牌大戰XD 果然萌系畫風人人愛,Shadowverse的討論還真熱烈,看了好生羨慕啊... 另外也為積極推廣的版友DevilCool被桶七天小小默哀一下, 大家開實況要小心一天一次的限制喔(刪掉的文章也計入) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479388527.A.550.html

aboolou: 叫出四隻遠程那張太難處理掉了 可惡 11/17 21:39

Typebrook: 剛好幸運抽到,所以我都是當召喚Jax的雞掰人XD 11/17 22:19

comp2468: 推 11/17 22:28

x2159679: 原來那個是裝甲喔!? 11/17 22:32

x2159679: 原本還在想這族好有機械感 11/17 22:33

SaikiKusuo: 每個將軍都有裝機械鎧吧xd 11/18 11:46
