Fw: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Heros part4

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作者 o07608 (無良記者)
時間 2014-07-18 23:06:01
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作者: o07608 (無良記者) 看板: SLG 標題: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Heros part4 時間: Fri Jul 18 23:05:38 2014 接下來,就是進入Hero list 大長征了 翻這邊還滿好玩的,因為可以掰每個英雄的名字 但翻久了就會開始覺得阿每個英雄故事都差不多阿...... 由於篇幅龐大,今天先貼上從阿米巴到調和者的英雄 ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/zeool 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能評論 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== 四、Hero List 英雄列表 This article lists all heroes available in Endless Space, ordered by faction with their name, classes, statistics, lore description, and portrait. Note that some heroes share portraits with other heroes, and many heroes have two alternating names. 這邊列出了Endless Space裡所有可選英雄,以派系為分別做排列,會列出他們的名字、 階級、屬性、敘述及相片。要注意有些英雄會共用一張相片,而且許多英雄都有兩個名字 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dundub Lakai.Ldr32 當堵.拉凱.Ldr32 第二名稱:Nunda Lakai.Ldr32 那達.拉凱.Ldr32 商人/領航員 勞動力 0 智商 4 星系攻防 2 攻擊力 6 防禦力 3 "An entity that likes to federate and bring beings together, diplomacy and exploration are natural interests for Lakai.Ldr32. Collaborative work, group cooperation, and overcoming obstacles are the things that make it happy. Keenly sensing its individuality since it ingested Dust, it almost fervent in its desire to explore and unite peoples." 「拉凱.Ldr32喜歡把其他物種聯合在一起,外交與探險是他天生的興趣。工作合作、團體 協調及克服障礙都是會使他開心的事情。在他吸收了星塵後便更能清楚感覺到自己的特性 ,而他對於探險及把大家聯合在一起的渴望越來越強烈。」 Iria Glies.Warr1B4 伊瑞亞 葛萊斯.瓦耳1B4 第二名稱:Atia Glies.Warr1B4 阿提阿 葛萊斯.瓦耳1B4 領航員/探險家 勞動力 0 智商 0 星系攻防 3 攻擊力 8 防禦力 4 "Warrior Amoeba" is, without surprise, viewed as an impossible oxymoron. Yet Glies1B4X, driven almost to madness as he watched his fleet get destroyed by the guns of an ancient Endless defense satellites, vowed to never again avoid -- or lose -- a battle." 「毫不意外的,「阿米巴戰士」這個詞看似前後矛盾。然而葛萊斯1B4X在看到他的艦隊被 一群遠古的永恆族防衛衛星摧毀後,他幾近瘋狂並發誓再也不會避免─或輸掉─任合一場 戰鬥。」 One Who Seeks 不斷尋找之人 第二名稱:Another Who Seeks 另一個不斷尋找之人 領航員/探險家 勞動力 0 智商 0 星系攻防 3 攻擊力 8 防禦力 4 "Quite restless by Amoeba standards, Who Seeks is driven to experience all that can be experienced in this vast cosmos. Early in life, It gained a reputation as loose cannon while working to combat smugglers in the Vestibule of Creation. Later, It took up Leadership of a Hissho mercenary company, employed by rogue Sophon scientists to capture Craver tech. After a long battle with Dust addiction in Its middle years and a stint in an Empire prison, introspection drove It explore the universe at a more leisurely pace. Time may have tempered this one's rash behavior, but not Its thirst for adventure." 「以阿米巴的標準來說,不斷尋找之人永不休息,他被這廣袤的宇宙中所有能體驗的事物 給驅動著。早年在創造之廳工作、與走私者戰鬥時,他以自走炮之名為人所知。之後,他 成為一個赫斯歐傭兵公司的領導、受到一群梭芬流氓科學家的委託去搶奪蟲族的科技。中 年時他待在帝國監獄裡(譯註:不確定),和自身的星塵成癮症奮戰了許多年。在經過自 我反省後,他以更悠閒的步伐來探索這個宇宙。時間可能會緩和他的暴躁性格,但不會沖 淡他對於探險的渴望。」 Ora Cygna.Cmdr626 歐拉.席格娜.Cmdr626 第二名稱:Eoa Cygna.Cmdr626 伊歐瓦.席格娜.Cmdr626 商人/指揮官 勞動力 0 智商 4 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 5 防禦力 5 "Angered by a minor race of belligerent sentients who preferred assassination to negotiation, Cygna.Cmdr626 showed a flair for military command when it drove them out of three asteroid belts, two planets, and then forced a highly unequal treaty on them. Cygna.Cmdr626 is a living incarnation of the adage that "war is the continuation of diplomacy by other means." 