Fw: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Star System

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作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2014-08-05 15:24:54
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作者: o07608 (無良記者) 看板: SLG 標題: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Star System 時間: Tue Aug 5 15:23:40 2014 正式進入遊戲設定,先從Star System下手 我發現其實Star Systam和後面的Star System Improvement翻譯難度都不高 前者花最多時間是在查天文學相關資料、後者則是在想各種改良的名稱該怎麼翻譯 當然花掉最多時間的就是耍冗了 Star System這塊,不僅是原廠Amplitude還是只負責翻譯遊戲說明手冊的代理商英特衛 在我看來,有好幾個地方都沒有做精準的天文學觀念釐清,所以出現一些不恰當的翻譯 因此我自己在翻譯時,會盡量以天文學事實為準,同時會說明為何如此翻譯 ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/4GKhN 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能評論 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== ************************ *陸、Star System 行星系* ************************ (譯註:這裡必須先說明,做這款遊戲的人對於天文並沒有太精確的理解,或者他們只想 用比較容易懂得方式來寫遊戲敘述。) (首先,大家講到星星就會想到的”Star”,指的其實是「恆星」,如果要說像地球、火 星這種「行星」,正確的英文是”Planet”。是說大家平常晚上看到的star幾乎都是恆星 沒錯……) (我們日常生活中講的「星系」一般指的是「恆星系統」,就是「由恆星組成的系統」, 英文名稱是”Star System”。銀河系這種是其中的大型例子。這種由大量恆星組成的恆 星系統才是我們所熟知的「星系」,英文是”Galaxy”,而「銀河系」本身的英文則是” Milky Way”。像是太陽系這種由一顆恆星、數顆繞著它轉的行星、小行星帶及古柏帶等 等組成的系統,則叫做「行星系」,英文是”Planetary System”。) (但是在Endless Space中,或至少在Endless Space Wiki中,作者把star system當成是 行星系、把galaxy當做是銀河。理論上這是不對的,但既然人家都這樣用了我們也只好將 錯就錯。) (Galaxy我仍會翻譯成「銀河」,因為從整個故事架構看起來用銀河會比用星系符合。 star system我則會翻譯成行星系,如果還是翻成「星系」會讓人容易搞混。畢竟整個 Endless Space中的星系只有一個,那就是做為主舞台的galaxy。存在我電腦裡的原始文 本會跟著修改,但google文件和PTT檔案就不改了,太麻煩XD) (偷偷嗆一下英特衛,他們翻譯的遊戲說明書裡這裡也是有很多問題……) Star Systems are clusters of Planets. A vital basis for any Empire, all activity in Endless Space occurs near a System; they provide Resources and Production, as well as acting as battlefields for fleet Combat. On the map, they are combined into single nodes, connected by Cosmic Strings and Wormholes. 行星系由一大堆的星球組成。行星系是每個帝國不可或缺的基礎,所有Endless Space中 會發生的日常大小事都以星系周遭為舞台。行星系提供了各種資源,也是艦隊戰的背景。 在星圖上,他們由單獨的點代表,並藉著宇宙航道及蟲洞互相連結。 一、Overview 概觀 The functional unit of your Empire's economy is the Star System. Colonising any Planet will give you full control of the System. Each Planet with a colony will then produce FIDS for the controlling Empire, as well as providing access to unlocked Luxury or Strategic Resources. 行星系是你的帝國重要的基礎經濟,在某個行星系裡的任一行星殖民就能獲得該行星系的 完整控制權。每個有殖民地的行星都會產生FIDS以供給帝國,也有可能會找到奢侈資源及 戰略資源。 Production management, such as selecting production and Population distribution is performed from the System, similar to city interfaces from other 4X games. Maintaining a solid group of Systems with productive Planets is key to expansion. 像是選擇生產和分配人口之類的生產管理都在行星系內完成,這點和其他4X games的城市 介面很像。能夠穩定維持一群內部行星都具有高生產力的行星系,是擴張的關鍵。 