[情報] SK將不出席TECHLABS總決賽

看板 Steam
作者 AsakuRacing (艾薩克)
時間 2012-03-17 12:35:48
留言 2則留言 (1推 0噓 1→)

表演賽今晚九點 http://www.hltv.org/match/2032840-natus-vincere-moscow-five-techlabs-cup-2012 轉播: http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=286&streamid=33 http://www.hltv.org/news/8316-sk-skip-techlabs-final-against-navi SK Gaming have announced that they will not be flying to Moscow this weekend to play the TECHLABS Cup final against Natus Vincere. >SK宣布他們這週末將不會飛去莫斯科參加與Na'Vi在TECHLABS的總決賽 In the news no reason behind the cancellation was given, just underlining the fact that the team will not be going. >新聞沒有提到任何原因 While there will be no final, the organizers arranged a show match between Natus Vincere and Moscow Five on Sunday, so people showing up at the MEGA shopping center will still have a match to watch. >主辦單位還是找來了M5與Na'Vi進行表演賽 根據樓下推文以及GRT在blog的發言看來是trace的簽證問題 由於丹麥大使館跟瑞典申請簽證所需日期不同 隊伍沒注意到這一點 當隊伍從德國飛回家時 trace的簽證已經來不及了 -- 我願化身石橋, 受那五百年風吹,五百年日曬,五百年雨淋, 只求妳從橋上走過。 但是請妳穿迷你裙 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1331958978.A.290.html

ohya74921:似乎是簽證的問題?? 03/17 12:48

kerbala:請問有stream轉播嗎@@ 03/17 16:31
