[組包] indiegala - ARTIFEX MUNDI BUNDLE

看板 Steam
作者 bear2man (熊熊人)
時間 2016-06-03 20:09:54
留言 17則留言 (6推 0噓 11→)

https://www.indiegala.com/artifexmundi 1.00鎂 Enigmatis 2 The Mists of Ravenwood http://store.steampowered.com/app/284770/ 有卡 NT$278 極度好評 Time Mysteries Inheritance – Remastered http://store.steampowered.com/app/350010/ 有卡 NT$278 褒貶不一 Time Mysteries 2 The Ancient Spectres http://store.steampowered.com/app/313650/ 有卡 NT$278 褒貶不一 2.99鎂 Mythic Wonders The Philosopher's Stone http://store.steampowered.com/app/458480/ 有卡 NT$278 好評 The Secret Order 3 Ancient Times http://store.steampowered.com/app/437420/ 有卡 NT$278 好評 The Emerald Maiden Symphony of Dreams http://store.steampowered.com/app/429610/ 有卡 NT$278 大多好評 Tibetan Quest Beyond the World's End http://store.steampowered.com/app/427550/ 有卡 NT$278 褒貶不一 Left in the Dark No One on Board http://store.steampowered.com/app/284890/ 有卡 NT$278 極度好評 Enigmatis The Ghosts of Maple Creek http://store.steampowered.com/app/284750/ 有卡 NT$278 極度好評 Time Mysteries 3 The Final Enigma http://store.steampowered.com/app/319320/ 有卡 NT$278 極度好評 總價:99.9 CV:14.985 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1464955811.A.BD9.html

nh60211as: 又來,幾乎都有了 06/03 20:11

bear2man: 我只有一個有,這包一收應該全收完了 06/03 20:16

nightwind209: XDD 我剛編輯完 06/03 20:21

nightwind209: 一個都沒有 0.0b 06/03 20:21

bear2man: 我自己蠻喜歡這點擊解謎遊戲 06/03 20:23

bear2man: https://www.gamebundle.com/gb/publisherbundle/ 06/03 20:24

bear2man: 樓上這是另外一些花2.74鎂,就能全帶走 06/03 20:25

flyingwhale: 這類遊戲還蠻好玩的 06/03 21:16

shadow0326: 算是常見包吧 06/03 21:29

Hocoper: bear大說的網站,購買後他會收手續費嗎?因為我額外多一 06/03 21:29

Hocoper: 個33台幣的扣款QQ 06/03 21:29

cake10414: 基本上刷卡只會多一筆國際交易手續費 06/03 21:52

cake10414: 交易費大約才1%多吧 06/03 21:52

Hocoper: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1388561340.A.1C3.html 06/03 21:57

Hocoper: 我找到了大概是這個,應該是沒什麼問題,謝謝大家 06/03 21:57

Hocoper: 還有謝謝熊大大跟我站內信往返解惑XD 06/03 21:58

jasonjss: 解謎包...跳過好了 06/03 23:01