Improvements can be built upon Systems to increase their potential for production. These can increase Production per , by a flat rate, or by a % rate. 行星系上能發展改良以增進產量,這些設施會依每個人口述增加FIDS產量,可能是固定量 ,也可能是百分比。 Star Systems are pivotal areas for Combat. All combatant Fleets are managed at a System. All Ships produced in that System are placed into the "Hangar", and no Ship can fly without being formed into a fleet. The vast majority of combat occurs at a Star System. 行星系和戰爭息息相關,所有戰鬥用船艦都會部屬在行星系裡。某個行星系內製造的所有 船隻都會在「星港」內停泊,只有被編入一支艦隊的船隻能夠出航。大部分的主要戰鬥都 是發生在行星系內。 Fleet travel is always between Star Systems, often aided by Cosmic Strings (essentially representing pathways, or routes). These are the standard form of movement for all Fleets. Later Technology allows travels between constellations (system groups) by the use of wispy Wormholes. Finally, warp Technology allows travel between any two Systems not already linked by strings, at a reduced speed. 艦隊只會在行星系之間,沿著宇宙航道(代表移動路線)移動,這是所有艦隊的標準移動 方式。特定科技能讓艦隊利用蟲洞在星宿(行星系群)之間移動。最後,曲速科技能讓艦 隊用比較慢的速度在任意兩個並未被宇宙航道連接的行星系之間航行。 二、Home System 母星系 The Home System has special generation code. 母星系有特殊的規則。 The Home Planet is always Medium size. Its type is determined by the Faction affinity, and it has an Anomaly only if the Faction has an Anomaly Trait. 母星一定是中等大小,該星型態會根據種族本性而定。除非該種族的特性會使他們在殖民 時遇到奇異點,否則母星不會有奇異點。 There are never Anomalies on any of the other Planets in the Home System. 母星系裡的其他行星不會有奇異點。 The Home System has a higher number of Planets than average, but the Planets are on average less habitable. No Planet other than the Home Planet can be Class I (Jungle, Terran, Ocean), and Class II Planets (Arid, Tundra) have only 5% probability each. 母星系的行星數量比平均值高,但能住人的行星比平均值低。除了母星以外,母星系裡其 他行星不會是第一級行星(叢林、海洋、類地球),而且只會有5%機會是第二級行星(乾 燥、凍土)。 Furthermore, the Home System gets a bonus of +2 and +2 . 此外,母星系的科技和星塵產量都會+2。 三、Star Types 恆星型態 The type of a Star determines the planet probabilities. Roughly speaking, the leftmost Star Types are likely to produce more habitable Planets than the rightmost; however, the rightmost Star Types are more likely to have Temples . 恆星型態決定行星機率。粗略來說,左邊的恆星型比右邊的更有可能產生較多的可住人行 星,不過右邊的恆星型態較可能有神廟。 銀河年紀 白陽 類太陽 藍陽 原恆星 紅巨星 聯星 紅矮星 白矮星 青年 20.0% 20.0% 13.3% 13.3% 13.3% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 中年 6.7% 13.3% 20.0% 20.0% 13.3% 13.3% 6.7% 6.7% 老年 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 14.3% 21.4% 21.4% 14.3% 隨機 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% (譯註:來點科普小知識,要不一定會有人疑惑說為什麼我對於white sun和yellow sun 的翻譯和英特衛的翻譯整個相反。另外我猜大部分人考完學測就把地科扔到一邊去了,所 以我會講的詳細一點。) (首先,我們一般認知的恆星,像是太陽這種,在天文學的正式名稱叫做「主序星」,俗 稱「矮星」。這種矮星和大家常聽到的白矮星黑矮星不一樣,黑白矮星專指恆星在歷經紅 巨星階段後剩下的殘渣,跟一般的矮星不能混為一談。