Re: [新聞] Batman: Arkham Knight重新上架時間確定

看板 Steam
作者 SeanLiao99 ()
時間 2015-10-29 01:18:09
留言 48則留言 (19推 11噓 18→)

原文恕刪 比預計時間慢幾分鐘 終於重新上架囉~ 正在下載中 檔案預估有34.2GB 不知道優化能夠進步多少(ˊ_>`)y-~ ---------------------------社群官方公告---------------------------------------- PC Update, October 28th 10 月 29 日 - YORICK Greetings Batman: Arkham Fans! The PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight is back up and available today! We are genuinely thankful to the Batman: Arkham fans, the Steam Batman: Arkham Community, and the PC Players who have patiently waited for this day. As a show of our appreciation to our fans in this process, we are pleased to announce three community focused programs to help us commemorate the re-launch of the game. To kick things off, we will be giving away FREE digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library. This means we will be giving away copies of Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, Batman: Arkham City GOTY, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. The Batman: Arkham library of games will be given to everyone who has We’re actively working with our partners at Valve to make this happen as soon as we can, so watch your Steam Library. We are aiming to deliver all of the games by December. Seeing as our community was a great help in getting the game up and running, Rocksteady will be creating a new "Community Challenge Pack” that will be given free to owners of the Batman: Arkham Knight game in January 2016. As thanks to the Steam Community, Stay tuned for more details on this in the Batman: Arkham Community and Social Channels. Finally, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Valve and the Team Fortress 2 team for a Through November 16, 2015, Valve will be running a contest for the Steam community to mcreate Batman: Arkham themed cosmetic items for Team Fortress 2. The winning items will be given out to those who purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam before the end of the contest. You can check out the official TF2 blog[] for all the contest details! To recap, if you own Batman: Arkham Knight for PC or purchase it before November 16, 2015, you will get: Free digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library. The "Community Challenge Pack” DLC. The Batman: Arkham inspired Team Fortress 2 items created by the Batman: Arkham community. Thanks again for your feedback and support. - Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment ============================================================================== 重點翻譯: 給PC玩家的補償 1.Batman系列數位版 範圍包括阿卡漢瘋人院年度版、阿卡漢城年度版、始源+其中一個DLC (沒說清楚細節 例如是一個帳號每款各一份嗎?收藏庫已有又怎麼辦?) 2.一個PC平台先上的DLC地圖包 比家機早一週 3.一些跟TF2跨遊戲合作的物品 感覺沒啥誠意 030 - 仔細看了一下應該是昨天的 所以決定先刪掉 UBI事後補救速度快多了 補償內容也比較能看 不過可能因為早知道Unity是強迫趕鴨子上架 人家主力客群不在PC嘛 只要家機繼續支持 續作還有機會出 始源應該不用期待了 後來又想到兩個問題 1.用顯卡贈送序號 免費兌換遊戲的玩家算不算補償對象? 2.購買豪華版(含季票)的玩家似乎沒有額外補償
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kenlin96: 補償是阿卡漢系列… 幹我都有了送屁 10/29 01:19

Josh412: 還沒買...坐等消火文XDD 10/29 01:28

kris4588: 還好我前面系列都沒有 10/29 01:31

wolf9420: 評論是舊的不是嗎? 10/29 01:34

EVA96: 更新玩了一下 770 4g蠻順的 但是30FPS 10/29 02:15

EVA96: 之前也不是卡 但覺得畫面看起來很累 10/29 02:15

EVA96: 補償真的很爛 送三款 我有兩款 搞屁 10/29 02:16

initialpp: 970累格nv特效全關其他都normal 10/29 02:28

KYLAT: 開始覺得UBI真的有良心多了 10/29 02:30

rayyyy: 沒阿扁系列,但這上架補償有點開心不起來.. 10/29 02:37

mikejhou: 重新上架版本還是卡卡? 10/29 02:37

kris4588: 我970跑是沒什麼問題 10/29 02:40

s110269: 這價格...都變成二輪片了還賣這麼貴 10/29 02:42

JackSmith: WB把消費者當白痴,會買阿卡漢騎士的人,前作幾乎都有 10/29 02:42

JackSmith: ,送系列作大包根本一點意義都沒有。 10/29 02:43

uu26793: 這超硬的價格 當自己CoD? 10/29 02:43

Mario5566: 更新後變好順,之前開車會卡一下現在都沒了 10/29 03:10

licpjesus: 感謝WB努力幫UBI跟EA洗白~~~突然覺得UBI跟EA真的有誠意 10/29 03:43

mikejhou: WB的遊戲 除了阿卡漢騎士外 應該都還OK吧 10/29 05:01

mikejhou: 個人有買中土戰爭 覺得沒有太大問題 10/29 05:01

kuninaka: 以後不買WB遊戲 10/29 07:36

SamZJ: 把一直支持蝙蝠俠系列的粉絲當笑話,反正最後部曲了嗎 10/29 07:37

deray: 幹 我都有了 送屁呀 臥槽 10/29 07:46

deray: 而且操他嗎的12月才發送 還是直接進遊戲庫 發出禮物會死嗎 10/29 08:04

deray: ? 10/29 08:04

narutodante: 特價買了阿卡漢始源 結果玩到企鵝那邊就遇到BUG 10/29 08:44

narutodante: 前幾代BUG要不要修一修阿 10/29 08:44

InitialPower: 全系列只有黑門沒有而已, 剩下希望是送到物品庫 10/29 09:01

InitialPower: 另外我發現Arkham Knight多出了兩個我沒買的DLC 10/29 09:01

InitialPower: 只是兩個都是Skin就是 10/29 09:02

cocowing: 夠爛 笑了 10/29 09:30

efreet: 上次ubi有誠意多了,讓玩家自己挑新作,不會有重複的問題 10/29 09:54

mike29: Ubisoft有豐富的收爛攤經驗阿 xDDDDD 10/29 10:57

s110269: 要贈送前作的話,禮物才好,可以轉賣。不然真的沒誠意 10/29 10:58

wolf9420: 顯卡的應該沒有,他寫"購買"不是"擁有" 10/29 11:06

EVA96: 有夠屁眼的 10/29 11:07

kodachi: 遜也... 10/29 11:13

tsairay: ubi好歹送的是即期的新作... 10/29 11:47

fantasylee: 沒誠意 10/29 12:37

m54ak: 還是不支援SLI 10/29 15:09

hix020421680: 更新後我反而無法用手把遊玩~X1或360的都死掉..... 10/29 19:47

SeanLiao99: win10+羅技F510開xinput是ok的 10/29 20:19

valkylin2: ....本來想重新steam下載 看到29日的評論 我只能說.. 10/29 20:29

valkylin2: 幹你娘的WB.....我連重新下載都不屑.... 10/29 20:29

wlh911128: 先觀望,順便等聖誕節特價 10/29 20:34

Fizen: 噓 顯卡送的沒有給任何東西...槓....好扯..我沒有收到補償 10/30 00:40

SeanLiao99: 別急 根本還沒發啊XD 10/30 00:52

Fizen: sorry. 不過我看有人說拿到dlc了…orz 10/30 01:19
