[新聞] Humble Store Spring Sale Day10

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作者 cokelon (cokelon)
時間 2015-05-18 19:24:40
留言 25則留言 (14推 0噓 11→)

今天又是忙整天 拖到現在才PO文 Sega Sale https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/sega/ DeepSilver Sale https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/deepsilver/ Rockstar Sale https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/rockstar/ https://www.humblebundle.com/store Jagged Alliance Flashback $8.99 , Flash Deal Journey of a Roach $0.99 , Daily Deal Killing Floor $3.99 World of Diving (Early Access) $11.99 Kentucky Route Zero $12.49 Gunpoint $1.99 Worms Clan Wars $4.99 Eets Munchies $1.74 Space Hulk - Ultimate Pack $9.99 STARWHAL $5.99 Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition $2.49 Shadow Warrior Classic Redux $2.49 Hammerwatch $1.49 Defense Grid 2 $7.49 Defense Grid 2: Special Edition $9.99 Ryse: Son of Rome $13.59 Men of War: Assault Squad 2 $7.49 BIT.TRIP VOID $0.99 BIT.TRIP BEAT $0.99 Anomaly 2 $0.99 Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Deluxe Edition $4.24 Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition $4.99 Super Hexagon $0.29 Worms: Armageddon $2.99 FOTONICA $1.99 Shelter $2.99 Screencheat $10.04 Screencheat Humble Deluxe Edition $16.74 Worms Revolution Gold $4.99 Panzer Tactics HD $2.49 The Fall $3.99 Offworld Trading Company (Early Access) $35.99 Metro Redux Bundle $24.99 Divekick $2.49 Space Hulk Ascension $17.99 Turbo Dismount $3.39 7th Guest + 11th Hour Pack $0.99 Wizardry Pack $1.49 Space Hulk - Space Wolves Chapter $1.49 Space Hulk $2.49 Bad Mojo $0.59 Harvester $0.59 Ironclad Tactics $3.74 Ironclad Tactics: The Rise of Dmitry $1.24 Ironclad Tactics: Blood and Ironclads $1.24 Windosill $1.01 Nekro $9.99 Blackguards: Untold Legends $4.01 Continue?9876543210 $2.49 Pixel Boy and the Ever Expanding Dungeon $3.39 Pid $1.99 1C Space Collection $8.74 Drunken Robot Pornography $3.74 -- XX專題─ ψivycheng1120 _ ┌────┐ + XX專題60 . + ──── 復原(U) 復原(U)│ ──── 過就好 ──── 剪下(T) 剪下(T)│ . ──── + . ζ ──── 複製(C) 複製(C)│ + ──── + ──── 貼上(P) 貼上(P)+ ──── ╰■ ──── 刪除(D) 刪除(D)│ + ──── + --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1431948284.A.267.html

HiltyBosch: Metro組包好心動0.0,有人玩過 world of diving 嗎? 05/18 19:36

jerrychai25: GTA 前幾代大包10鎂而己哦哦哦哦哦哦哦 05/18 19:37

Comebuy: \⊙▽⊙/\⊙▽⊙/\⊙▽⊙/ 05/18 19:45

zyxwv0417: The Cave印象中有鎖區 那買了拿到序號能玩嗎? 05/18 20:23

cohlint2004: 囧,買了Ironclad的DLC卻忘了之前humble包已含,只好送 05/18 20:28

dickec35: The Cave沒有真的鎖購買與啟動,查SteamDB即可知 05/18 20:30

IFeltQQ: SEGA~~~~~ 05/18 20:48

yaiwuyi: sonic那包值得買嗎 05/18 21:25

letni: sonic 那包 amazon曾賣 9.99 05/18 22:13

cokelon: Humble也曾賣過7.49 不過那時原價$29.99 05/18 22:14

reiden: Sonic 那包 Amazon 打臉過 9.99. 05/18 22:33

dickec35: Sonic Hits Collection定價幾年前是29.99,現在變112.99 05/18 22:59

gainx: 還是很划算,就看能不能忍 XD 05/18 23:00

dickec35: 基本上幾乎不可能再出現9.99那種低價了 05/18 23:01

gainx: 9.99 一月才出現過啊 05/18 23:17

DendiQ: 元價差這麼多應該是內容物不同吧? 05/18 23:18

cokelon: 內容都一樣唷XD 05/18 23:34

shadow0326: 剛比較了一下 內容物完全相同 連DLC都一樣 05/18 23:35

shadow0326: 噢 如果是指原價29.99和112.99的內容 我就不知道了:x 05/18 23:37

shadow0326: 我說得相同是指HB現在這包和amazon 9.99那包 05/18 23:38

dickec35: 原價29.99跟112.99兩種內容確實完全一樣,蠻神奇的 05/19 00:04

dickec35: 亞馬遜是去年聖誕特賣出現過-91%,那就期望能再出現吧~ 05/19 00:06

ctes940008: 買買買 05/19 00:54

ctes940008: 買幾套Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack來放 05/19 01:33

ctes940008: 確認只有一個key,應該會覆蓋 05/19 01:34