「席格娜.Cmdr626被一個喜歡暗殺勝過交涉的好戰小種族所激怒,因而展現了她的軍事指 揮才能並把那個種族轟出了三個小行星帶、兩顆行星,然後逼著他們簽了一個非常不平等 的條約。席格娜.Cmdr626是諺語「戰爭是外交的延伸」的活化身。」 Ulnora Pleiad.Dipl13 阿樂諾拉.普雷雅德.Dipl13 第二名稱:Nolora Pleiad.Dipl13 諾洛拉.普雷雅德.Dipl13 商人/指揮官 勞動力 0 智商 4 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 5 防禦力 5 "Like all Amoeba, this one is a seeker and a thinker. Creative, conceptual, and curious, it seeks to find and discover other cultures and see how they can be befriended, exploited, and used. This is not out of cruelty or malice, but a deep-seated need for the Amoeba to be in control of their collective destiny. As result, it is a highly effective commander." 「就像所有阿米巴,這傢伙是個追尋者及思想家。他具創造力、觀念清楚又充滿好奇心, 一直追求能發現其他文化並研究如何與他們交朋友、剝削與利用。這不是出自殘忍或惡意 ,而是阿米巴為了要控制他們的集體命運的深層需要。結果,他成為了一個高效率的指揮 官。」 v1.0 Galdos AI v1.0 蓋勒多絲.埃 v1.0 第二名稱:v1.1 Galdos AI v1.1 蓋勒多絲.埃 商人/領航員 勞動力 0 智商 6 星系攻防 0 攻擊力 6 防禦力 3 "Galdos AI was never one for fighting, always going on about science this, testing that. It was only when the Amoeban government tried to shut down her tests that she got dangerous, nearly destroying the entire system she was in as she fled with her data. Today she roams the known universe trying to get support for her scientific pursuits from other factions." 「蓋勒多絲.埃絕對不會是打架的那個,她總是研究這個、測試那個。只有在阿米巴政府 試圖要終止她的實驗時她才會變得很危險,在她帶著她的檔案逃走時還幾乎摧毀了她所在 的整個星系。今日她在已知的宇宙內四處遊盪並試圖從其他派系處得到對她的科學研究的 支援。」 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- M'gual Tan-Erbo 姆瓜耳.譚-爾波(Halloween Update) 行政官/探險家 勞動力 10 智商 0 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 2 防禦力 2 "The Automatons take their role as caretakers so seriously, that certain horticulturalists gave their wards the capacity for self defense. Tan-Erbo went the farthest, developing a race of carnivorous and partially mobile giant orange plants that were set free to act as guardians of certain zones. However, the Automaton was unaware that these plants would assault anything foreign -- including Automatons. It was attacked during a routine inspection, and though it escaped the plants did manage to rip its head off. Fortunately, this did not result in decommission as its neural system had a wireless back-up. Tan-Erbo now travels with its head removed from its body, a solemn reminder of the risks of playing at god." 「自動機很嚴肅的扮演著照顧者的角色,其中有些園藝專家能使他們負責的地區擁有自我 防衛的能力。譚-爾波在這方面最頂尖,他發展了一種能夠部分移動的巨大肉食橘子植物 種族,並作為特定地區的守衛而野放它們。然而,自動機並沒有察覺到這些植物會攻擊任 何外者─包括自動機。他在一次例行檢查中受到攻擊,雖然他逃脫了但植物卻把他的頭給 扯了下來。幸好這沒導致他的退役,因為他的神經系統有無線的備用版本。譚-爾波現在 以無頭的方式行動,成為一個妄圖扮演神的下場的嚴肅提醒者。」 Mizn Ora-Yur 米森.歐拉-優爾(Virtual Awakening) 行政官/領航員 勞動力 5 智商 0 星系攻防 0 攻擊力 8 防禦力 2 "An Automaton pilot, Ora-Yur was damaged by an artificial gravity machine during a scientific mission. Reduced to the level of a barely self-aware machine tool, it was possessed by a Virtual Endless and turned into an Automaton superman. When the Endless retreated back to its own android body, the power to manipulate Dust remained." 「歐拉-優爾是一個自動機領航員,他曾經在一項科學任務中被一台重力製造機所傷,一 度退化到僅僅是一個有自我意識的機器工具。後來他被一個虛擬派永恆族佔據,並變成了 一個超級自動機。當該名永恆族回到他自己的永恆族肉體時,操縱星塵的能力卻保留了下 來。」 Mani Dar-Omnis 馬尼.