[限免] 隨機領取遊戲

看板 Steam
作者 hlyf (獲得、在放下一刻)
時間 2016-06-28 05:23:36
留言 27則留言 (18推 0噓 9→)

【 遊 戲 名 稱 】:開始補遊戲名稱摟,結果一樣是老面孔 Weapons Genius Journey To The Center Of The Earth 【限時/限量免費網址】:https://gleam.io/24wmR/random-steam-games-10000- codes-round-7 https://gleam.io/24wmR/r 【 介紹/商店連結 】:Weapons Genius http://store.steampowered.com/app/385400/ Journey To The Center Of The Earth http://store.steampowered.com/app/382120/ 【 領 取 條 件 】:看起來一樣有萬惡推特 【 附 註 】:這就跟刮刮卡一樣,刮前萬分期待,刮後惆悵萬分 -- ‡推廣 ‡ NEKOPARA complete edition Includes every NEKOPARA game on Steam for right meow http://store.steampowered.com/bundle/676/ 讓你一次擁有現在所有的貓貓,只要僅僅台幣三百塊! 錯失這次,再等半年! -- 剛剛自己領跟看國外論壇大概也是說這兩款 所以已經有的人就自己看著辦摟
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1467062622.A.3EE.html

nightwind209: Weapons Genius 06/28 05:25

Doub1eK: 領到Journey To The Center Of The Earth 感謝 06/28 05:29

vicmeng: FYD6F-K7WNY-7RY2Y JJJJourney 06/28 05:33

vicmeng: 背景圖是 The Next Door 06/28 05:35

loadingN: 樓上已領 06/28 05:39

vicmeng: https://gleam.io/uK3jB/10000x-random 這另一個 06/28 05:45

vicmeng: https://gleam.io/VXqSn/nyctophobia-50000 06/28 05:46

vicmeng: http://www.digitalhomicide.ninja/ 永遠領不完的 06/28 05:50

yoyoeyck: FV2T6-8Z0Y5-68E65 a..... 06/28 05:58

Doub1eK: FV2T6 已領 06/28 05:59

GrayAngel: XF35H-IQIK8-G2Q6I A grande bagunça espacial 06/28 08:15

drraujn: 樓上以領 感謝 06/28 08:23

hzs00: ZXR5I-042H0-DD3Q4 Earth 06/28 09:51

underdark: ZXR5I已領 感謝 06/28 10:00

jayang: 305BI-MPY82-6IDQF 06/28 10:04

Sixxlife: QA9QK-3ZDCG-3EEZW 06/28 10:15

hillcheng: 305BI已領 感謝 06/28 10:15

howie9211: GNFFT-AZ5QZ-Y7IR4 weapon 06/28 10:26

mysticz: QA9QK-3ZDCG-3EEZW已領,感謝,另9GFHR-4CYRK-HI4ME weapon 06/28 10:45

ooh2926: 樓上已領,感謝 06/28 10:52

sgps6103: MJQ4A-2NHLX-D53Q8 06/28 14:15

deshocker: MJQ4A已領 感恩 06/28 14:19

tea23: YTRNE-74WQB-H9RAL Weapons Genius 06/28 15:32

junglang: YTRNE已領 感謝 06/28 16:06

czs0607: T0P5B-CPF9V-FKANZ Journey 06/28 23:33

elFishYu: T0P5B已領 感恩~~~ 06/29 00:01

a1238046: 7D78D-E9XKX-AMNE5 Journey 06/29 04:10
