[新聞] 狙擊菁英4將於今年發售

看板 Steam
作者 milkcat0319 (milkcat)
時間 2016-05-06 01:56:20
留言 19則留言 (13推 0噓 6→)

來源: http://steamcommunity.com/games/301640/announcements/detail/638754673634492053 內文: We’re delighted to announce the next game in the 10 million selling Sniper Elite series is launching this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. 我們很高興的和各位宣布,下一部曾經賣出1000萬銷量的狙擊菁英系列的作品,將於今年在PS4、Xbox One,還有PC上面發售。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxcBxyt1r-I
Set in the immediate aftermath of its award-winning predecessor, Sniper Elite 4 continues the series’ World War Two heritage by transporting players to the beautiful and diverse environments of Italy in 1943. Covert agent and elite marksman Karl Fairburne must fight alongside the brave men and women of the Italian Resistance to help free their country from the yoke of Fascism, and defeat a terrifying new threat with the potential to halt the Allied fightback in Europe before it’s even begun. If his mission fails, there will be no Operation Overlord, no D-Day landings, and no Victory in Europe. For more info head to www.sniperelite4.com 有空再來翻譯 反正就是這個系列還會有新作,還可以繼續爆蛋 Ya ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony D6503. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1462470984.A.CCE.html

yhchen2: 打蛋菁英 05/06 02:24

AzureArcana: 還滿好奇這次的主題武器是啥 2代是V2 3代是大老鼠 05/06 02:54

hn9480412: 這次要打維大力(?)了 05/06 03:34

et134226: 爆蛋菁英 05/06 06:56

jennywalk: 狙擊菁英 納粹殭屍3今天也特價了 05/06 07:30

majoice: 3代還沒買 4代就要出了 05/06 08:08

cokelon: 3代有機會限免啦,雖然我有了 05/06 08:23

GTR12534: 之前特價的時候忍下來沒買就是覺得會有限免...y 05/06 10:38

rofellosx: 3代買了還沒玩 4代要出了...y 05/06 10:52

Rav3n2012: 請問限免是什麼 05/06 12:41

milkcat0319: 我之前特價有買3 還不錯 05/06 13:19

milkcat0319: 但有N家顯卡的bug至今還沒修復.... 05/06 13:19

milkcat0319: 不知道這次4會變得怎樣XD 05/06 13:19

uu26793: 更多的蛋蛋 05/06 13:58

Sam0907: 瞄準蛋蛋 05/06 14:11

nonedude: 不好玩 武器種類太少 能改的也只有一點點 05/06 17:12

kuku15987: 時間設定沒辦法架空出不存在的槍 05/06 20:12

c22748872: 股間獵人 05/07 17:07

z86125: 殭屍好玩,原版的反而覺得還好 05/07 19:03