而在宇宙中,大概有73%的恆星屬 於紅矮星,因此紅矮星理論上不應該排在那麼右邊,但我猜Endless Space的製作者一定 把紅矮星當做是跟白矮星類似的等級了,要不就是把紅矮星和「失敗的恆星」棕矮星混為 一談。) (再來,Endless Space裡對於恆星型態的分類,從white sun到blue sun,都是在天文學 上用於判定恆星演化的赫羅圖Hertzsprung-Russel diagram之中,分布於主序帶上的恆星 。一般赫羅圖橫座標是摩根-肯那光譜分類法,代表肉眼可見的顏色,有OBAFGKM七種最常 用的光譜類型,其中OBA偏藍到白色、F是白色、G是黃色。赫羅圖縱座標則是約克光譜分 類法,代表恆星的絕對星等,也就是光度,其中主序星=矮星的光度分類為V。) (我們的太陽,在光譜分類上為G2V,包含在G型主序星內。G型主序星就是一般俗稱的黃 矮星。但黃矮星是個不好的名稱,因為G型光譜並不是一直都是黃色,事實上從白色到黃 色都有。我們的太陽實際上是白色,但因為平常在藍色天空的襯托下使他顏色看起來偏黃 ,因此一般還是都叫太陽及類似的恆星為黃矮星,事實上沒有這個正式名稱。) (不過太陽的光譜分類為G2V是無庸置疑的,在摩根-肯那光譜分類法中G型光譜的約定顏 色就是黃色,而白色則是F型的約定顏色,因此我在此不採用英特衛『萬艦穿星』遊戲說 明書裡的分類翻譯,而把white sun翻譯為「白陽」、yellow sun翻譯為「類太陽」。) (更何況,無論是英特衛翻譯的遊戲說明書,或者是Endless Space Wiki裡,都說 yellow sun出現類地球行星的機率是最大的,所以不管怎麼想yellow sun都應該翻譯成「 類太陽」……= =) White Sun 白陽 "A star with heavy hydrogen content. There may be some easily colonizable planets, but a better probability of planets that are slightly more difficult to colonize. Gas Giants are very rare." 「該恆星擁有大量的氫。該行星系內可能會有些很好殖民的行星,但比較可能發現要稍微 花點力氣去殖民的行星。幾乎看不到氣態巨星。」 One of the more desirable types of stars to control due to its tendancy to have Class I (18.2%) and Class II (41.6%) Planets. This star type has the highest probability of containing Jungle (7.8%) and Ocean (5.2%) planets. The less habitable Class III (20.8%), Class IV (13.0%) and Class V (6.5%) Planets are less common. Gas Giants (3.9%) specifically, which have outstanding opportunities for Industry, Dust or Science are the least likely to be orbiting around a White Sun. The Endless built fewer Temples (15%) on the moons of planets orbiting White Suns. 大家最喜歡的恆星型態之一,因為這種行星系較可能會有第一級(18.2%)及第二級( 41.6%)行星。這種行星系也最可能會有叢林(7.8%)和海洋(5.2%)行星。第三級( 20.8%)、第四級(13.0%)和第五級(6.5%)行星出現的機率比較低,氣態巨星(3.9%) 出現的機率最低,不過這種行星對工業產能、星塵和科技的生產很有助益。永恆族比較不 喜歡在這種行星系內行星的衛星上建造神廟(15%)。 Yellow Sun 類太陽 "A star whose heat is average -- for a blazing ball of nuclear fusion. There is a high probability of finding planets that require minimal research to colonize. Gas Giants are very rare." 「該恆星的熱度平均─以一個核融合燃燒球的程度來說。行星系內的行星大都需要先做點 與殖民有關的小研究才能殖民。找不到什麼氣態巨星。」 Similar to a White Sun only somewhat less likely to contain Class I (11.2%) and Class II (33.8%) Planets. This star type has the highest probability of containing Terran (5.6%) planets. Both Class II (33.8%) and Class III (33.8%) Planets are prevalent. Class V (7.0%) Planets and Astroids are only slightly more likely to be orbiting Yellow Stars than White Stars. The Endless built fewer Temples (15%) on the moons of planets orbiting Yellow Suns. 黃陽和類太陽很像,不過第一級(11.2%)和第二級(33.8%)行星出現的機率比較低。這 種行星系裡出現類地球(5.6%)的機率最高,最普遍的是第二級和第三級行星(均33.8% )。第五級行星和小行星帶(7.0%)出現的機率指比白陽高一點。永恆族比較不喜歡在這 種行星系內行星的衛星上建造神廟(15%)。 Blue Sun 藍陽 "Among the hottest and brightest of all stars. Warmer, drier planets are common; easily colonizable planets are less common." 「所有恆星之中最熱最亮的。