Re: [討論] 如果舉辦TF2的比賽,請各位一同討論一ꠠ…

看板 Steam
作者 QuakeRz (呵呵呵~)
時間 2008-03-07 01:19:27
留言 3則留言 (1推 0噓 2→)

找到幾個比較重要的規則 The class restrictions are now as follows: 職業限制 2 Soldiers 2 Snipers 2 Scouts 2 Pyros 1 Medic 1 Heavy 1 Spy 1 Demoman 1 Engineer 24.20 Medic Boosting It is ILLEGAL for a Medic to boost a teammate using the syringe gun. If a team is found using this exploit, any rounds in which it occured will be overturned. 禁止使用醫生的針筒槍(?)射擊隊友讓他加速 >2FORT< 一個半場20mins, 共兩個半場,總計40mins,分數高的贏 >WELL< Play to 3 points or 30 minutes and switch sides. First team to 4 points wins the match or highest score after 60 minutes. Overtime - Restart config and play one round. The team that wins the round, wins the overtime. 也是分上下半場,一個半場打三個得分(意思有點像cs裡的3rounds)或30mins, 總共是搶四就對了。 延長賽的話,就打一個回合,誰得分就誰贏嘍。 >cp_granary< Play to 3 points or 30 minutes and switch sides. First team to 4 points wins the match or the highest score after 60 minutes. Overtime - Restart config and play one round. The team that wins the round. 嗯...跟well一樣 =====噴漆部份====== The use of custom sprays, while frowned upon, may be used so long as they are not: Sprays that replicate models Sprays that replicate map features or textures Sprays that display pornography Sprays that are deemed unsportsmanlike The use of the above sprays will be considered a violation of the rules and will and will result in a loss, and a member warning, and possible termination. 不能噴「人物模組」、「地圖的特色(例如公事包、機槍台)」、「色色的圖 >///<」 「不符合運動家精神(例如:肉腳、Loser、峱種等等)」 =====人物模組====== 5.20 Models / Skins ALL members MUST use default models. If a member is found using ANY NON-STANDARD models during an event match, it will be considered a violation of the rules and will result in a loss and termination from the event. This includes ALL skins as well. 要用預設的,不能用自己抓的。 =====地圖貼圖====== 5.30 Sprites ALL members MUST use default sprites. If a player is found using ANY NON-STANDARD sprite during an event match, it will be considered a violation of the rules and will result in a loss and termination from the event. 要用預設的。 -- 極限電子競技團隊 內無正妹 -- ◆ From:
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Siu:有噴美女圖來背刺駐足觀看的人這招喔... 03/07 01:32

hipponi:CEVO TGL ETF2L 目前看到有這些Cup lol 03/07 08:31

QuakeRz:美女圖要先經過主辦方審核,夠美才能噴 xD 03/07 16:20
