[新聞] 年度最佳遊戲 at GDC

看板 Steam
作者 Shinpachi (Shimura)
時間 2015-03-05 17:01:33
留言 33則留言 (23推 0噓 10→)

原文:http://goo.gl/ZSJ32T 年度最佳遊戲: Bayonetta 2 (Platinum Games/Nintendo) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Monolith Productions/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) Destiny (Bungie/Activision) Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (Blizzard) Alien: Isolation (Creative Assembly/Sega) 創新獎: Monument Valley (Ustwo) Bounden (Game Oven) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Monolith Productions/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) This War of Mine (11 bit studios) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts) 最佳新秀: Stoic Studio (The Banner Saga) Yacht Club Games (Shovel Knight) Respawn Entertainment (Titanfall) The Astronauts (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) Upper One Games (Never Alone) 最佳設計: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (Blizzard) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Monolith Productions/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games) Dragon Age: Inquisition (BioWare/Electronic Arts) Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo EAD Tokyo and 1-Up Studio/Nintendo) 最佳手持/行動遊戲: Monument Valley (Ustwo) Threes! (Sirvo) Super Smash Bros. 3DS (Sora Ltd. and BANDAI NAMCO/Nintendo) Hearthstone (Blizzard) 80 Days (Inkle Studios) 最佳視覺藝術: Monument Valley (Ustwo) Hohokum (Honeyslug and Sony Santa Monica/Sony) Child of Light (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft) Bayonetta 2 (Platinum Games/Nintendo) Alien: Isolation (Creative Assembly/Sega) 最佳故事敘述: Kentucky Route Zero: Episode 3 (Cardboard Computer) 80 Days (Inkle Studios) This War of Mine (11 bit studios) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Monolith Productions/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts) 最佳音效: Alien: Isolation (Creative Assembly/Sega) Hohokum (Honeyslug/Sony) Destiny (Bungie/Activision) Transistor (Supergiant Games) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts) 最佳技術: Destiny (Bungie/Activision) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Monolith Productions/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) Wolfenstein: The New Order (MachineGames/Bethesda) Elite: Dangerous (Frontier Developments) Far Cry 4 (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft) 2015獨立遊戲節得獎者 Excellence in Visual Art: Metamorphabet (Patrick Smith) Lumino City (State of Play Games) Else Heart.Break (Niklas Åkerblad, Erik Svedäng, et al.) Memory of a Broken Dimension (XRA) Donut County (Ben Esposito) Oquonie (XXIIVV and Kokorobot) Excellence in Narratives: 80 Days (inkle Studios) Coming Out Simulator 2014 (Nicky Case) Ice-Bound: A Novel of Reconfiguration (Down to the Wire) Pry (Tender Claws) This War of Mine (11 Bit Studios) Three Fourths Home ([Bracket]Games) Excellence in Audio: Ephemerid: A Musical Adventure (SuperChop Games) Phonopath (Kevin Regamey) Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games) The Sailor's Dream (Simogo Games) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts) Thumper (Drool) --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1425546096.A.6F8.html

flyingwhale: 魔多這款在各個網站回應大多覺得不夠goty這樣 03/05 17:04

flyingwhale: 話說鴿子男友在最佳敘事也有honor mention XD 03/05 17:05

Shinpachi: 讓我訝異的是DAI居然沒得敘事獎...僅mention 03/05 17:07

Shinpachi: 鴿子男友真的超屌 03/05 17:08

j2squared: 是Kentucky Route Zero的敘事真的太屌了.... 03/05 17:15

capitalist: 今年的遊戲有這麼爛嗎? 感覺都是一些普作 03/05 17:28

a1331021: 與其說爛不如說少 03/05 17:30

jack0204: This war of mine也沒上榜 03/05 17:33

ctes940008: This War of mine 真的不錯,有把戰爭的那種衝突與壓 03/05 17:45

ctes940008: 抑表現出來。但殺梗那種一路殺也是某種有趣玩法XD 03/05 17:45

L0v35: Monument Valley連美國總統都在玩 03/05 17:45

ctes940008: 剛剛Google 了紀念碑谷,有空要買來玩 03/05 17:50

LIONDODO: 紀念碑谷超棒,不過要用平板玩,手機畫面好小 03/05 17:52

Shinpachi: 紙牌屋亂入 03/05 18:01

RushMonkey: 魔多.....有這麼好嗎? 03/05 18:08

LaBoLa: 魔多還不錯 只是有一點對不起他的價格跟硬碟空間 03/05 18:12

ctes940008: 魔多之前G2A特價,很心動 03/05 18:13

lover19: 算是因為有創新吧 那個隨機獸人隊長 03/05 18:21

jeffreyshe: 魔多主要是不少人預期會滿無聊的 03/05 18:26

jeffreyshe: 結果出乎意料的好玩 03/05 18:27

flyingwhale: 紀念碑谷超棒+1 將來入手ios device也要買來支持 03/05 18:42

maxlin9527: 推 紀念碑谷 亞馬遜之前限免有幸運跟到^^ 03/05 19:08

flyingwhale: 80days也很好玩喔 03/05 19:12

liberaloner: the banner saga不錯,沒想到是工作室得獎XD 03/05 19:27

z83420123: 紀念碑谷安卓不是也有? 03/05 20:45

flyingwhale: 有啊 但是差ios一個dlc 03/05 21:25

RevanHsu: 天命 最xdxd佳xdxd技xdxd術xdxd 行銷技術嗎 03/05 21:27

kuninaka: 為什麼最佳年度DAI沒有入圍? 03/05 23:02

pandia: DLC Android 也有吧 03/06 08:53

flyingwhale: 缺一章red還什麼的 http://i.imgur.com/RpWvg6q.png 03/06 10:52

flyingwhale: http://bit.ly/1BVepTU 估計是anroid付費率不高導致 03/06 10:53

flyingwhale: 請大家多多付費支持好遊戲開發商啊 QQ 03/06 10:54

Lightbearer: Red是之前apple主導的捐款活動製作的DLC 所以... 03/06 11:12