旁邊的行星一般比較溫暖、乾燥,能輕鬆殖民的行星比較少 Blue Stars generally are very similar to Yellow Stars. They contain fewer Class I (9.3%) Planets than White or Yellow Stars. Class II (30.2%) and Class III (30.2%) Planets are almost as prevalent as they are on Yellow Stars. Blue Stars contain more Arid (20.9%) and Dessert (20.9%) Planets than any other star type. Class IV (18.6%) and Class V (11.6%) Planets and Astroids are more common though. The Endless built fewer Temples (15%) on the moons of planets orbiting Blue Suns. 藍陽跟類太陽很像。這類行星系出現第一級行星(9.3%)的機率比白陽或類太陽的機率都 低,而第二級和第三級行星(均30.2%)的機率和類太陽幾乎一樣。藍陽行星系比起其他 行星系更容易出現乾燥及沙漠(均20.9%)行星。第四級行星(18.6%)、第五級行星及小 行星(11.6%)出現的機率比一般值高。永恆族比較不喜歡在這種行星系內行星的衛星上 建造神廟(15%)。 Protostar 原恆星 "A young star that is weak and cold; little more than a dense molecular cloud. Colder, drier planets are common; easily colonizable plantets are rare. There is a slightly better chance of finding Gas Giants." 「一顆年輕、虛弱而寒冷的恆星,其實不過就是團稠密的分子雲。該行星系的行星較為寒 冷乾燥,幾乎沒有適合殖民的行星。能找到氣態巨星的機會大一點。」 Around Protostars, Class I (6.6%) and Class II (13.0%) Planets are considerably less common. They tend to have a lot of Class III (29.3%), Class IV (26.1%), and Class V (24.9%) Planets and Asteroids. However, the Endless tended to build more Temples (20%) among these types of stars. 在原恆星周遭很難看到第一級(6.6%)及第二級(13.0%)行星,第三級(29.3%)、第四 級(26.1%)、第五級行星和小行星帶(24.9%)比較多。不過,永恆族比較喜歡在這種行 星系內行星的衛星上建造神廟(20%)。 Red Supergiant 紅巨星 "A very large star in terms of volume, though not massive, and relatively cool. It is unlikely to have either easily colonizable planets or Gas Giants." 「以體積來說,這種恆星非常巨大,但質量和溫度就是另一回事了。無論容易殖民的行星 或是氣態巨星都不容易發現。」 Red Supergiants are the largest star type. They are among the least likely to contain Class I (3.3%) Planets. Class II (27.0%) Planets, however, are more common. Class IV (42.6%) Planets are very common. Class III (13.4%) and Class V (13.3%) Planets are less common. The Endless tended to build a fair amount of Temples (25%) among Red Supergiants. 紅巨星是最大的恆星。這類行星系中出現第一級行星(3.3%)的機率最低,不過第二級行 星(27.0%)出現的機率較高。第四級行星(42.6%)出現的機率最高,第三級(13.4%) 和第五級(13.3%)行星出現的機率比較低。永恆族更喜歡在紅巨星附近蓋神廟(25%)。 Binary 聯星 "A system of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter. Dry, hot, and rocky planets are more common, and rarely Gas Giants." 「這個行星系有兩個恆星繞著他們的質心互相旋轉。有大量的乾熱岩石行星,幾乎沒有氣 態巨星。」 Although not as likely as White, Yellow or Blue Stars to have Class I (4.8%) Planets, you might find some among Bianary Stars. Class II (19.0%) and Class III (19.0%) Planets are not terribly common, but again, you might find some. Class IV (41.3%) Planets are the most likely to be found here, particularly Lava (25.4%) Planets. The Endless tended to build a fair amount of Temples (25%) among Binary Stars. 