達爾-歐姆尼斯(Disharmony) 行政官/指揮官 勞動力 4 智商 0 星系攻防 3 攻擊力 3 防禦力 5 "Though a member of a society known for industrial efficiency, Dar-Omnis' interests lay in the psychology and motivation of sentient beings – whether animated by blood or circuitry. This Automaton studied social structures and networks in order to discover the secrets of leadership, motivation, and the development of sentient relations. Studying Dust networks in the lab one day in search of greater understanding of resilient interactions, Dar-Omnis was exposed to a high concentration of dispersed Dust. Now its advanced emotional intelligence is combined with an ability to make faultless decisions, making it an extremely efficient leader." 「雖然是以工業效率聞名的社會的一員,達爾-歐姆尼斯的興趣卻是在於知覺生物的行動 方式及心裡學─無論是由血液或電路驅動。這名自動機學習社會結構及網路以便於發現領 導、行動及感情關係的祕密。有一天,達爾-歐姆尼斯在實驗室內學習使用星塵網路以能 對彈性交互作用有較多了解,結果星塵洩漏了出去,而他暴露於高濃度的星塵之中。現在 他先進的感情智慧與做出絕無錯誤決策的能力結合在一起,使他成為一個效率極高的領導 者。」 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Apolla Sundered 異類阿波拉 第二名稱:Aurelia Sundered 異類奧銳利亞 行政官/商人 勞動力 9 智商 0 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 2 防禦力 3 "A ranking leader in the Swarm, at the Bishop level and therefore capable of independent thought. Infiltration of Dust led it to reject hive life and begin to study humanitarian philosophy, existentialism, determinism... Was driven from hive, found a berth on a trader and ended up in faction jail as a dangerous life form." 「他是蟲群中的高階領導者,屬於主教階級,並擁有獨立思考的能力。在與星塵接觸後, 他拒絕了蟲群生活的方式,並開始學習人道主義思想、存在主義、決定論……他被蟲群驅 逐出去,在一個貿易者處找到了一份差使,最後卻被當做一種危險的生物被關在異種監獄 裡。」 Brogan Unfettered 解脫者布羅根 第二名稱:Adric Unfettered 解脫者阿墜克 行政官/領航員 勞動力 6 智商 0 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 6 防禦力 2 "A leader of Craver colonizing teams, Unfettered stumbled over a Dust lode when leading construction on an asteroid belt. Rapidly outgrowing its colleagues and hive, Unfettered turned to other factions to find challenging projects that could assuage its new-found curiosity." 「解脫者是蟲族殖民隊伍的領導者,他在領導一項小行星帶建設時在一處星塵礦脈上絆了 一下。他之後變得比他的同儕及蟲群更加進化,因此他轉向其他種族並接危險的任務以滿 足他對於新發現的好奇心。」 Harvester Prime 驕傲的收獲者 第二名稱:Harrower Prime 驕傲的使耙者 行政官/領航員 勞動力 6 智商 0 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 6 防禦力 2 "When a nanoplague almost wiped out his homeworld, Prime, through a combination of acumen, luck and research, managed to keep remnants of civilization alive long enough for help to arrive. Since then he is a valued troubleshooter for the Cravers. More contemplative than the rest of his race, he is a creative thinker who enjoys strategic planning and carefully husbands his resources. Ultimately he has the same urges as the rest of his race, but keeps them better in check. Many of his race despise him for his lack of ravenous appetite, but he is too useful to simply kill outright." 「當一個小型瘟疫差點毀滅傲慢者的家鄉時,這個聰敏、幸運及研究的混合體設法維持這 個文明的殘餘生命,直到援助到來。從此以後,他就成為蟲族重要的問題處理者。他是個 創造性的思想家,比其他族人更常沉思、享受訂定戰略及節約使用資源。他雖然擁有與族 人相同的渴望,但更能壓抑自己。大部分族人因為他缺乏貪婪的胃口而鄙視他,但他實在 太有用因此無法隨便就殺了他。」 Mojak Zkyrd 魔扎克.肯亞得 第二名稱:Sartaq Zkyrd 撒耳帖.肯亞得 商人/探險家 勞動力 0 智商 12 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 1 防禦力 1 "Dust exposure before birth/creation gave this Craver a distinct "jack of all trades, master of none" nature; not extremely skilled in any pursuit, yet not unskilled in any. Such a nature also made her more disposed to intellectual pursuit than most Cravers. Due to her multitude of skills she sees the important red thread between the varying institutions of society. She toils endlessly to bolster harmony between them, hoping to further the Craver race as a whole." 「因為在出生前就受到星塵影響,使的這隻獨特的蟲族『雜而不精、多而不專』,她無論 學什麼都無法非常精通,但又什麼都做的很不錯。