Marin Software徵Sr. Data Engineer 1.5M~2M/Y

看板 Soft_Job
作者 Phoesir (Phoesir)
時間 2022-06-09 16:26:18
留言 3則留言 (1推 1噓 1→)

公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): Marin Software 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): Room 05/06, Level 29 Chonghing Finance Centre No.288 Nanjing Road (West) Huang ’pu District Shanghai 200003 職缺: Senior Data Engineer 職缺能力經歷要求: Marin Software is looking for experienced and passionate Senior Big Data Engin eers to develop sophisticated enterprise data products based on Spark to manag e multi-billion dollar digital advertising portfolios. In this position you will be joining our Shanghai-based Big Data Engineering t eams and collaborate with other teams based in London and San Francisco. Responsibilities ● Own OLAP-related microservices and Spark jobs, and support full life-cy cle from design, development, to production support. ● Implement Data Pipelines using Java/Scala and Apache Spark. ● Write production quality code and release every 2-4 weeks. ● Take ownership of code, think long-term to pursue simplicity, efficienc y, reliability and performance; and avoid piling up technical debts. ● Practice Test-Driven-Development seriously. ● Collaborate with global engineering teams to deliver software. ● Contribute on architectural and design issues, and suggest better alter natives. ● Mentor junior engineers and provide technical guidance; proactively eng age in design and code review for other team members. ● Take lead on architectural and design issues, and keep an eye out for a better way of doing things. Requirements ● 5+ years of progressive software development experience. ● 2+ years of Spark 2.x development experience. ● Solid programming skills with Java and Scala. ● Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills. ● Possess large system coding and debugging skills. ● Insistence on writing unit tests and testable code. ● Excellent understanding of Spark. ● Ability to communicate effectively in English (written and verbal). ● Solid understanding of Distributed Messaging System architecture and A pache Kafka. ● Extensive experience with tuning and debugging Spark jobs. Nice to have ● Proven data analysis skills with Jupyter Notebook. ● Experience with Google Ads API. ● Familiar with Presto and MySQL. ● Understanding and experience with Kafka and Akka. ● Hands-on skills with scripting languages such as Python or Bash. 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否,公司提供Macbook 薪資: 年薪150萬~200萬新台幣,依面試結果最終定薪 ****以下工時與加班費必填,不填刪文水桶**** 工時: GMT+8 週一至週五 早上9點至下午6點,午休時間為12點至13點 加班費制度: 基本上不加班,若加班發生,加班費比照勞基法或是員工同意調休。 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 遠程辦公 工作福利:帶薪年假15天,帶薪病假8天 公司分紅與獎金:按照工作績效發放 公司介紹: Marin develops SaaS products to measure, optimize, and manage digital advertis ing campaigns across multiple channels and publishers. Marin Software is the l argest independent technology managing Google Ads campaigns today, with $6 Bil lion of annual ad spending and 4 billion keywords under management. We are als o a leading optimization and management tool for Facebook advertisers. This en ables Marin to provide high value-added cross-channel attribution, reporting, and budget allocation features. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: HR Joanna WeChat:Jnliu_na email:[email protected] --
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XJHYJia: 看完覺得唯一可以嫌棄的只有自己的能力 06/09 20:36

pig2014: 請問Joanna單身嗎? 06/09 21:17

iceman5566: 版主提醒 補上分類 不然也是照版規處分06/10 00:35