儘管不像白陽、類太陽或藍陽那樣有一堆第一級行星(4.8%),你還是可能在聯星系統中 找到一點。第二級(19.0%)和第三級(19.0%)行星沒這麼可憐,但還是不好找。第四級 行星(41.3%)最容易出現,特別是熔岩行星(25.4%)。永恆族更喜歡在聯星附近蓋神廟 (25%)。 Red Dwarf 紅矮星 "A relatively small and cool star that is long-lived. Easily colonizable planets are very rare; less hospitable planets are common. there is a greater chance of Gas Giants." 「一個相對又小又冷、已經存在許久的恆星。幾乎沒有容易殖民的行星,大都是不太適宜 生命的行星。比較容易出現氣態巨星。」 Red Dwarfs, along with Red Supergiants, are the least likely to contain Class I (3.3%) Planets. Class II (17.6%) and Class III (17.6%) Palnets are less common than at other star types. Class IV (28.6%) and Class V (33.0%) Planets make up the majority surrounding Red Dwarfs. Both Gas Giants (19.8%) and Asteroids (13.2%) are the most likely to be found here. The Endless tended to prefer Red and White Dwarfs for building Temples (30%). 紅矮星伴隨在紅巨星之後出現(譯註:事實上是錯的),會出現第一級行星(3.3%)的機 率最低。第二級(17.6%)和第三級(17.6%)行星出現的機率比其他種行星系都低,而第 四級(28.6%)和第五級(33.0%)行星構成了環繞紅矮星的主要成員。氣態巨星(19.8% )和小行星帶(13.2%)最容易在這種行星系中出現。永恆族最喜歡在紅矮星及白矮星行 星系中蓋神廟(30%)。 White Dwarf 白矮星 "A very small, very old, very dense and very weak star near the end of its life. The less easily colonizable rocky planets are more common here, and gas may be found" 「恆星的暮年,非常的小、老、緻密及虛弱。最難殖民的岩石行星在這裡最普遍,還有機 會出現氣態巨星。」 White Dwarfs, while not particularly good, have a better probability of containing Class I (4.2%) Planets than their Red Dwarfs cousins do. Class II (12.2%) and Class III (16.2%) Planets are not terribly common. Class IV (43.2%) Planets are the most common among this star type. Class V (24.3%) Planets, while not as prevalent as on Red Dwarfs, are still fairly common. The Endless tended to prefer Red and White Dwarfs for building Temples (30%). 白矮星雖然不怎麼樣,但跟他的紅矮星親戚比起來,第一級行星(4.2%)出現的機率高了 一點。第二級(12.2%)和第三級(16.2%)行星沒想像中少,而第四級行星(43.2%)最 常見。第五級行星(24.3%)出現的機率不比紅矮星,但也算常見了。永恆族最喜歡在紅 矮星及白矮星行星系中蓋神廟(30%)。 四、Number of Planets行星數量 Each Star System consists of one to six Planets. Also see Planet Probabilities. The star type does not affect the total number of planets it'll have, just the likelihood of habitable planets. 每個行星系內含一到六顆行星,另見行星機率。恆星型態和行星數量之間沒有關連,只會 影響可居住行星出現的機率。 設定 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 平均 少 0.0% 16.7% 25.0% 25.0% 16.7% 8.3% 8.3% 3 中等 0.0% 8.3% 16.7% 25.0% 25.0% 16.7% 8.3% 3.5 多 0.0% 0.0% 9.1% 18.2% 27.3% 27.3% 18.2% 4.27 隨機 0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 3.5 母星系 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 25.0% 12.5% 12.5% 4.67 =================================== 沒想到一篇就貼完了,害我待會還要改標題 明天預定貼Star System Improvement,不知道會分幾篇貼上來 請大家多多指正,感謝 -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1407223495.A.3AC.html

sarraya:用心推~ 08/05 18:30

Tachikoma88:代理商不用太期待,沒有給你踢牙老奶就已經阿彌陀佛了 08/05 19:53