這天性也使她比起大部分蟲族更想追求 知識。她憑著她的多才多藝,看透了社會上不同派系間的流血衝突。她無止盡的踽踽獨行 ,在他們之間高舉和諧的大旗,希望能讓整個蟲族成為一體。」 Drogon Freeman 自由蟲卓根 第二名稱:Norgod Freeman 自由蟲諾格得 商人/探險家 勞動力 0 智商 4 星系攻防 8 攻擊力 1 防禦力 2 "Born a Slave that worked its way up to Drone and Forager, it ingested a great deal of Dust while tracking potential energy readings on a sterile moon. Rejecting its hive, it was subsequently picked up by passing Sowers, then sought further knowledge and ended up at the Academy. It never lost, however, the hard-won respect for its prowess in battle as a Flight Drone." 「他出生時原本是奴隸階級,後來努力一步步爬到了雄蜂及掠奪者階級。他在一顆不毛之 月上追蹤潛在的能源讀數時,吸入了大量的星塵。他後來拒絕回去蟲巢,之後被正好路過 的播種者撿回家,學到了更多知識並最後進入了泛銀河學院。然而,他從沒遺失了他作為 飛翔雄蜂時依靠戰鬥技巧而辛苦掙來的敬意。」 Heres Adrift 漂流者賀銳斯 第二名稱:Jeres Adrift 漂流者傑銳斯 指揮官/領航員 勞動力 2 智商 0 星系攻防 4 攻擊力 5 防禦力 4 "A strategist and warrior for a successful and growing hive, it was a bishop-level leader of war groups. Deciding, logically, that the most efficient way to be able to do more for the hive would be to consume Dust, it did so and was forever changed. Smarter, faster, more aggressive, and tougher, it rapidly outpaced its hive development and became a mercenary, seeking ever-greater challenges." 「他是一個成功且不斷擴張的蟲巢中的一名戰略家及戰士,領導戰鬥團隊的主教階級。在 經過審慎思考後,他果斷的認為吸收星塵後才能更有效率的替蟲巢做更多事情,他如此做 了,並永久性的改變。他變得更聰明、更迅速、更侵略及更堅韌,很快的就超越了蟲巢的 發展,並成為一個傭兵以尋找更大的挑戰。」 Idar Restless 永不休息的愛德 第二名稱:Ren Restless 永不休息的蘭 行政官/指揮官 勞動力 9 智商 0 星系攻防 1 攻擊力 2 防禦力 3 "The only sane survivor from a Craver raiding vessel that cracked open a Endless hulk, Idar's phenomenal skills in construction and development have made it rich. Demand is high for its services, in spite of the occasional PTSD-driven breakdown. Idar has become one of the leading experts in the galaxy on industrial development." 「在一艘蟲族突擊艦撞到一艘永恆族廢船而毀後,愛德是唯一一個頭腦清楚的生還者。他 在建築及土地開發上的異常才華使他致富。儘管有時創傷後壓力症候群會讓他崩潰,但大 家仍相當依賴他的服務。愛德成為了銀河系里工業發展方面的其中一個領導性的專家。」 Storm Libera 風暴萊貝拉 第二名稱:Thunder Libera 雷霆萊貝拉 指揮官/領航員 勞動力 0 智商 0 星系攻防 7 攻擊力 1 防禦力 7 "A Dust-enhanced Craver found drifting in a broken hulk, Libera showed an unusual capacity to work with other species. Its abilities made it very useful in warfare, especially in defense. However it appears to be driving itself to death, consciously or not, in an endless string of increasingly dangerous battles." 「萊貝拉是一個被星塵強化過的蟲族,在一艘飄流的廢船中被發現。他有不尋常的能力, 能與其他種族一起共事。他在戰爭中能有效運用這項能力,特別是在防禦上。然而,他似 乎是在一條由益發危險的戰鬥編織而成的永無盡頭的線上,有意或無意的讓自己投入死亡 的懷抱。」 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSO4 Ponders 硫酸銅.沉思者(Disharmony) 商人/探險家 勞動力 2 智商 7 星系攻防 2 攻擊力 2 防禦力 2 "Unlike many elements of the Harmony, who were completely disoriented by their contact with Dust, this one was intrigued rather than confused by the sudden onslaught of individuality and the need to generate productive work. A thinker and philosopher, it was eager to try out bizarre social constructs like having a 'name' and doing a 'job'. Now a scientist specializing in waves and particles, Ponders uses its instinctive and inductive thought process to feel the movement of galactic bodies and sense the shape of galactic matter." 「星塵會產生突然想要做出創造性事物的想法,這與調和者的本性相悖,而大部分的調和 者會因為這種瞬間的衝擊而完全迷航,但這傢伙反而迷上了這種影響。他是個思想家及哲 學家,渴望能嘗試一些奇怪的社會結構,像是有個『名字』和找份『工作』。現在沉思者 是個精通波動及粒子的科學家,他使用他天生的歸納性思維來感受銀河系的移動及銀河物 質的形狀。」 ====================================== 排版排的好累 請大家多多指正,感謝 -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節 --
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